If Ever(63)

My muscles are like jelly, my feet are throbbing, and my stomach is grumbling for food. There was never enough time today to grab more than a banana or a yogurt. I sit against the wall. "I can't believe we're in the finals. I was hoping for two or three weeks tops. This is insane."

"It's awesome. You're the one who got us here."

I turn to him in disbelief. "Hardly. It's all you!"

"No. I can teach dance 24/7, but if I don't have someone with a huge heart, willing to put in the time, they'll never be any good. You're fearless, Chelsea. No matter what happened you refused to give up. Whether you were injured, or frustrated, or tired, you always give it your all."

"I didn't want to." I bemoan. Glancing at my friend, I can't believe how far we've come considering we could barely tolerate each other in the beginning.

He knocks his foot into mine. "Sure you did. When you set your mind to something, there's no stopping you."


New York City

"Oh my God, is this really Chelsea Barnes?" Her voice is a soothing balm after the withdrawals of not speaking to her for two and a half torturous days.

"I'm sorry. I haven't had time to think straight let alone find two minutes when we're both free at the same time. Thank you for the roses. They're stunning." Her voice turns wistful.

I step away from the crowded deli section and into the vitamin aisle where it's quieter. "Sorry I can't be there." Knowing she's alone without a personal cheering section is unfair. At least she has a huge fan base now, but it's not the same.

"Even if you were, I couldn't spend time with you. I swear this is the first moment of solitude I've had since we got back. Dominic ordered me to my trailer. I think he was afraid if I didn't get a break, I'd have a complete melt down."

"The finale starts in less than two hours. How are you doing?" Performing in front of millions of people is insane pressure, especially for someone not used to the business.

"Well, I don't feel the need to puke in a bucket if that's what you're asking."

I burst out laughing. Nearby shoppers give me the stink eye.

"There's not much more I can do that will make any difference. It'll turn out however it's supposed to, so I've decided to kick back and relax with you."

I picture Chelsea with her long legs and golden mane, stretched out on the sofa in her trailer. "I like that. What are you wearing?"

"A scandalous costume. Remind me never to fall asleep around you when wardrobe decisions are being made."

"Sounds like I'm going to love it."

"You better." She snorts. "So what are you doing on your day off?"

"At this exact moment, I'm scouring the shelves of Whole Foods, trying to figure out what to take to Paige's place. She's throwing a Celebrity Dance Off party."

"Seriously? Now I have to worry about your friends watching?"

I laugh. "What do you think viewers have been doing all season?"

"I try not to think about it."

I'm torn about watching the show at Paige's. Part of me wants to hide out at my place where there are no distractions and soak up every moment of airtime Chelsea gets. It's probably best not to get too worked up over the show. I'll watch it again when I get home.

"You're going to do great tonight. Just be your fabulous self. You know you can win this thing, right?"

"Hardly. Last week we tripped and stumbled through our dance."

"I'm serious. You're just as good as the other teams." Maybe she wasn't at the beginning, but now she's got confidence, great chemistry with her partner, and the talent to pull it off.

"This probably sounds bad, but I really don't care if I win."

I shake my head and hold my phone closer. "Did I hear you right?"

"I'm just so thankful I got to do this at all. I don't need to win. Shane and Eva want it way more."

"You are the most unusual girl." And I'm falling harder for her every minute.

"Look at all the amazing stuff I've been able to do. I learned to dance, I made some great friends, I got to live in L.A. for three months, and best of all I met a fabulous guy."

"Who is this mysterious guy? I might have to drag him out back and have a word with him."

"Very funny."

If only I could reach across the airwaves and hug her. She's the most easy to please, good hearted, lovable person I've ever met.

"I'll be in New York again in two days. Are you still okay with that?" she asks.

How does she not know the answer? "Chelsea, I can't wait to get you back here."


Los Angeles

We're in position waiting for our cue. I'm decked out in my sexy Tom-approved sparkling silver costume with a top hat and wearing the dreaded heels that I've finally gotten used to. Adrenaline pumps through my veins. The spotlights find us, the band begins, and our upbeat song pounds through the ballroom.

Dominic gives me a friendly wink. "Ready to rock this place?"

Angie Stanton's Books