If Ever(60)

Dominic's stance softens. "You have nothing to be sorry for. You've given this competition everything you have. I couldn't ask for more."

She swallows down her emotion and raises her chin. "I don't want to quit. I want to win."

A tiny smile lifts the edge of his mouth.

"You better have something phenomenal planned, because we're coming for 'em."

He nods. "Hug it out?" He opens his arms and she walks into them, leaving me more jealous than I'd like to admit.

An understanding passes between the two, and I know everything will be all right. I move to the door and catch her eye.

"Wait!" She runs across the room, takes my hand, and leads me into the corridor, shutting the studio door behind her.

She grabs my coat and drags me forward, pressing her lips to mine, demanding and hungry, as if she needs this connection to get her through the night. Finally, we part, her eyes delicious pools of desire.

"You better get in there before they come looking for you," I say, wishing I could steal her away.

"And you better get to work."

"I'm late. Look at what you've done to me. I'm never late. Ever."

"You saying I'm a bad influence?"

"Very bad."

One last quick kiss and I head out, not looking back because I can't trust myself.

I wake up Friday morning, after a desperately needed full night's sleep, and find Chelsea's sent me a link to CNN. I follow it to breaking news that a plane slid off a JFK runway shutting down two main runways. The barely reopened airport has been forced to cancel half its flights, including hers. She ends her text with emojis of fireworks, smiley faces, and hearts.

Propping an extra pillow under my head, I call her. She answers on the first ring. "You just can't get rid of me." Her voice is light with excitement.

"Kind of like mold in the basement." I tease, but I'm pumped she's still here. "I don't suppose Dominic's decided to give you the day off."

"Hardly, but he gave me time to buy some clothes that don't smell like a men's locker room."

I can't imagine Chelsea smelling anything but perfect. "Does that mean no more Hot Stuff across your bum."

"That's my first goal, to find something plain and boring."

"Darn, I liked how those letters hugged your, uh, assets. Any chance I can steal you for lunch or dinner? Maybe a quick coffee or a quick snogging in the back hall when Dominic isn't looking?"

She giggles, the sound is music to my ears. "I'll try to sneak away at some point. What's your day like?"

"It's Friday, so other than an early meeting and a run, my day is flexible."

"I'd think your show was workout enough."

"It's the start of a four-show weekend. That's four shows in forty-eight hours. If I don't stay strong and in shape, I'll never get through it."

"Sounds exhausting, now that you put it that way."

It can be. But I refuse to let it hold me back. "Give me a call when you get a break. I'll be standing by."

Three hours later, still no word from Chelsea. Central Park is postcard perfection. Now that the storm has passed, snow glistens under clear sunny skies. I breathe in the fresh air. The early snow is a novelty bringing out a surprising amount of people for a weekday.

I spend my five-mile run thinking of Chelsea’s sweet smile, her infectious laugh, and especially those moments when her vulnerable side shows through. While she opened up about her past when I asked, it's obvious she keeps a carefully protected wall around her. And that's okay. If I have my way, we'll have plenty of time to take that down.

My phone rings interrupting my ruminations. I slow to a walk. It's my agent. "Hey, Sean. What's up?"

"I thought we had a meeting."

I stop short. "Aw, shit! Was that today?" Other runners speed past. I step off the jogging path.

"It's not like you to miss a meeting. I've got the script for the new musical you've been waiting on."

"Sorry. With the, uh, blizzard I've been distracted." I check the time. "I can head over to you now."

"I've got to head out in five minutes, so we'll have to reschedule. I did want to check in about some auditions I'm working on, but I wasn't sure how many you can handle right now."

"I'm wide open." Except all the time I plan to be talking and skyping with Chelsea.

"You're ready for this next step?"

My heart glitches. It's a huge change, but the timing is right. "I think I have to be." I relax on a bench to catch my breath.

"I agree. And your appearance on Celebrity Dance Off was media gold. Primetime on a hit network show—what a sweet piece of luck that was."

I grin. "You have no idea."

"I've got to run, but I'll messenger over the script. Rest up because I'll start lining up auditions. You're going to be a busy man, but if luck holds, I think you can land something great that'll take you to the next level."

"Thanks, Sean. I'm ready."

Nearby a woman is helping her kids build a snowman, something I haven't done in years. I slip on my gloves and make a snowball. It takes a couple tries, but I'm able to catch a shot of it mid air with my phone and send the picture to Chelsea.

Angie Stanton's Books