Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(65)
"My turn," she rasped, as her fingers trailed over his chest to lightly brush his ni**les.
Viper's hands clutched at the black sheets beneath him as his body reacted to her touch.
"Your turn for what?" he breathed.
Electric excitement raced through her.
"My turn for this."
Bending downward she scattered kisses over his chest, giving each nipple a flick of her tongue before trailing a wet path down the center of his stomach to the waistband of his pants.
For a moment she nibbled and nipped at the clenched muscles of his stomach. Her tongue traced the swell and dip of his washboard perfection. She explored his belly button. The jut of his hip bone. She easily felt the hard thrust of his erection, but she refused to give in to his silent urging.
At last his hands reached up to clutch at her arms, his eyes as black as midnight as his fangs fully extended.
"For God's sake, pet, put me out of my misery."
A smug smile curved her lips as she slowly unfastened the button. She pulled down the zipper and tugged off his slacks. He growled low in his throat, his fingers digging into her flesh as she gently kissed him through the silk of his boxers.
She ignored his bruising grasp as she traced him with her tongue from top to bottom and then back again. He gave a muffled shout as his hips jerked upward.
Pulling back she allowed her gaze to fully appreciate the sight of his ivory beauty. Contrasted against the black sheets he might have been a statue carved from marble.
Except for the eyes. Those midnight eyes burned with a need that sent an answering jolt of yearning through her body.
With a breathless wonder she reached to pull the silky boxers; off his body. She had seen it all before, but she suspected that she would never truly become accustomed to such flawless beauty.
Dropping the boxers onto the floor Shay ran her hands slowly up the length of his legs, following the path with tiny kisses that brought wrenching groans from the man beneath her.
At last reaching his pelvis she reached to encircle his erection, exploring the hard length with fascination. Silk and steel. An erotic combination that made her lower stomach quiver with a building ache.
Kissing her way over his hip she at last pulled him between her lips, using her tongue to taste him as she had longed to do.
His hands clutched at her head, clearly torn between urging her to continue her caresses and halting her before he reached that unstoppable peak.
With a last lingering lick Shay moved her way back up his body, nibbling over his stomach and then his chest before at last finding his mouth with her own.
His hands smoothed down her back, grasping the satin of her panties and ripping them off her with one impatient tug. With that same impatient haste, he parted her thighs and rubbed himself along her wetness.
He turned his head to bury his face in her neck.
"I can't wait, pet," he groaned as he positioned the tip of himself at her entrance. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, just do it," Shay gasped, her body already wet and ready for his thrust.
Clutching her thighs he plunged himself inside her, halting only when he was buried as deep as he could go.
"Yes ... God, yes," Viper rasped.
He remained still a breathless moment as they both absorbed the sheer bliss of being so intimately joined. Surely there was nothing that could compare to such intense pleasure? Nothing that could bind two people closer together?
Opening her eyes Shay met the dark, glittering gaze as Viper began to move gently inside her.
Something seemed to shift within her as she fell into the dark heat of his eyes.
Something vast and terrifying and wondrous.
Something that might have sent her running from the room if his movements hadn't become more demanding and her rising climax hadn't wiped her mind of everything but reaching for that shimmering, golden bliss.
Viper paced the library with a frustration he made no attempt to conceal. It had been a week since he and Shay had arrived at Dante's house. A glorious week, of course. How could it not be when he had devoted the vast majority of his nights to pleasing and being pleased by the woman who had become such an essential part of his life?
And it had not just been sex. Which was bloody well fabulous, if he did say so himself. But having her near, hearing her voice, feeling her light touch when they sat on the bed. They were moments that he oddly savored.
Still, for all his delight in exploring the woman who had whirled into his life like a Tasmanian devil, he had never forgotten for a moment that the danger lurked just out of sight. There was something or someone out there who intended to take Shay from him. To use her for their own purpose. He would go to hell and back before he would let that happen.
Spinning on his heel Viper regarded Santiago with a smoldering impatience. The vampire was his best lieutenant. Intelligent, courageous, loyal beyond measure, and, most of all, capable of powerful compulsion over humans and lesser demons.
If there was information to be learned, Santiago would discover it.
"I'm sorry, master." Santiago's dark face was expressionless but there was no missing the hint of tension in his broad shoulders. Like any good servant, he could easily sense his master annoyance. "I can find no talk on the streets of the Shalotts"
Viper swallowed his low growl. "You can't have searched everywhere. There must be someone who knows who is hunting a Shalott."
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)