Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(44)


Smiling, I leaned up to gently touch my lips to his. “Good morning.” We didn’t say anything more and I laid my head back down on his skin and held him for at least another hour. He held me as I tightly as I held him, occasionally kissing my hair. It was one of the most comforting experiences I’d ever had, and I knew a part of me would remember this morning forever, tucking it away to pull out on a later day, when I was missing him so much I physically ached.

After a fast eternity of bliss, it was time for me to get ready for school.

I grudgingly pulled away from Kellan, but he came with me, a playful smile on his face. That impish grin followed me into the bathroom, all the way into the shower. Trying not to be too distracted by the stream of water flowing down the lean muscles of his frame, I let him pamper and caress me. He lathered me with soap and affection, touching me everywhere but refraining from turning the moment into a sexual one. He only washed me and I in turn washed him. It was comforting, too.

Once we were finished, the water turning chilly on us, he wrapped himself in a towel and headed out to make us some coffee. I smiled at the low-slung cotton riding just over his backside, and quickly got myself dressed so I could rejoin that half-naked body.

Dressed for my day in jeans and a few layered tshirts, I opened my door at the same time my sister did. Blinking sleepily, even though it was well past eleven by now, she scratched her wildly attractive bed head. “Hey, sis, you headed out to school?” Nodding, hoping my sister didn’t decide to go to the kitchen for any reason, since Kellan was still currently only rocking a towel-skirt, I stepped in front of her line of vision. “Yeah, pretty soon. Kellan’s taking me, so you can have the car today.”

Anna nodded and yawned. She had the car most days so that really wasn’t news to her. Stretching so that the tight t-shirt she’d slept in rode up her bikini-clad hips, she nodded towards the kitchen. “He in there? I should wish him a good show tonight.”


Hearing Kellan humming, I tried to block my sister’s vision even more. She may not care if I’d seen her boyfriend in all his glory, but I didn’t need her ogling Kellan in his. That was my job. “Yeah, he’s making coffee.” When she smiled and took a step towards me, I grabbed her shoulder. Looking down at her scantily dressed body, I raised an eyebrow. “Would you mind putting on some clothes before you go waltzing out there?”

Covering a yawn, she shook her head. “He doesn’t care, Kiera. I’m like a sister to him.”

Sighing at the impossible beauty of the sexpot before me, I shook my head. “Please?”

Maybe seeing my expression as I wistfully glanced over her curves, she finally nodded. “All right.”

After she slinked back to her room, I darted into mine and grabbed Kellan’s clothes. Holding the bundle tight to my chest, I hurried down the short hall into the kitchen. Kellan was leaning against the counter with his hands behind him, his glorious chest on full display. I paused a moment to just stupidly stare at him.

His hair was a damp, disheveled mess, and water drops occasionally dripped onto his shoulder. One drop followed the curve of his collar bone before trailing over the elegant script of my name above his heart.

From there, the frisky ball of water rolled over his pec, across his ribs, and straight down to the deep V cut of his lower abdomen. It traveled that line quite a distance before finally hitting the absorbent towel slung around his hips. It was the luckiest damn drop of water on earth.


Kellan’s entertained voice brought my eyes back up to his highly amused ones. Grinning crookedly, he raised an eyebrow. “See something you like?”

Flushing, I tossed his clothes at him. He flinched at the sudden move but managed to catch them. “Anna’s awake and getting ready to come out here. Can you get dressed please?”


I said that last part forlornly as I glossed over his body again. Lightly chuckling, he set his clothes on the counter and watched me watch him. I bit my lip as another drop traveled down his broad back. “You sure?” he asked, still amused.

Sighing, I took a quick glance back at Anna’s room. Luckily the door was still closed. “Yes.”

When I looked back at him, he shrugged and unwrapped the towel from his waist. In the middle of my tiny kitchen, he let the material fall right to the ground. My eyes widened at the sight of him completely bare. Kellan didn’t need to…um, glorify his manhood with accessories like Griffin did. He was absolutely perfect in his natural state. Flushing red hot, I watched him lightly shake his head at me and very slowly grab his underwear from the pile. I wanted to snap at him to hurry, and at the same time I wanted him to slow down even more. Smiling, I knew this mental snapshot would also come back to me when I was missing him.

When the last piece of clothing was over his body, I sighed sadly and walked over to lace my arms around his neck. “I’m gonna miss you,” I murmured, shaking my head at him.

He smiled, lacing his arms around my waist. “I’m gonna miss you, too.”

We were softly kissing when my sister entered the room. “Damn it, was he in a towel?”

I looked over at my sister frowning playfully, pointing at the evidence piled on the floor. Grinning, I laid my head on his chest. “Yes, sorry, you missed the peep show.”

S.C. Stephens's Books