If Ever(57)

"Why aren't we at the hotel?"

Dominic ends his phone call and pays the driver. "Because we have a show to rehearse for." He gives me a fake cheery smile, but he's got to be dog-tired too.

"And where exactly are we?"

Dominic pushes his door open, and a bluster of snow whirls in as we climb out. "At the Gotta Dance Studio. It belongs to Nathan, one of the pros from a couple seasons ago. He's got an extra space where we can rehearse."

"Lucky us."

"We take the elevator up a couple floors and enter the studio. Photos of celebrity dancers line the wall and a shelf of awards lines the other. I trail after Dominic like a toddler, nodding and smiling to people as we pass.

Nathan gives us a rehearsal room with a lovely view of a brick office building. It's cold and bare and I'm hungry again.

Dominic makes himself at home, cueing up music on his laptop and spreading out his choreography notes on the windowsill. I dig through the lost and found boxes for something a little more suitable to practice in. I score a gray tank top and a pair of yoga pants with the words hot stuff on the rear end.

With a bracing breath we start on the next sequence of our dance. Dominic pauses a lot to rub his chin and rethink things. I'm on autopilot from hunger and exhaustion, not really taking in the meaning of this dance. At the moment it's just one more obligation before I'm free. His phone rings. It's a production call. I jump on the unexpected break and call Tom.

"How's it going?"

" Dominic is holding me hostage at the Gotta Dance Studio, rehearsing a number I don't understand because I'm too tired and hungry to think straight."

"I'm sure he knows what he's doing."

"Since when are you so buddy buddy with Dominic? He's a slave driver keeping us apart."

He laughs. "Only for a few more days."

"I suppose. What have you been up to?"

"I worked out earlier and my appointments for today got canceled, so right now I'm laid out on the couch watching a Mad Men marathon."

"That sounds heavenly."

"When do I get to see you?"

"I wish I knew. We haven't even finished the first number. Every few measures, he says, ‘insert cool lift,’ which makes me break out in a cold sweat. We still have a lot of work." I'm exhausted, and the thought of more hours of rehearsal makes me whimper.

"I'm sorry this is so painful, but it's your last chance to dance. And personally, I love watching you."

"Well, if you like it..."

"That a girl. A week from now it will all be over."

Dominic is finally off the phone. I dig in my bag and find a squished granola bar at the bottom to share with him. He takes that as a sign I'm ready to get back to work.

An hour later, we've been working on a sequence of lifts where I go from his shoulder, swing down his arm with my head barely missing the floor and land in the splits.

"Again," Dominic says.

My muscles are quivering from fatigue. "Why are we doing so many lifts and tricks?"

"Because once you learn what to do, you're really good at them," he says with a pointed look.

"I am?"

He shakes his head as if I already knew that. "Yes, now again."


When I open the door, Chelsea and Dominic are trying a lift. As she swings down, she can't sustain the hold and smacks her knee and elbow on the floor. She's sprawled out like a limp rag.

I wince. "I don't think that's going to get you any tens."

Chelsea lolls her head toward me and sees the large take away bag I'm holding. "Please tell me that's food," she groans.

"Your wish is my command." I leave my wet boots and coat at the door and set the bag in front of her.

"How's it going?" I ask Dominic as she tears opens the food. He looks exhausted.

"It could be better. It's tough not being in L.A., and this storm just adds more stress. At this rate we might have to take a train to make it in time."

"Trains have sleeper cars. I'm up for that! Oh my God, Tom. You brought stew, mac & cheese, spaghetti. You are the most gorgeous man on the planet."

"Really? All that for a bag of food." Her face is flush from exertion. She looks younger with a light dusting of freckles across her cheeks and also beat from lack of sleep.

She lifts out a salad. "Look Dominic. Rabbit food for you!"

He joins her. "Oh no. After today, I'll arm wrestle you for the pasta."

We sit in a circle and dive in to the take-out containers.

"Seriously, dude. You're a lifesaver." Dominic shovels in a mouthful of spaghetti. "I was afraid if I let her take too much of a break, I'd never get her back."

"I'm not that bad," Chelsea says.

Dominic cocks his head.

"Come on, it's been a long day. I mean, I'm wearing someone else's clothes. Plus, I don't even know where I'm sleeping tonight."

I flash my eyebrows at her, which Dominic catches and laughs. Chelsea blushes then looks away.

"We've got a new hotel just down the street. This way we can rehearse late and not have far to go."

Angie Stanton's Books