Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(54)

Viper approached with understandable caution, his gaze trained on the skeleton. "If this is the witch, she's been dead for a considerable length of time."

Shay licked her dry lips, edging forward to get a better look at the gruesome pile. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of the knife that remained caught between two rib bones.



She glanced up as Viper bent next to her in the center of the circle. "It was Evor."

His face showed surprise. "Are you certain?"

"He has a blade that matches this one exactly. I would recognize it anywhere."

Reaching out he grasped the knife and pulled it free. "That would explain how he managed to take command of your curse."

Her stomach cramped as she thought of the hideous little troll who had made her life a misery. She certainly wouldn't put cold-blooded murder past Evor. It was practically a hobby with him. But she still had far too many questions unanswered.

"It makes no sense."


She gave a restless shrug. "When I was young the mark on my back was just a nuisance. I didn't even know it was a curse until Evor used the binding to force me to him. If the witch was the one who placed the curse on me why didn't she ever allow me to sense the bond?" She pointed toward the bones. "And why didn't I die when she did?"

Viper absently studied the dagger in his hand. "The only explanation would be that Evor managed to force the witch to hand over the curse before he killed her. As to why she never used the mark... I do not know."

"Crap." Shay heaved a sigh. "Now what?"

He rose to his feet and glanced about the cramped cellar.

"Dawn is approaching. Unless I am to be trapped here, I must return to Dante's. We can return tomorrow night if you wish."

She grimaced as she began to rise to her feet. She paused as her gaze caught sight of a small box nearly hidden beneath the skeleton.

"What's that?"

"Shay . . ." Viper barked as she reached out to dig the box free.

"I know, I know, don't be stupid," she muttered.

"Touching things that we know once belonged to a witch would come under the category of stupid. There might very well be a trap awaiting an unwary touch."

She flashed him an exasperated glance. "We can't leave it behind. It might have something inside it that will help us."

"Fine." Reaching down he hauled her to her feet, his expression set in hard lines. "But if you try to open that before we're certain it's safe I'll..."

She narrowed her gaze. "You'll what?"

His expression remained grim but there was a definite hint of amusement deep in his eyes.

"When I conceive of something hideous enough I'll let you know."

Chapter Fourteen

Viper had been expecting the soft footsteps that crept by his door. He smiled as he slipped on his heavy robe and pulled his hair back with a gold clip. They had returned to Dante's a little over two hours before, but he didn't for a moment expect Shay to meekly crawl into bed and go to sleep.

That would be entirely too sensible.

And while Shay was many wonderful things, sensible was not among them.

Giving her plenty of time to achieve her goal, Viper silently slipped from his room and made his way to the library. He had no fear of encountering anyone else. Dante and Abby were comfortably tucked in their marriage bed, while Levet—who had been sent for earlier—had turned to stone with the crack of dawn. He and Shay were for all intents and purposes alone in the sprawling mansion.

A knowledge that made his blood stir with an excitement that was as dangerous as it was potent.

Entering the library he watched as Shay picked up the witch's box and studied it with a frown. His entire body clenched at the sight of her dressed in nothing more than a thin gown that revealed the slender length of her legs, and hinted nicely at the curves beneath the silk. It was a pity her beautiful hair was in its familiar braid, but on the upside it exposed the vulnerable curve of her neck.

His fangs lengthened and his body hardened.


A part of him knew he should return to his chambers. She had stirred his hunger to a fever pitch only a few hours before and his control was dubious at best. A larger part of him, however, knew there was no way in hell he was walking away. They had unfinished business that he had every intention of finishing.

To both their satisfaction.

Moving until he stood directly behind Shay he trailed a finger down the line of her neck.

"Running away, pet?"

There was a sharp squeal as Shay dropped the box back on the desk and whirled to confront him.

"Shit." She gave a sharp tug on her braid as an unmistakable blush crawled beneath her skin. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

He allowed his gaze to sweep over the deep plunge of herneckline. "How would you like me to sneak up on you?"

"Don't sneak at all."

"I didn't realize I was doing so. Should I stomp my feet before approaching you?"

She flashed a sour frown as she folded her arms over her chest. Clearly she didn't appreciate getting caught snooping where she didn't belong.

"You could tie a cowbell around your neck."'

Alexandra Ivy's Books