If Ever(55)

Tom and I talk in quiet tones, our legs brushing together, our eyes lingering on each other. Before we know it, the lounge has emptied, the music turned off, and the bartender is clinking bottles. Reluctantly we return to the lobby. "May I walk you up?"

I'm not about to say no. We take the elevator to the fifty-fourth floor and step inside my room. I toss my handbag and coat on the bed. When I reach to flip on more lights, Tom takes my hand and pulls me close, slipping his arms around my back.

"I hate always having to say goodbye to you," he murmurs.

I lean into his chest, so solid and warm. "We've barely had any time together."

He brushes a strand of hair from my cheek, and lowers his mouth, capturing mine in a tangy gin and tonic kiss. He weaves his fingers through my hair. This close, my senses are filled with his scent.

My hands reach inside his jacket and around to his back. His muscles move as his hands roam lower pressing gently at my hips, then cupping my behind and pulling me against him. I let him mold my body to his, reveling in his touch. His mouth ravishes mine in a hunger neither of us can possibly satisfy in one night.

Eventually he releases me. We’ve lost track of time again. His eyes are dark, intense. "I think I best toss myself out of here."

Inside my head I scream, no! But outwardly I’m silent.

He steps away.

"I'm going to miss you so much," I say breathlessly.

Tom caresses my cheek and smiles. "Safe travels, love." With one final kiss he turns and leaves me alone. I lean against the door aroused and frustrated. Should I have asked him to stay? Or would that have been too forward? I don't have enough experience to know how to handle these things. Better to follow his lead, which has me bewildered and turned on. And more than ever I want the show to end so I can spend more time with him, but if it weren't for Celebrity Dance Off, we never would have met.

I get ready for bed. Even scrubbed clean of all makeup, I'm glowing with joy. I pack up everything other than what I'll need in the morning, and set my alarm for only a few hours from now. At the window I open the drapes and the sheers to let in the city lights. Thick snow flies outside the window, blocking my view of the street below. I’m no expert, but it looks like it’s coming fast.

With my fingers crossed, I climb into bed and stare out the window at the fuzzy glow of lights behind the swirling snow, and desperately pray it’s a blizzard.

Dominic calls at 5 a.m. to say he and the hired car will be in front of the hotel in a few minutes. The snowfall has been heavy all night. So far our flight is still on time. We just have to get to the airport.

"Um, okay." It seems only a blink of time since I went to bed.

I wish I could stay to enjoy the snow, but instead I pull on jeans, a long sweater with a scarf, and my boots. I glance in the bathroom mirror at my groggy face and splash cold water on it, quick brush my teeth, and toss the rest of my toiletries into my suitcase.

Yawning, I ride the elevator to the lobby. I picture Tom asleep in his bed with the gray and black comforter and butter soft sheets. I drop my key at the front desk and find Dominic waiting in a black sedan curbside.

"Good morning." Dominic's wide awake but unshaven. He hands me a Starbucks cup.

"Morning," I mumble trying to hang on to sleep.

"Looks like someone has a hangover. How late were you and Tom up?”

I take a drink of coffee. "I'm not hung over. Okay, maybe a little. He threw himself out around 2:30."

"He did, or you did?" he asks, surprised.

"He did," I say, savoring those last moments together.

"I'm impressed."

The car pulls onto the street. It's a winter wonderland with snow coating the city like thick frosting. One lane has been plowed, but there's already a layer of snow coating it.

"Why's that?"

"I was worried he would try to get you in the sack first chance he got."

"You are so rude. If I weren't so tired I'd smack you." But inside I'm happy. "So it's good that he didn't try?"

"Very good. Unless, of course, this means he's gay."

I laugh. "He's not gay."

"What makes you so sure?"

A wide smile covers my face. "The way that man kisses me... there's no way in hell he's gay."

I close my eyes and lean my head back to catch a few more zzz's. Dominic on the other hand is rapidly tapping his foot as if that will help the driver make better time. After a minute of the staccato rhythm, without opening my eyes I grab his arm. "Please stop, or I'll hurt you."

It turns out that half of New York had the same idea to arrive at the airport early. The lines are long as hundreds of weary travelers try to get a jump on the storm. Tensions run high as we wait in the security line. But we get through with plenty of time and just as we arrive at our gate, our flight status changes from On time to Delayed. Everyone in the area groans.

"We might as well grab breakfast." Dominic steers me toward a restaurant with a view of the gate. After we order, Dominic's glued to the blizzard coverage on the tablet at our table.

"What happens if our flight is canceled?" I skim whipped cream off my hot chocolate and into my mouth.

"We take the next available flight."

Angie Stanton's Books