Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(60)

Shay might have pursued her suspicion that Dante was hiding something from her if she hadn't been caught up in the wounds that had never healed.

"I thought vampires enjoyed hunting their victims? The thrill of the kill, and all that."

Dante didn't miss the bitterness in her voice. "Viper told me your father was killed by a vampire. I'm sorry."

Her gaze dropped. "It was a long time ago."

"But never forgotten."

"No, never forgotten."

Without warning the toes of his biker boots came into her view and she lifted her head to discover Dante standing directly before her.

"Shay, Viper didn't kill your father."

She winced at his soft tone. "I know that."

"Do you?" He lightly touched her arm. "Do you truly?"

"Most of the time," she conceded.


"Dante." They both jumped at the sound of the black velvet voice that floated through the air. "For such an intelligent vampire you do like to live dangerously, don't you?"

Turning, Shay watched as Viper strolled in their direction. No, not strolled. Glided. Like a sleek panther sliding through, shadow. Her breath caught in her throat as he neared. He was beautiful, as always. Attired in black satin pants and black velvet coat that fell nearly to his knees, his silver hair and ivory skin nearly glowed in contrast. But it was the black eyes that captured and held her attention. There was a smoldering power in them that seemed to stir the very air.

"Ah, Viper." Standing at her side Dante folded his arms over his chest and smiled with a mysterious hint of smugness. "I thought you would put in your appearance sooner or later."

There was a smile on the elegant features, but as Viper halted before them Shay gave a small shiver. His fangs were showing.

Both literally and nonliterally.

"Obviously it should have been sooner," he drawled.

"Oh, I don't know. Shay and I have had no trouble entertaining one another without you," Dante assured him.

The dark eyes narrowed. "You are fortunate that you are mated, old friend."

Dante gave a sudden laugh. "Pull in your fangs, Viper, we were just speaking about you."

The fangs remained very much in evidence. "Actually, that is what I feared."

"Has Abby returned?"

"Yes, she is in the library with the latest witch. Perhaps you should join her."

"An excellent notion." Sending Shay a blatant wink, Dante slapped his friend on the back and disappeared into the shadows.

Ignoring the dark frown that marred Viper's brow as he watched Dante's retreat, Shay stepped in front of him with a frown of her own.

"Natasha is back?" she demanded.

Glancing down at her sour expression Viper's frown was suddenly replaced with a smile.

"No, Abby thought perhaps it would be best to keep Natasha away from you."


"She had muttered something about putting another curse on you when Dante was taking her home."

"Why would ... oh, I suppose she was jealous?" Shay grimaced, refusing to-acknowledge she was relieved the pushy tart hadn't returned. That would mean the witch wasn't the only one jealous, and that would just be ... stupid.

Moving close enough to make her heart leap into her throat Viper brushed a finger down the line of her jaw.

"There are some females who do not find me utterly offensive."

"You don't have to look so smug. She must have been sniffing too many potions."

The midnight eyes darkened with that dangerous awareness that sent a thrill of excitement whispering over her skin.

"If you doubt my charm, perhaps I could give you a demonstration."

"I think you've given me quite enough demonstrations."

"Never enough," he whispered as his head lowered.

Shay's heart halted as he brushed his lips back and forth over hers. It was the lightest of caresses, but it sent a shock of pleasure through her that nearly brought her to her knees.

Holy crap.

Surely any decent woman would be sated after a bout of marathon sex?

If that was true then she was obviously not a decent woman, she conceded, as her body instinctively arched to press against his hard form.

Viper only had to be near for her to melt with need.

Growling deep in his throat Viper kissed her with a swiftly mounting urgency. Shay cupped his face with her hands as she opened her lips to the press of his tongue. Not even the sharp prick of his fangs could dampen the flare of passion.

It felt so good to be in his arms.

So right.

So deliciously wonderful.

His arms lashed about her, nearly hauling her off her feet. Shay moaned. Pressed so close to him it was impossible to miss the hard thrust of his mounting desire. And even more impossible not to recall the memory of wrapping her legs about his waist as he thrust into her.

That's what she wanted. Right here. Right now.

And the force of that want was what at last shook her back to her senses. They were in the middle of a solarium where anyone could walk in on them. She hadn't lost all sense of decency.

Not yet.

Pulling back she struggled to find her voice. "Viper."

Denied her lips Viper contented himself with scattering kisses over her upturned face.

Alexandra Ivy's Books