Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(68)
"Light, I said light," Levet muttered as they struggled to their feet and brushed off the ash that had filled the air.
"I appreciate the effort, Levet, but maybe we should stick with the more traditional methods," she muttered.
"Fine." Levet threw up his hands as he disappeared into the thick shadows. "But when those demons are about to ... how do you say ... make you lunch, do not come crying to me for some powerful spell to rescue you."
Shay couldn't help but smile despite the disturbing imagery. "I'll keep that in mind."
Shay and Levet were awaiting Viper when he reached the lower basement. A flare of relief raced through him. He had expected to have to go in search of Shay. Hell, he had expected to have to carry her down here kicking and screaming. For such an intelligent woman she could be stunningly stubborn. It would be just like her to flat out refuse to flee regardless of the danger.
Moving directly toward the back wall Viper adjusted the sword strapped to his back and set aside the heavy bag of weapons before he pulled off the vent that concealed the entrance to the tunnel. It was there just as Dante promised and he waved his hand toward the two that hovered in the shadows.
"This way," he whispered, motioning for Levet to go first.
He entered behind the gargoyle and held his hand out toward Shay who hesitated at the opening.
She bit her bottom lip as she regarded him with wide eyes. "I know, I know ... we have to go."
For a moment his temper threatened to flare. Damn, they couldn't afford to linger. Certainly not out of some ridiculous misplaced sense of bravado. Then he peered into her pale features and he realized that her reluctance had nothing to do with bluster or pride. The witches had obviously made a habit of locking her in small, dark places. Not to mention Evor and his dungeons. Who could blame her for being a bit squirrelly at the thought of entering the cramped tunnel?
"I'm here, Shay, and I'm not going anywhere without you." He shifted enough to take her hand. Her fingers were as cold as his. "You won't ever be alone in the dark again."
"Maybe that's what I'm scared of," she tossed back, although she couldn't hide the strain in her voice.
"Trust me."
Viper watched in silence as her gaze dropped to their clasped hands and she struggled to swallow.
He grimly ignored the way his entire body vibrated with the need to sweep her off her feet and haul her to safety. Damn, the very air pulsed with the approaching danger. Still, he knew that this was not the moment to press Shay. He needed her faith in him. He needed it if they were both to survive. And just as importantly he needed it for himself.
Could she ever truly offer her trust to anyone?
Could she offer it to a vampire?
At last her fingers tightened on his and she stepped into the tunnel. Inside a flare of triumph raced through him, but Viper was wise enough to keep his expression carefully neutral as he pulled her down the tunnel. He wouldn't give her any excuse to balk now.
Keeping her close at his side Viper reached out with his senses. He could feel the faint prickle that warned there was something other than humans nearby. Unfortunately, he couldn't determine precisely what that something other was. They were still too far away for him to pick up their scent, and he had never possessed Dante's keen ability to determine different species just by their power. Still he knew enough to realize they didn't want to meet up with whatever was chasing them. Not until he could ensure Shay was safe and he had nothing to concentrate on but killing. When he didn't have distractions he was very, very good at it.
The tunnel led them well away from the house, but as they reached the end Viper held back his companions as he cautiously stepped into the chilled night breeze. For a moment it seemed they might actually manage to slip away unnoted. A stroke of fortune that seemed too good to be true.
It was, of course.
Viper stiffened as the familiar stench of hellhounds reached him.
Devil's balls.
The hounds were more an annoyance than a danger. They couldn't kill a vampire, or even a Shalott, but they would remain on their scent no matter how far or fast they ran. If they were going to escape, he needed to keep them off his trail.
"Levet," he called softly.
"Come here." There was a long pause before the gargoyle at last climbed out of the tunnel to stand beside him. Viper put a hand on his shoulder. "There are hellhounds near. We're going to need a distraction."
"A distraction?" Levet looked wary. Smart demon. "What sort of distraction?"
Levet struggled against Viper's grip. "Oh no, do not dare think I will battle those horrid beasts. They smell worse than hell itself."
"You are the only one of us that can fly."
Pulling two amulets out of his bag he placed them about; the gargoyle's neck. They carried the scent of both him andShay. Hopefully enough of a scent to distract the hellhounds long enough for them to escape.
"You listen to me, vampire, I am not some—"
"Sorry, I don't have time to argue," Viper apologized as he gave a heave and launched the gargoyle into the air.
The tiny demon glared down and offered a finger that wasn't precisely a compliment.
"You'll pay for this, vampire," he vowed as he turned and flapped off into the night.
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)