Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(59)

She couldn't help but return his smile. Despite being a vampire there was something very beguiling about the man.

"It's beautiful."

"I'll tell Abby you approve. She is quite adamant that the only means of enjoying nature is to have it properly civilized behind glass." His smile widened. "Of course, she's also determined to civilize me as well, but with much less success."

"Civilize you?"

"It has been claimed that I am too much a warrior and not enough of a poet."

Shay could believe that. He looked like a wicked pirate with his long black hair and golden hoop earrings. But she was not so easily fooled.

"You forget, I've seen your library. If anything you're a scholar."

He gave a lift of his hands. "Good God, don't let that get around. I far prefer the image of a warrior."

She couldn't help but laugh. "My lips are sealed."

Moving forward he leaned against the edge of the marble fountain. At a glance he appeared utterly relaxed, but she didn't miss the sharp, piercing curiosity in the silver eyes.

"You know, I never did thank you for your assistance in helping me to rescue Abby," he said.

"It was fairly self-serving." She didn't bother to hide her shiver. "No one wanted Edra dead more than I did."

"You didn't have to take a spell blast meant for Viper."

Well, hell, wasn't that the truth?

She rolled her eyes. "Believe me, I've regretted that impulsive decision more than once."

His soft chuckle was nearly tangible. Shay had to wonder if vampires practiced their affect on women or if it was just a power that came with the fangs.

"No doubt." He tilted his head to one side, abruptly shifting the conversation. "Is there any reason you're out here alone?"

"Just catching my breath."

"Perfectly understandable. Shalotts have always preferred to be the hunter rather than the hunted. It's not pleasant being on the run from dangerous enemies."

Her hands closed in her lap as the familiar dread clenched at her stomach. "No, it's not."

His expression softened. "At least you are not alone. For all his arrogance, there are few I would rather have standing at my side than Viper."

Was that why he had sought her out? To convince her that Viper was some sort of knight in shining armor?

"If you do not mind, I would rather not discuss Viper."

He regarded her for a long moment. "Is he troubling you?"

With a short, humorless laugh she rose to her feet and paced away from the looming vampire.


"Do you wish me to speak with him?"

"No." She abruptly spun about, her hands pressed to her stomach. "I mean ... crap, I have no idea what I mean."

He was wise enough not to laugh at her bumbling stupidity. "I don't think you are the only one, my dear," he said gently. "I have known Viper for a considerable length of time, and to be honest I have never seen him so ... unhinged by a woman. He has a reputation for being aloof even in his most intimate relationships."

"Aloof?" She made a rude sound. "I have never encountered a more meddlesome, pushy, invasive vampire."

"As I said, he is not at all himself." He gave a lift of his shoulders. "I don't know whether to congratulate you or offer my condolences."

Funny, that made two of them.

She gave a shake of her head. "I just don't understand him."

"He does enjoy shrouding himself in mystery."

"Why did he buy me? He doesn't want a slave. He doesn't want to sell my blood. He hasn't even tasted of it." She heaved an exasperated sigh. "What does he want?"

"Does he have to want something?"

She sent him a pointed glance. "He's a vampire."

"True enough." Dante slowly straightened, his hands on his hips. "I suppose the simple answer is that he doesn't know himself why he bought you."

"He's over a thousand years old not sixteen, how can he not know why he bought me?"

He shrugged. "Sometimes living so long tends to make us... a bit self-absorbed."

"You think?" she said.

His lips twitched but his expression remained serious. "Even within our own clans we are solitary creatures. There are many vampires that exclude themselves entirely and go decades without contact with others."

"So you are hermits?"

"Of a sort. The world passes while we remain unchanging. It's a natural tendency to withdraw into ourselves until something, or someone, tempts us from our shells."

She grimaced. She hadn't done a thing to lure Viper from his shell. At least not intentionally.

"You do not entirely withdraw." A faint edge entered her voice. She was all too aware that vampires were not harmless hermits. Not by a long shot. "You must still hunt."

"No longer. We have synthetic blood that most prefer to the dangers of the hunt."

"What dangers?" she scoffed. "You're immortal."

The handsome features seemed to close upon themselves, as if he had revealed more than he had intended.

"There are ways to kill us. Why risk a wooden stake through the heart when you can have your meal served from the microwave?" he demanded, his tone almost too casual.

Alexandra Ivy's Books