Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(64)
There was a moment as he battled his own inner demons, and Shay abruptly understood the reason for the vast armory of weapons that Viper had hidden beneath his house. Whatever power he might now possess there would always be the knowledge that there were monsters lurking in the dark. He had surrounded himself with the sort of beautiful, lethal objects that were not only a collectors dream, but an unconscious sense of security.
With those gliding steps he was once again standing before her, his hand reaching out to trace the curve of her neck.
"I became strong, but like you the memories remain."
Shay didn't pull away from his cool touch. There was nothing to be read on his beautiful features, but she knew that he had endured horrors that would no doubt give anyone nightmares for centuries. Even more amazing he had managed to maintain a sense of honor and integrity that had kept him from becoming one of the animals that had tortured him. Still, she could not completely dismiss her petty envy. Not as long as she remained bound by her curse.
"You survived and now you are free."
His lips twisted at her words. "Never free, pet. There are... powers that even I must answer to."
Her brows lifted in surprise. "You're a clan chief. What powers could you possibly have to answer to?"
"They are forbidden to speak of,"
And that was that.
There was no mistaking his tone of voice. It warned her that she could, spend, the rest of eternity badgering him for an explanation and he would never yield. Which of course only made her all the more curious.
She grimaced. "Am I supposed to be comforted?"
Without warning a smile curved his lips. That sinful smile that always tugged at something deep within her, and made the hovering darkness a bit less dark.
"We will discover where Evor has been hidden, Shay." His hand shifted to the back of her neck, his fingers lightly brushing up and down her sensitive nape. "And then we will break the curse once and for all."
Her mouth went dry and her toes began to curl in her shoes. It was insanity. A few moments before and she had been sunk in despair. A despair that had felt so thick and heavy she wasn't sure she would ever be rid of it. Now her entire body was tingling and her heart nearly leaping from her chest. It didn't seem possible that a mere touch could so utterly alter her emotions.
Licking her suddenly dry lips she gazed into his beautiful face. "Do you truly believe that?"
The disturbing fingers continued a path down her arching spine. "I would not have said it if I did not believe."
Shay struggled to breathe. "You know, if we do break the curse I will no longer be your slave?"
His smile widened as he shifted to scoop her into his arms. Without missing a beat, he turned and moved toward the bed.
"I do not need an amulet to make a woman my slave," he assured her.
Shay rolled her eyes. "Your arrogance is nothing short of stunning, vampire. If you were half as good as you think—"
Her brave words were cut short as she found herself being tossed onto the mattress and Viper's hard form covering her with obvious intent.
Taking swift advantage Viper lowered his head to nuzzle at her neck.
"You were saying, pet?" he murmured with a hint of amusement.
She shivered as his tongue ran a path to the hollow of her shoulder.
"You aren't playing fair," she accused even as her hands lifted to tug the clip from his hair and plunge her fingers into the silver satin.
His chuckle brushed over her skin as he shifted to tug the sweatshirt over her head. Her bra swiftly followed.
"I'm a vampire. I only play to win."
There was no doubt a perfectly reasonable moral objection to his claim, but as his mouth found the tip of her breast Shay couldn't begin to think that clearly. Instead she moaned and held his head even closer while the pleasure rushed through her in a searing wave.
"What is it you intend to win?" she breathed.
He drew back to stab her with a smoldering gaze. "I have already won precisely what I desired. Now it is a matter of pleasing my prize to the point she never wishes to leave my side."
Shay swallowed a moan. "I'm not sure if you please me any more that I'll survive."
His gaze lowered to sweep over her exposed br**sts. "I have every faith in your ability to survive, pet. It is one thing we have in common." His thumb brushed her tightened nipple. "Of course it's not the only thing."
Her eyes rolled back in her head as he lowered his head to kiss her with a raw yearning that clenched at her stomach. They most certainly had this in common, she acknowledged as she felt his fingers fumble with the snap on her jeans. Whatever it was... lust, passion, or some darker obsession, it had her in its grip.
She wasn't certain she would ever have enough of this vampire.
Tugging impatiently at his shirt, Shay lifted her hips so he could slip the jeans from her legs. With their lips still locked together she ran her hands over his bare chest, reveling in the feel of his silken skin.
It was so smooth, so perfect.
She needed more.
Viper had explored every inch of her. Touched every curve, stroked and tasted her from head to toe.
It was surely her turn?
Not giving herself time to debate the wisdom of necking with a vampire she had locked her leg around Viper's and with a sharp push had him flat on his back. In the same motion she rolled on top of him, straddling his waist as she straightened to regard him with a fierce hunger.
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)