Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(47)

Shay didn't want sensible. She wanted to charge in and find out the truth. Preferably with force. She most certainly didn't want to hide away and wait for someone else to solve her troubles.


"And if you are trapped?" she demanded.

"Then you can come and rescue me." he promised with a slow smile.

"You're so certain that I would?"

"If I am killed, you will be forced to return to Evor and whoever is holding him."

She hid the sudden chill that inched down her spine. "The Lu said that Evor was alive and well."

"Alive and well, but for how long?" he demanded.

This time she couldn't hide her horror. "Don't."

Without warning his arms were about her and she found herself hauled tightly to his chest. She should have protested, but it just felt so damned good to be held.

Even if it was Viper's arms around her.

"Shay... I will protect you," he whispered close to her ear. 'That I promise."

Leaning back she was about to say something.

Something that was quite thoroughly forgotten as he leaned forward to cover her lips in a kiss that melted her to her very toes.

The house in the elegant neighborhood north of Chicago was a testament to conspicuous consumption. Large enough to house a good size army, it was stuffed from basement to attic with rare works of art and priceless treasures.

Still, Shay was rather startled to discover that for all the echoing grandeur and lovely artifacts it managed to possess a sense of warmth.

Well, perhaps not so surprising, she acknowledged as she glanced at the woman walking at her side. There was something very down to earth and comforting about Abby. It was, more than her casual jeans and T-shirt, or her ready smile. There was a natural ease about her that managed to thaw even Shay's tension. Not at all what she would have suspected from the Phoenix, a bane of demons everywhere.

Thankfully oblivious to Shay's simmering amazement, Abby pushed open the door to the library and motioned Shay within.

"You should find something here that will tempt you," she murmured.

Shay stepped over the threshold and came to a stunned halt. When Abby had requested to know how she spent her time Shay had casually mentioned her love for books. Of course, Abby had instantly been on her feet to lead Shay to their library. She seemed oddly anxious to please her guest. Especially considering that Viper had so high-handedly dumped her onto the doorstep like a bit of unwanted trash.

"My God, it's beautiful," she breathed.

And it was.

The ceiling towered three stories above with a vast chandelier that cast a muted light on the hundreds and hundreds of leather-bound books. On each floor was a walkway to frame the endless shelves, and in the main room was a heavy walnut desk and matching leather wing chairs set beside a fireplace.

Abby chuckled at her unmistakable awe.

"Believe me, if Dante had his way the entire house would be overrun with books. It's only with grim determination that I keep most of them confined to this room."

Shay moved forward to better appreciate the scent of aged leather. Ah. It was a little bit of heaven.

"He must have been collecting these a very long time," she murmured.

"Over four hundred years." Abby stepped forward to open a small cabinet set into the shelves. "If you would prefer a magazine you can find them here."

Shay instinctively stepped from her companion. Almost as if she expected a blow. She had spent years being a slave. She didn't know how the hell to be a guest.

"Thank you."

Straightening Abby sent her a curious gaze. "Are you afraid of me because I'm the Phoenix? I promise you I won't hurt you."

Shay twisted her hands together, embarrassed that her discomfort was so obvious.

"I... Viper should not have forced me upon you."

"Forced you on me?" Stepping forward Abby took Shay's hands in her own. Her skin was warmer than a normal human's, as if the spirit she carried within her spilled out with a gentle aura. It was the only indication that Abby was not quite normal, unless one counted the startling blue eyes that were the true mark of the Phoenix. With a smile, Abby gave her hands a small squeeze. "Surely Viper told you that I particularly sent Dante over to invite you to visit me? I have been longing to have you here."

Shay ducked her head in confusion. "Why?"

Thankfully, Abby seemed to understand. "As much as I adore Dante, I miss the companionship of another woman."

"You must have friends."

Abby heaved a faint sigh. "No, not really,"

Shay abruptly lifted her head, realizing her words had been utterly thoughtless.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't think about you being the Chalice..."

"It's not that, although it doesn't help to be considered a goddess by some." Abby smiled wryly. "To be brutally honest, I've never really had any friends."

"All humans have friends."

"Not all." Abby grimaced, as if recalling bad memories. Then, with an obvious effort the smile returned to her lips. "So, no more of this nonsense about being forced on me. I'm delighted to have you here."

The last of Shay's anxiety melted beneath her kindness. It was simply impossible to be self-conscious and awkward with this woman.

Alexandra Ivy's Books