Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(48)
"Thank you," she said as a wide, genuine smile curved her lips.
Abby gave a startled blink, stepping back to regard Shay with an oddly bemused expression.
"Good God, no wonder Viper looks as if he has been struck by lightning," she breathed.
"You're gorgeous, but then you already know that."
Shay blinked. "You're being ridiculous."
"Have you looked in a mirror? If I weren't already mated, I would be jealous as hell."
Wondering if Abby was teasing her, or if she were simply attempting to be kind, Shay gave a restless shake of her head.
"I'm half demon."
"And Viper and Dante are full demon. Are you going to tell me you don't think they're beautiful?"
Well, hell. That was a loaded question.
Not only would a female have to be deranged not to think the two vampires were all sorts of yummy goodness, but this woman was married to one of them.
Shay had never had many friends, but she did know that it was bad form to imply that there was something less than perfect in their mate.
"Dante is very handsome," she conceded.
Abby gave a lift of her brows. "And Viper?"
"He's a pain in the ass."
"At times," Abby readily agreed. Her head tilted to the side.
"You know I was furious when I discovered that he had bought you from that horrid slave trader. I couldn't believe that he would do such a thing after you had saved his life."
Well, thank freaking God.
At least someone understood her outrage.
"Trust me, neither could I."
"But now, I must admit, I begin to wonder if his intentions were entirely selfish."
"Well, he most certainly didn't do it out of the kindness of his heart," Shay felt compelled to point out.
"Perhaps not entirely. He is after all a vampire." She gave a chuckle. "But, I do think that you intrigued him enough that he felt compelled to seek you out."
Shay gave an unconscious shiver. She agreed that she had intrigued Viper. Just not for the reasons a woman wanted to intrigue a man.
"I'm the last Shalott. Vampires have been hunting us since the beginning of time."
"That might be true, but you don't look like you've been too harshly abused."
Shay could have lied and pointed out that as a demon she healed with remarkable speed, but it would have been grossly unfair.
Viper had treated her with a tenderness that was as unnerving as it was unexpected. And even if she couldn't entirely trust that he wouldn't abruptly become the monster she dreaded, she had no reason for complaints.
"He has made... certain promises," she admitted.
What the ah meant Shay was never destined to discover as the door to the library was pushed open and a tall, raven-haired vampire entered the room.
"Sorry to intrude, my love, but Viper has returned," Dante murmured with an apologetic smile.
Shay stiffened, her stomach clenching with dread. To have returned so swiftly could only mean he couldn't dig up any information of value.
Dante glanced toward his wife. "He has brought with him a witch."
It was Abby's turn to stiffen. "He brought a witch to this house?"
Dante lifted his hands in a helpless motion. "He swears she is here to help Shay find the truth of her curse."
There was a tense moment before Abby turned to regard Shay with, a searching gaze.
"Do you wish to meet with her?"
Shay licked her dry lips. She better than anyone understood Abby's distaste for witches. Nothing like a near-death experience to bring people together.
Still, she had to trust that Viper knew what he was doing.
"I suppose I should"
As if sensing the effort the words had taken, Abby gave her hands a gentle squeeze.
"Don't worry. We'll be with you."
Chapter Twelve
Styx was waiting in the lower caverns when Damocles strolled in through the darkness and moved toward the scrying pool.
As always Styx felt a surge of disgust for the flamboyant imp. Despite the bare rock and muddy floor the fool was attired in a rich, velvet robe that was heavily embroidered with golden thread. Even his hair was carefully arranged and threaded with those ridiculous leaves that filled the air with an annoying sound of bells. But it was more than his frivolous clothes and mocking manner that made Styx grit his teeth. The demon had brought nothing but misery and grief in his wake.
Had he been wise he would have turned the imp away the moment he had appeared. How could they possibly trust a demon who had once been a faithful servant to a vampire the Ravens had been forced to kill?
Unfortunately he had been blind to the danger until too late. Now he was forced to clean up the unfortunate mess as best he was able.
Waiting until the imp was nearly upon him Styx slid silently from the shadows to block his path.
"So you have failed again, imp," he said in cold tones. "We do not have the Shalott, and even the pathetic troll eluded your grasp."
Coming to a halt the imp performed an elaborate bow before rising to regard Styx with a lift of his brows.
"Failed? Such a harsh word. Especially for a poor man who has just lost his most treasured pet." His hands swept down the black velvet of his gown. "Can you not see that I am in mourning?"
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)