Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(58)
Deep inside her she knew that if he walked out that door now his pride would keep him from ever opening himself to her again.
She slipped from the bed and hurried until she was standing directly in front of him. "Wait, Viper."
"What now?" He stabbed her with a cold glare. "You've already mangled my pride, and my manhood, is there something else you wish to destroy?"
Her lips twitched in spite of herself. She had never seen a vampire in a huff before. And Viper was in a full-blown huff.
"I doubt anyone could mangle your pride, vampire." She reached up to boldly grasp the lapels of his robe, deliberately arching her naked body against him. "God knows you have enough to share with most of Chicago."
He stiffened, his gaze regarding her warily. "And my manhood?" he demanded.
She slowly smiled as she rubbed against him. "It feels in adequate condition."
There was a moment as he battled between his offended pride, and the desire that she could already feel stirring against her.
The jut of his erection pressed heavily against her stomach. "Perhaps more than adequate."
He gave a shake of his head as his arms wrapped about her, his hands instinctively lowering to cup her bare bottom.
"Are you attempting to drive me mad? Is that my punishment for having been foolish enough to purchase you from Evor?"
She grimaced as she gazed into his beautiful features. She could tell him that she would try to be a little less of a pain in the ass. But it would be a lie. He was still a vampire. And she was still his slave. And there was still someone, or something, out there who intended to have her blood. Being a pain was almost inevitable.
"I'm not very good at this." she admitted.
He gave a lift of his brow. "Good at what?"
"Is that what we have?" he demanded. "A relationship?"
Barely aware of what she was doing her hands slipped beneath the heavy robe to stroke over the lines of his chest. She loved his skin. She had never felt anything so smooth. Like cool silk beneath her fingers.
"You're the expert, you tell me."
"You keep that up and I won't be telling you anything, I'll be showing you," he rasped, his eyes dark and his fangs extended.
She shivered with anticipation. She had no idea what sort of relationship she might or might not have with Viper. In truth, she would rather ignore the word relationship altogether. It always made her break out in a rash. But she was beginning to accept that having a lover wasn't such a bad thing. She breathed deeply of his exotic scent.
"I have always preferred action to talk," she murmured.
"You are—" He broke off with a rueful chuckle.
"I have yet to decide." He reached down to brush his lips over her brow. "I only know that I should have my head examined for ever showing up at the auction house. You are destined to be a thorn in my side for all of eternity."
Her hands began to trail in a determined path downward when he gave a low groan and abruptly cupped her hips to lift her off the ground. Shay's heart lodged in her throat as her legs instinctively wrapped about his waist.
"You did say you preferred action," he murmured as he positioned her above his erection and thrust inside with one smooth motion.
Shay's head tilted backward as pleasure speared through her body.
"Yes... oh, yes."
Chapter Fifteen
Shay woke alone.
Well, not entirely alone.
There was a breakfast tray left on the bedside table, complete with an omelet, bacon, toast, hash browns, a carafe of orange juice, and an entire apple pie. There were also delicate ivory rose petals sprinkled over the sheets to fill the room with their musky scent.
More than a little unnerved by her night of passion in Viper's arms Shay managed to consume every bite on the tray. Then, after jumping in the shower, she attired herself in a pair of comfortable jeans and sweatshirt before losing herself in the vast maze of the mansion.
It wasn't that she was regretting her time with Viper.
Holy moly.
There wasn't a woman, demon, imp, or fairy who would regret being in his arms.
Still, she wasn't sure she was prepared to confront him so soon.
She found it far too difficult to think clearly when he was near. An embarrassing realization, but true. And now seemed a good time to be thinking clearly.
At last stumbling across a small, but lovely solarium she settled herself on a padded bench and breathed in the scent of rich earth and fresh flowers. There was something very peaceful about nature, she decided. A reminder that there was something far more vast and powerful than her and her troubles.
Allowing the silence to ease the tension that knotted her muscles Shay leaned her head against the cushions of her seat and heaved a deep sigh.
It was the sudden chill in the air that warned her that she was no longer alone. And that the intruder was a vampire. But not Viper, she acknowledged as she reluctantly straightened. Her heart wasn't leaping, her mouth hadn't gone dry, and her skin hadn't grown clammy. All symptoms of one very specific vampire.
Proving her instincts right Dante strolled around a large mound of daisies to offer her a charming smile.
"So you found the solarium."
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)