Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(66)

Santiago gave a lift of his hands. "Most refuse to believe she is anything more than a myth. Very few Shalott have walked this world for centuries."

"Shay is no myth."

"No, but her presence has never been sensed, even among the most powerful of demons."

"Of course not, the curse masked her presence."

"Even from those who might have been able to assist us." The vampire shrugged. "There are no whispers, no rumors that I can find, nothing that speaks of the Shalott. Not even those familiar with Evor were aware he possessed her."

Viper clenched his hands, forcing back the surge of anger. Dammit. He never lost his temper. Never. "Continue with your search."

"Of course, master."

"And do not limit yourself to Chicago. The truth is out there. We must find it."

"As you wish."

With a bow, the vampire turned and silently retreated from the library. Viper watched him leave before turning to slam his fist onto the wooden desk.

There was a faint stir of air before he felt Dante's hand settle on his shoulder.

"Easy, Viper, we will get to the bottom of this mystery."

"Whoever it is that holds Evor is out there plotting to capture her. I can't just wait for another attack. Not when we can't be sure we can defeat whatever it is they send next."

"I understand your frustration, but we're doing all that we can."

Viper slowly turned to face his friend. "Your contacts have turned up nothing?"

Dante stepped back with a shrug. "I fear not."


With restless motions Viper resumed his pacing. He didn't want to be in this library. He didn't want to be fretting over some mysterious danger that he couldn't feel or touch or battle. He wanted to be down in his rooms where he knew Shay would be rising from their bed. He wanted to be holding her in his arms and pretending that nothing could harm them.

Unfortunately, his every instinct warned him that they were running out of time. If he didn't manage to discover who was hunting Shay, then the hunter would find them. He couldn't allow them to be trapped again.

"You do know you're courting danger, old friend, do you not?" Dante drawled from behind.

Viper halted, his expression far from friendly as he regarded his companion.

"You expect me to toss Shay aside because she brings danger with her?"

"I meant that Shay is the danger."


"No, I will have my say." The younger vampire insisted, his arms folded over his chest. "I have known you for centuries and you have never shown such an interest in a female before."

"I must beg to disagree. I have shown inordinate interest in females. Quite often interest in dozens of them at a time."

"You've had lovers not companions," Dante corrected. "You have never allowed one in your life as you have this one."

Viper narrowed his gaze. He didn't like the direction this conversation was taking. Perhaps he even feared it.

"What are you implying?" he grudgingly demanded.

Dante had the balls to smile. "I'm not implying anything, Viper. I'm warning you flat out that you are showing every symptom of a vampire who has discovered his true mate."

There. He knew he wasn't going to like it, and he didn't. Why the hell did friends always believe they could bring up subjects a wise vampire would never broach? He turned to grasp one of the endless shelves, his entire body stiff with annoyance.

"My relationship with Shay is none of your concern."

"If you feel like throwing something, I wish you would choose that hideous vase on the desk. The books are irreplaceable."

Viper glared over his shoulder. "You're not amusing, Dante."

"Surely I'm a little amusing?" he teased.

Viper was pondering the pleasure of tossing at least one of the irreplaceable books when the door to the library was abruptly flung open and Levet scrambled in with his wings flapping.

"Sacrebleu, there you are," he breathed as he regarded Viper with his usual expression of disgust.

Viper held up a restraining hand. His temper was being held by a thread. A thread the gargoyle was certain to snap.

"Not now, Levet, I do not possess the patience to endure your griping at the moment."

Levet managed to look shocked. "Griping? Moi? Why—"

"Out." Viper pointed at the door. "Get out now."

"Non." Levet bravely, or stupidly, held his ground. "Can you not feel the air?"


"Hold, Viper." Dante stepped forward, his head tilted back as he spread his powers outward. "He's right."

In the distance there was the sudden sound of an alarm ringing and Viper felt his entire body clench in dread.

"Shit. Levet get Shay and bring her here."

"No." Dante halted them both with a commanding tone. "Take her to the escape tunnels in the basement."

Levet slid a glance toward Viper who gave a sharp nod. "Go."

The gargoyle rushed from the room and Dante moved to stand directly before Viper.

"You go as well."

Viper frowned. "I can't leave you here—"

Alexandra Ivy's Books