Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(45)

Sighing dramatically, she reached into the cupboard next to us and grabbed a few coffee mugs. “I always do,” she muttered, handing one to me, then Kellan.

Laughing and shaking his head, Kellan disengaged himself from me so he could pour everyone coffee from the pot that had just finished brewing. When he handed a full one to Anna she politely thanked him.


Taking a small sip, she raised her eyebrows at him. “Hey, good luck at your show, Kellan. I’m gonna get off work a little early so I can catch the tail end of it.”

Kellan nodded and smiled, handing me a cup with room for creamer in it; I couldn’t stand black coffee like he and my sister could. “Thanks, Anna. I’m glad you’ll be able to make it to this one.” Smiling at me, he poured a final cup for himself. “It should be good.” He shrugged casually, like it was just another show and not his farewell show.

I bit my lip to stop the stinging sensation building in my eyes as I poured a good helping of flavored creamer into my mug. I didn’t want to get emotional over the fact already. There would be time for tears later, I was sure. Anna sighed, the sound matching my mood. “I wouldn’t miss it for anything, Kellan.”

She gave him a supportive pat on the shoulder then left us so we could have one last peaceful morning together with our cups of coffee. And it was the most comforting of all.

After driving me to school, Kellan threw his arm over my shoulder and walked me to class. The people here were finally used to seeing him walking down the hall, since he walked me nearly every day, but the girls still stared appreciatively. I’d considered skipping today, so we would have all the time in the world together, but Kellan had firmly told me no. School was important, he’d said, and I’d missed too much already. Knowing he was right, I’d reluctantly agreed.

Surprising me, Kellan walked me all the way into my classroom.

When he walked me over to a row with a couple of open seats, I rolled my eyes at him. “I can handle this part. You can go…nap or something.” Chuckling adorably, he shook his head and, holding my hand, walked backwards down the aisle with me. “I’m not walking you to your seat.” Edging past a couple of girls staring at him wide-eyed, he sat down and motioned for me to sit beside him. “I’m joining you,” he said, smiling brilliantly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I stared at him open-mouthed. He’d teased about sitting through a class before, but I never thought he’d actually do it. Kellan wasn’t dumb 126

or anything, but he wasn’t exactly the academic type. He’d be bored out of his mind sitting here with me while the teacher droned on and on about morality clauses in contract agreements. Shaking my head, I sat down beside him. “All right.”

Chuckling, he slung an arm over my shoulder. Looking over at him, I raised an eyebrow. “No falling asleep.” He laughed a little and stroked my arm with his thumb. Smiling, I added, “And no funny business. I actually need to learn this stuff.”

Kellan rolled his eyes and made a pledge over his heart. “I’ll be the perfect student.” Facing forwards, he muttered, “And if I’m not, you can punish me later.” His grin was so devilishly attractive, I had to look away. Unfortunately, I looked right across the room at Candy.

She was sitting with her friends, her head turned all the way around as she stared at the rock star sitting in on her class. Her surprised expression nearly matched what my own had been. As I leaned into his side, resting my head on his shoulder, her expression relaxed into a neutral one. Rolling her eyes and muttering a word that I could clearly tell was,

“Whatever,” she jerked back around to the front of the room.

I grinned and waited for my boyfriend to receive his first college lecture. I hoped he liked it.

In a way that surprised me, Kellan was the perfect student. He listened enraptured, even leaning forward a little. During a discussion period, he even piped up with a couple of well thought out questions. I smiled as he got into a debate with a guy a few rows down from us. Kellan’s side of the argument was much more persuasive, and the legitimate student in the room conceded to it by the end. The professor commended Kellan on his points, then tilted his head like he was trying to place who Kellan was…and if he was actually a student. Eventually he gave up trying to figure it out and dismissed the class for the day.

I was very proud of my boyfriend as we left the room. Given another life, he probably would have done really well here.

Kellan was ear-to-ear smiles and I clenched his hand, loving that he’d loved it so much. Everything was going great, until he walked past a 127

group of giggling girls. Feeling bold, they stepped right in front of us, blocking our exit. Still on cloud nine, Kellan smiled at the group.

“Ladies?” he asked politely, tilting his head.

They giggled even more at being addressed. I wanted to sigh and roll my eyes. There was something about him that turned mature, educated, enlightened women into fifteen-year-old school girls. I’d seen it happen way too often.

The boldest of the group stepped forward. “You’re Kellan, right? We just love your band.”

Nodding politely, an odd expression passed Kellan’s face as he studied the group of women assembled before him. It was something that the girls probably wouldn’t notice, but I did. It was almost like he was trying to place a name with a face. Throwing on an effortless grin, he smoothly said, “I’m glad to hear you enjoy us. Our last show is tonight at Pete’s.” Leaning in, he raised an eyebrow at them. “I hope you guys can make it.” His tone was so suggestive that I actually raised my own eyebrow. I was used to him flirting a little with them, but sometimes he took it just a bit too far.

S.C. Stephens's Books