Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(55)
"A cowbell? Hardly the fashion statement I was looking for" He smiled as his hand smoothed over the rich fabric of his robe. "What are you doing?"
"I... I was getting a glass of water."
"In the library?"
"I always read before I go to bed. Not that it's any of your business."
"Liar." He stepped even closer, his fingers brushing down her bare arms. "You were trying to open the box."
He felt the fine shiver that raced through her body even as she mustered a dark glare.
"Shouldn't you be in your coffin?"
"An excellent point, my dear. I most certainty should be in my coffin, just as you should be in your bed."
With a movement too swift for her to avoid, Viper had Shay scooped off her feet and cradled close to his chest. Turning on his heel he headed toward the door, ignoring her struggles as he left the library.
"Viper." She hit him hard enough that if he had been human it might have broken a rib. As it was it merely brought a small smile to his lips. She growled deep in her throat. "Damn you, put me down."
He gave a click of his tongue. "Really, such language from a lady, pet."
"I'm not a lady, I'm a demon."
Viper moved swiftly through the silent house, anxious to be behind locked doors.
"And a beautiful demon you are," he murmured, turning down the hall and entering one of the numerous vampire-secure rooms that Dante had had the foresight to construct in the mansion.
Crossing the thick white carpeting that nicely contrasted with the black and silver decor he dropped his delicious burden in the center of the vast bed.
"There. Are you satisfied?"
Sprawled on the black silk sheets she struggled to sit up. "No."
"Ah." A smile curved his lips as he smoothly lowered himself to cover her body with his own. "Are you satisfied now?"
Her skin glowed with a bronzed perfection and her wide eyes glittered with pure gold in the flickering candlelight. Viper stilled in wonderment. He had never seen anything so beautiful in his entire existence.
She was perfect. A vision from his dreams that he could not quite believe was real.
Keeping her firmly trapped beneath him, Viper reached for the offensive braid and began to loosen the silken curls. He wanted to see her hair spread across the pillows. More than that he wanted to have that satin curtain tangled about them as they made hot, sweaty love.
No doubt sensing the sudden heat in the air, she regarded him with wary eyes.
"What are you doing?"
His fingers never hesitated as he tugged her hair loose. "I did warn you that I would punish you if I caught you attempting to open the box."
"I was only looking at it."
He flashed a smile. "I have something far more interesting for you to look at."
As expected a lovely blush stained her cheeks. "Says you," she muttered.
He lifted a strand of hair to deeply inhale her delicate scent. "You seemed to find me interesting enough a few hours ago."
"I was traumatized by my battle with the Lu. I wasn't thinking clearly."
Viper skimmed her lips in a light kiss.
"And now?"
He chuckled softly. "Are you traumatized now?"
The golden eyes darkened with unmistakable desire. "I must be."
"Why? Because you want me?"
Any hope of retreat was lost as Viper cupped her face in his hands and lowered his head.
Hell, any hope of retreat was lost the moment he had first laid eyes on the Shalott.
"Moonlight silk." he murmured as he caught her lower lip between his teeth. "It is no wonder I am bewitched."
"Bewitched?" Her lips moved against his as she spoke. "I thought you didn't like magic?"
He gently outlined her mouth with his tongue. "I like this magic. I like it very, very much."
Her hands lifted as if she would push him away and Viper stifled a curse. Dammit all. It didn't take a thousand years of experience to know that she wanted him. Truly and utterly wanted him. He could feel her desire like a tangible force in the air.
Why the hell did she continue to fight him?
He prepared himself for her rejection, but astonishingly her hands hesitated and then ever so slowly, slipped beneath his robe to smooth over the tense muscles of his chest. If he had a beating heart it would have halted beating.
The touch was light, hesitant. But it was enough to send a jolt of sizzling need through his body.
"Yes," he whispered as he captured her mouth in a kiss that was no longer teasing.
Drinking deeply of her sweetness he at least possessed the sense not to nick her with his fangs. He was consumed enough with physical lust. He wasn't certain what would happen if bloodlust was tossed into the mix.
He might self-combust on the spot.
Impatiently tugging of his robe, Viper tangled his fingers in the silk of her hair and pressed hungry kisses over the line of her cheek. He wanted to feel the heat of her warming his skin. To wrap himself in her smoldering life.
He nipped at the lobe of her ear, murmuring soft endearments in an ancient Slavic tongue as he shifted to tug at the hem of her gown.
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)