If Ever(58)

Chelsea groans, and I wish there was more I could do to help. After eating our fill, Dominic is off talking to someone in the main office. Chelsea rolls on the floor next to me. Her body cooled down, she leans into my side, greedy for warmth.

I lace my fingers through hers and smile, lifting her hand for a quick kiss

"Is this a new bruise or an old one?" I examine her shapely arm, lightly tracing my finger over the purple mark.

"That one's old, but the one right here, is brand new."

My eyes and fingers graze over her soft skin, checking her for further damage, raising goose bumps as I go. I frown and make tsk sounds every time I find another. "It's a good thing this competition is almost over, because you look like you've gone ten rounds with Ali."

"Dancing with Dominic is a combat sport."

"I heard that!" Dominic appears. "Time to get back to work. Want to show Tom what we've got?"

Chelsea climbs to her feet, and I scoot out of the way to watch. "Don't be too critical, I'm still learning, and as you saw, we haven't worked out the lifts yet."

I lean against the wall, my forearms resting on my knees. Dominic hits play and they begin. Chelsea’s natural ability shows through. Then she's up over his head in a lift, grabs for his other hand and fumbles, then goes down hard on her back.

I'm next to her in an instant. "Are you okay?" I ask, my hand on her bare shoulder.

She groans. "Maybe we better change that lift."

"Or maybe we need to slow down and work on it again when you aren't so tired," Dominic answers. "I'll get you an ice pack."

Chelsea pushes to a sitting position and I pull her into my arms and lean against the wall. She lies against my chest and rests her head in the crook of my neck, her silky hair tickling my skin. My arms wrap around her slim waist and settle on her stomach. It's as if I've known her all my life. I could hold her this way forever, and if I have my way, I will.

"Do you always fall this much?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I'm really not a dancer. I've just gotten good at faking it for a minute and a half."

I kiss her temple. "I hate to see you get hurt like this." She lays limp in my arms.

She speaks softly, "I'm used to pain. One way or another it always follows me."

I frown. Dominic returns and hands me an ice pack, since Chelsea's curled into my body with her eyes closed. He doesn't bat an eye at her closeness, which I appreciate.

"Where'd you land when you fell?" I ask shaking the ice pack.

"Here." She rubs her hand over her hip.

I gently lay it on her. She shivers. "That's cold."

"Hang on." I shift her, unzip and slip out of my hoodie. "How's this?" I spread it over her from shoulder to thigh like a blanket.

"Thanks." She snuggles back in like a drowsy pup.

Dominic sits on my other side with his phone and laptop in tow. He glances at Chelsea and laughs. "We've got a Skype visit with costume design in a few minutes."

"Can't we just reuse our old costumes? We've got enough of them," Chelsea mumbles.

"It's the finale, it's got to be spectacular."

She grunts. "You know what I like."

"So you're giving me the okay to decide?" He looks at her as if this is a dare.

"Um hmm." She rumbles and I feel her drifting close to sleep. My heart fills with contentment. I hold her a little closer and she sighs.

I turn to Dominic, who could easily toss me out at any time. "I hope I'm not messing up your schedule today. I know you have a lot to do."

"You're fine. It's the weather that's the problem. Look how docile she is with you around." He laughs at my sleeping angel. "And you brought dinner. Thanks for that."

Dominic logs into his computer and sets his notes on the floor next to him. While he's getting ready, I pull out my phone and snap a picture of Chelsea and I. She doesn't bat an eye. I send the picture to her phone for her to discover later.

Dominic's phone pings and he reads an email. "Looks like we're booked on a noon flight tomorrow. The snow is supposed to stop at some point tonight, so even if we're delayed, we should be able to get out of here."

"Considering all the setbacks, you're handling this well."

"You know what they say..." Dominic starts.

"The show must go on," I finish.

Dominic's computer lights up and his Skype goes live. "Hi, Mark, Kelly."

"Hey guys, sorry to hear you're snowed in, but congratulations on making the finals."

"Thanks, but I'm afraid Chelsea can't hear you. She's decided to check out of costume design, but do you remember Tom Oliver? He sang for us a couple weeks back and he'll be offering feedback on her behalf." Dominic snickers and turns the laptop so they can see Chelsea sleeping on my chest.

Mark and Kelly laugh. "Nice to see you again Tom."


Dominic turns the laptop back to face him.

"So what have you got in mind?" Mark asks.

"We've got the three numbers, the first is a rumba. I'd like something shorter to show off her intricate footwork and some sort of fringe or something that will catch the light when she spins."

Angie Stanton's Books