Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(42)

Kellan set his guitar case on a kitchen counter, propping it open. I smiled at a picture of the two of us tucked away inside the lining. As he pulled out his most prized possession, aside from his car, Griffin walked up and smacked him on the back. “Yeah, I know what’s been…up.” Twisting to face me, Griffin’s eyes locked straight onto my hips. It was horrid, having him stare at me like that, knowing that in his mind…right now…we were having sex. With my hands, I hid as much of my body as I could; his smile widened.

Finally noticing that Griffin was mentally assaulting me, Kellan frowned and smacked him across the back of the head. “Don’t eye-f*ck my girlfriend, Griffin.”

Sniffing indignantly, Griffin shrugged. “What? A fella can’t daydream anymore?” Kellan rolled his eyes and walked away. Griffin turned 117

backed to me, sneering devilishly as he pointed to his head and whispered, “Later.”

I felt like taking a shower.

Quickly turning my back on Griffin, I walked over to where Rachel and Jenny had gathered. Forming a sort of band-wives club, we kneeled on the couch and leaned over the back to cheer on our men from the front row of our very private concert. Watching Kellan converse with Matt and Evan, while Griffin picked up Matt’s guitar and started rocking out like he was Slash, I sighed softly. I’d miss this when they were gone.

Rachel and Jenny both sighed right after me. Looking over at the two of them, I watched them watch their men, their loves. Jenny had been tearful when I’d met up with her after the announcement that the band was going on tour. She was excited for Evan to go, but she didn’t want to be apart from him, anymore than I wanted to be apart from Kellan. She didn’t seem worried at all about Evan straying, though. Her confidence in his faithfulness was inspiring. I wished I shared that confidence. That was something I’d had with Denny. A nearly unbreakable faith that he’d never, ever cheat on me. It was a comfort that had somehow slipped away from me once I’d cheated on him. Now, I sort of felt like anybody could do anything to anyone. It was a horrible feeling to have.

Rachel looked over at me, her deeply tanned skin looking a little pale

“I can’t believe they’re leaving Saturday.” She shook her head and shrugged. “Where did the time go?”

I sighed again, knowing I’d thought the exact same thing earlier. “I know…” I looked back to the guys. Kellan had slung his guitar across his chest and was nodding at Matt while Matt mimed guitar chords in the air. Evan watched the two, occasionally nodding. Griffin was tuning them all out, bowing to his imaginary crowd. Shaking my head, I muttered, “It seems like just yesterday that we watched them play Bumbershoot.”

Jenny sighed, sitting back on her heels. “Matt’s having a going away party at his place after their performance Friday night.” She sighed again, forlornly. “Their last performance.” 118

I swallowed as I looked over at her. Her eyes were just as glassy as mine felt. It was so hard to let people live their dreams, especially when those dreams took them thousands of miles away. Nodding, I leaned over and hugged Jenny. She hugged me back, sniffling a little. Rachel’s arms circled around the both of us and we had a moment of left-behind-girlfriend pity. It was interrupted by soft chuckling in front of us.

As we broke apart, we all looked up at Kellan, smirking as he looked down at us. “Group cuddling…and I wasn’t invited?” he asked, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Jenny and Rachel giggled and I smacked him in the stomach. Chuckling a little harder, he grabbed my hand and pulled me across the couch into his body. I squealed, but his lips came down to mine and I instantly stopped. Forgetting that everyone was around, I closed my eyes and tangled my fingers in his drying hair.

Losing myself in the moment, I moaned a little when his tongue brushed against mine. Nervous giggles met my ear, but I somehow didn’t care. I only snapped out of it when I heard someone shout, “Hey?

We playin’…or screwing the girls?”

Kellan and I separated and both looked over at Griffin grinning mischievously. Grabbing his pants, Griffin shook his head. “I’m cool either way, I just need to know which instrument to pull out.” Kellan frowned and stood up straight. I flushed bright red and laid my head down on the couch. Jenny and Rachel laughed, Jenny’s hand sympathetically patting my back. From above, I heard Griffin being hit hard.

Smiling, I peeked my head up in time to see Griffin flip Kellan off with one hand while massaging his arm with the other. Kellan stifled a smile as he took his spot behind his microphone. Locking gazes with me, he waited while Evan tapped out an intro.

Matt and Evan started the song perfectly, their instruments filling the space around us. The room vibrated with power and energy and I giggled, loving it. Kellan smiled, watching me enjoy what he also enjoyed. Griffin joined in a few beats later, Kellan joining the fray last. With all of their sounds mixing and surging perfectly, Kellan started to sing.


He was perfect. He elongated words and phrases effortlessly. He sucked in quick breaths suggestively. His voice was clear, strong, pitch-perfect…amazing. I could listen to him sing all day long. If I had an iPod with him on it, it would be on endless repeat. The song was a newer one that they were putting together. It was nearly ready, and Matt wanted to include it on the tour. Their first performance of it would be Friday night, as sort of a thank you to the diehard fans that had stuck with them from the very beginning.

S.C. Stephens's Books