Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(50)

"As you wish."

Styx ignored the flamboyant bow the imp offered as he turned on his heel and left the chamber. Soon enough Damocles would be thrown from the estate or killed by his own hands. Either way he would no longer be able to spread his poison.

For now, nothing mattered but confronting Viper and somehow convincing him to give up his slave.

Waiting until he was certain that the vampire had left the cavern Damocles gave a soft laugh and moved toward the deep shadows behind the pool. With a wave of his hand the rock abruptly shimmered to reveal a hidden opening.

Damocles slid inside and carefully navigated the narrow stairs that had been chiseled into the ground. His nose wrinkled at the foul smells that filled the air. The smells of unwashed flesh and excrement.

Holding a prisoner was always a messy business.

Still, it did have its rewards.

Coming to a halt at the bottom step he regarded the pudgy troll who hunkered in the corner and glared at him with hatred in his beady red eyes.

"Well, Evor, I see that your imprisonment has not impaired your appetite," Damocles murmured as he pointedly glanced toward the numerous bones that had been stripped clean and tossed over the ground.

The filthy troll gave a rattle of the heavy chains that held him to the wall.

"What else is there to do in this pigsty?"

Damocles gave a low laugh. "Is that any way to speak of your lovely chambers?"

"Bugger off."

"Tsk, tsk. Such language."

The red eyes narrowed with a low cunning. "What do you want of me? Money? Slaves?"

"Nothing so valuable." With a lift of his hand Damocles patted his golden curls. "All I need from you, dear Evor, is your life."

Chapter Thirteen

Viper didn't bother to hide his impatience. Pacing from one vast end of the foyer to the other he kept his gaze trained on the elegant marble staircase.

It wasn't that he was worried for Shay's safety. The devil knew there were few places more secure than at the side of the Phoenix. What demon would risk daring the wrath of a goddess?

No, his impatience was much more personal.

It had been less than an hour and he already felt anxious that she was not at his side. That he couldn't reach out and touch her.

It was a bad sign. A very bad sign for a vampire who had never given a woman a second thought unless she was under the protection of his clan.

Unfortunately, he couldn't seem to find it in his unbeating heart to care that he was in waters far deeper than he had ever tread before.

No doubt another bad sign.

His acute hearing picked up the sound of footsteps long before Dante, Abby, and at last Shay, came into view. Striding forward he allowed the others to pass but, as Shay reached the bottom step, he reached out to pluck her off her feet and planted a thorough kiss upon her startled lips.

Pulling back she regarded him with wide eyes. "Viper."

He ignored her wriggles as he kept her firmly pressed to his chest. "What?"

"We're hardly alone," she hissed.

Brushing his cheek against hers, he savored the scented heat that clouded his senses.

"That could be arranged if you're interested," he whispered against her ear.

"No," she muttered in an outraged breath, but Viper didn't miss the sudden hardening of her ni**les.

Hard to miss that.

Nice. Very nice.

"Are you certain?" He tightened his arms about her. "I could show you just how much I missed you."

"You were only gone an hour."

"What can I say? You have bewitched me."

She gave a furtive glance over her shoulder, a hint of pink staining her cheeks.

"Speaking of bewitchment, I think your companion is feeling neglected."

With reluctance Viper lowered Shay to her feet and gave a negligent shrug.

"Natasha has never been my lover."

"Does she want to be?"

He smiled at her tart tone. "She has indicated that she would not be opposed to sharing my bed. Are you jealous?"

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" She folded her arms over her chest, her eyes flashing. "Two women fighting over you?"

"I've never had a taste for angry women, but I would like very much to think you are jealous that another woman wants to be my lover."

She bit her bottom lip as if realizing she had given away far more than she intended to.

"Why is she here?"

Viper allowed his attention to stray toward the door. The young witch was pretty enough with her long black hair and pale skin, but she couldn't hold a candle to Shay's stunning beauty. Something Natasha seemed well aware of as a petulant pout settled on her narrow face.

"She promises that she can cast a spell on your marking to help us discover who put it there."

"You're kidding?"

Viper gave a small shrug. "It's worth a try. Come, I think Natasha should explain."

He led the reluctant Shay toward the waiting witch, hiding a smile as the two shared a mutual glare of dislike.

"Let me see the mark," Natasha demanded.

The always stubborn Shalott narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Why?"';


Viper touched her arm and she heaved a sigh.

"Fine." Turning about she pulled down the neckline of her sweatshirt to reveal the brand. "Here."

Alexandra Ivy's Books