The Dilemma(57)

‘You can open it later, when everyone has gone,’ I say, trying to rectify the situation. But it’s too late; above the clapping and cheering, a cry goes up, urging Adam to open the envelope. There are a few suggestions as to what it might be, including a subscription to Playboy magazine from Rob, and a season ticket for Manchester United from Nelson. Adam hides his dismay, smiles good-naturedly and gives me a kiss.

‘Thank you,’ he says.

He takes his time opening the envelope and I’m not sure whether it’s because he wants to keep everyone waiting or if it’s because he’s apprehensive about what it might contain. I’m not worried on that score. I know he’s going to love it.

‘Is it a parachute jump?’ someone asks.

‘A drive in a Ferrari, maybe?’ Mike says.

I watch Adam’s face as he draws out the photo of the Millau Viaduct.

‘Well, what is it?’ Rob asks impatiently.

Adam clears his throat. ‘I think my amazing wife is taking me to see something I’ve always dreamed of seeing,’ he says, and I breathe a sigh of relief. He holds up the photo. ‘The Millau Viaduct in the south of France.’

The significance is lost on most people so Nelson starts explaining.

‘There’s something else in the envelope,’ I tell Adam, because I want him to know the trip has already been booked, that we’re actually going, that it’s not one of those promises for a vague time in the future which never will materialise because other things will get in the way. With a questioning look, he takes out the wallet containing the tickets and then he just stands there, staring at it and my heart sinks, because there’s something on his face that tells me he doesn’t want to open it, that he’s afraid to, in case he sees something that he doesn’t want to see.

‘Come on, man, when are you going?’ Rob calls. ‘We want to know!’

Realising that he’s not behaving as he should, Adam gives a quick smile.

‘I’m trying to prolong the suspense!’ he says, but I can see that it cost him a lot to joke about it. And I want to turn around and scream at Rob to leave Adam alone, to tell everyone that the circus is over, because for some reason, this whole present thing has become too hard for Adam to deal with.

He opens the wallet and draws out the tickets. ‘Tuesday.’ Only I detect the waver in Adam’s voice. ‘Tuesday,’ he says again, his voice stronger this time. ‘We’re going on Tuesday!’

‘For how long?’

Adam takes his time doing the maths. ‘Four days! We’re coming back Saturday.’ And everyone begins cheering and whooping.

‘It is alright, isn’t it?’ I say to Adam, as the music comes back on and people begin to melt away.

He puts his arms around me. ‘It’s wonderful,’ he says, holding me tight.

‘Only I thought you seemed – not disappointed exactly but – I don’t know.’

‘It’s perfect,’ he says. ‘I was just amazed that you remembered how much I wanted to see the Millau Viaduct. I never expected you to give me anything. I was a bit overcome, to tell you the truth.’

I move back so that I can see his eyes. ‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes,’ he insists. ‘Thank you, I can’t wait to go.’

‘Wasn’t it lovely of Josh and Marnie to arrange the video?’

‘Yes, it was.’

‘I thought she was there for a minute – when I heard her say “I’m here, Mum!” You did too, didn’t you?’

‘Yes,’ he says. ‘I did.’

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rob chatting to a couple of my friends from work. It’s hard to put my resentment for him aside but looking at him objectively – something I’ve never really done before – I can see why women find him attractive. What I can’t understand is how Marnie fell for him when she knows how Adam feels about Rob. She’s often teased him that the reason he doesn’t really like Rob is because he’s better looking. She adores Adam – yet she’s gone headlong into a relationship that she must know will break his heart. What will happen if Adam refuses to accept Rob as Marnie’s boyfriend, which he almost certainly will?

Suddenly, I can’t bear to be near Adam, knowing what I know. I let go of his hand.

‘I’m going to see Jess,’ I say, although it’s not going to be any easier being with Jess than it is with Adam. ‘I’ll catch you later.’

I go over to where Jess is sitting, a faraway look in her eyes.

‘Jess, are you alright?’

Her eyes come into focus. ‘Yes, I’m fine. Cleo suddenly seems a bit down, though.’ She looks around. ‘Have you seen Rob?’

‘Yes, he’s over there. Do you want me to take you to him?’

‘If you don’t mind.’

‘Of course not.’

And taking her arm, I lead her over to where Rob is charming the pants off my work colleagues.


12 A.M. – 1 A.M.


I can’t even begin to describe the horror of the last hour. First the video of Marnie, then Livia giving me my present. When I pulled out the photo of the Millau Viaduct, it was so hard to look happy because all I could think was that the only place we’d be going was Cairo.

B.A. Paris's Books