Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(46)

His arms lashed about her and he bent his head down to steal a fierce, hungry kiss.

A kiss that made her head spin before he pulled back with a sigh.

"Unfortunately you are right." He gently placed her back to her feet. "We must make our plans."

Shay wobbled, but she didn't fall down.

It was something.

"We?" she demanded.

"Whether you like it or not, pet, you still belong to me."

She stiffened before common sense warned her that his provoking words had been deliberate. He wanted to distract her.

The question was why.

"You can't seriously intend to keep me around?" she demanded. "You were almost killed. Why would you want near when it's bound to endanger your life?"

He shrugged. "It's a break from the monotony. I haven't ha anyone try to kill me for a very long time."

It sounded remarkably like Levet's lame excuse. Her eyes narrowed.

"I don't believe you. Why don't you break the amulet and be free of me?"

His features hardened. "Because you belong to me and I take care of what is mine."

Belonged to him? Ugh. "That's not reassuring."

His fingers brushed her cheek. "It should be."

She took a hasty step backward. Dammit, he knew she couldn't think when he was touching her.

"You said something about a plan?" she demanded, accepting that he was going to remain like a thorn in her side no matter how stupid or dangerous it was to be around her.


"It is obvious we cannot simply hide," he murmured, leaning against the counter to look cool and perfect. "We must decide how best to keep you safe."

"The Lu said that we must look to my curse." Shay furrowed her brow. "What did he mean?"

"I haven't the least notion. What do you know of your curse?"


"You must know something."

Shay shrugged. "I was very young and I only have vague memories of being in a dark cave and a sharp pain in my shoulder."

"Your shoulder?"

Shay paused before she heaved a sigh and tugged at the neckline of the comfortable sweatshirt she had discovered in her closet. Turning around she revealed the brand that marred the skin of her shoulder blade.

She was prepared for the feel of his finger lightly tracing the perfect circle that enclosed the intricate, strangely drawn symbols. She had studied the brand a thousand times over the years. She knew that in the overhead light it would possess a faint glow, and that it would have an odd translucent quality to it. As if it floated a breath above her skin rather than being a part of her body.

Ever so softly his fingers brushed her skin, as if fascinated by the odd mark.

"Were you alone when you were in the cave?"

Shay shivered. She had no true memory of the cave. Only bits and flashes that would enter her dreams and make her wake with a flare of panic.

"No, but it was too dark for me to see who else was there."

"The symbols are familiar," he murmured.

With a jolt of shock, she turned to regard him with wide eyes. "You recognize them?"

He shrugged, his expression brooding. "I can't read them, but they are witch runes."

"I have seen witch runes. Edra's coven didn't use anything like this."

"Edra was not an elemental witch. She used blood sacrifice for her power, not the earth."

Shay gave a shake of her head. His words made no sense. "Why would a witch curse me?"

"That's the question, isn't it? I think first we should find someone who can tell us precisely what is involved in this particular curse. That might give us a clue as to who cast it."

"Witches." She wrapped her arms about her waist. "Damn."

He smiled wryly. "I'm not overly fond of witches either, but I do know they are not all like Edra."

Shay grimaced. She had spent far too many years in the clutches of the crones not to be a little prejudiced. They had treated her like a feral animal to be leashed and punished upon their whim.

As far as she was concerned the only thing worse than witches was vampires.

"So you think we should seek out a coven?" she grudgingly demanded.

"First I wish to speak with someone I know. She may be able to give me the information I need."

"You will speak with her?" Shay narrowed her gaze. "While I'm cowering in some hole? I've told you that I will not be treated like a helpless idiot."

His lips twitched with the amusement he couldn't entirely hide. "Yes, yes, you are a warrior."

He was about to discover just how dangerous a warrior.

A poke in the eye, a fist to the nose, a knee to the groin.

Not necessarily in that order.

"Don't you dare patronize me," she hissed.

As if sensing he was nearing a painful blow, Viper reached out to lightly grasp her shoulders, his expression somber.

"Shay, for the moment we don't know who is after you, or who they might have called upon to assist them. I'm not about to take you into a coven where they could trap us both with one spell. This is not about running from the battle, but using our assets to our best advantage."

It sounded annoyingly sensible.

Alexandra Ivy's Books