Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(67)
"You must protect Shay." Dante offered a wry smile. "Besides, as much as I admire your strength and courage I have my own protection."
Viper was momentarily puzzled until a prickling heat slowly began to fill the air. Abby had sensed the danger and already her power was crawling through the house.
"The Chalice," he said.
"Exactly. We'll be fine." Dante gave him a firm shove. "Now go."
Moving toward the door Viper paused to toss his friend a final glance.
"Thank you, Dante. You've done more than I can ever repay."
Dante shrugged. "Actually I was in your debt, so now we can say we're even."
The pale, handsome face became uncommonly somber. "Viper, take care, and if you have need..."
"You will be the first I call," Viper promised before slipping through the door and heading for his chambers. There were a few dozen weapons he intended to grab before joining Shay in the basement.
Chapter Seventeen
The bathroom connected to Viper's rooms was straight out of a fantasy.
A vast expanse of black and gold it boasted a shower large enough to facilitate a small army, a glass cabinet that heated the fluffy towels, and a line of lighted vanities that were of little use to vampires. It was the tub, however, that enchanted Shay. Sunken into the marble floor, it was perfectly curved to soak in its scented waters for hours at a time. A rare luxury for a slave who had more often than not been forced to scrub herself clean with what little water was passed through the bars of her cell.
She found it the perfect way to begin an evening.
Well, perhaps not the most perfect way to begin the evening.
A sudden flush stained her cheeks as she pulled on the jeans and sweatshirt that she had borrowed from Abby.
She promised herself that when she had crawled from the bed exhausted and content from Viper's body that she wouldn't lay in the tub and wallow in the memories of his touch. As pleasurable a pastime as it might be, it was disgustingly mushy. Like she was an acne-plagued adolescent mooning over her latest sweetie.
It was enough to make a sensible, mature woman gag.
Brushing out her long hair, she neatly pulled it back in its usual braid and returned to the bedroom. She knew that Abby would be waiting for her in the solarium with a breakfast tray.They would chat and laugh and moan over the numerous faults of vampires. It was a routine that Shay cherished deep in her heart.
Abby was not only kind and generous, but she offered an unconditional friendship that had slowly started to fill an emptiness that Shay had carried with her for far too long.
A friend.
Something so simple, but so precious.
Slipping on her running shoes Shay moved toward the door. Not usually a dangerous task, but this evening she was barely allowed to touch the knob when she was knocked backward as Levet thrust through the door.
"Shay," he panted, his gray skin more pale than usual.
"Good God, Levet, have you never heard of knocking?" she demanded as she lifted herself upright.
"Viper sent me to fetch you."
"Fetch me?" Her brows drew together in warning. It sounded far too much like calling a dog. "Why didn't he come himself?"
"He's waiting for us. We have to go now."
Shay regarded her companion with a growing sense of alarm. Something was wrong. Very wrong.
"What's happened, Levet?"
"There are demons approaching. Enough demons to make me squirm." Levet gave a shudder. "We have to get out of here."
She lost any urge to argue as she allowed Levet to lead her from the room and down the hallway.
"Where are we going?"
"Dante has tunnels built beneath the estate."
Shay recalled fee tunnels that Viper had constructed beneath his own house. It seemed to be a theme.
"Of course he does."
Using his wings to give him speed Levet never turned his head. "Vampires have never been known for being stupid, Shay. Or careless."
"No, I suppose not," she readily agreed.
Reaching the stairs she hesitated as Levet headed downward. From above she could feel the faint tingle of power being wielded. An oddly familiar power.
"Mon Dieu. Not that way," the gargoyle gasped.
"The demons?"
Levet grimaced. "Worse ... the Phoenix."
"Ah." Shay had a vivid image of being trapped in a cellar with Abby as she had transformed into the Phoenix. She had managed to scorch the evil witch trying to kill them into a tiny bit of cinder. She didn't really want an encore performance. Especially since the goddess's powers weren't always particular about which demon was going to get fried. "That would explain the heat."
"Yes. Come on."
"I'm coming." Taking the narrow flight of stairs that led to the lower basement Shay halted on the last step. She was going to hurt herself if she continued to stumble forward. "Damn, it's dark. Is there a light switch?"
"We have no need for something so mundane. Not when I possess magic." Levet halted and began to mutter beneath his bream.
"Levet, no—"
Shay's plea came a moment too late as there was a sudden explosion that sent them both tumbling to the ground.
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)