Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(39)

Looping my arm through his, I smiled and leaned into his side. “Well, I’m glad you did. I can run my idea for a paper by you…even though you’ll probably have no idea what I’m talking about.” I smiled, knowing that Kellan rarely went near a computer, let alone searched the internet.

He grinned as we started walking away. “Hit me.” Just as I began my speech, I was jostled so harshly that I was knocked a step away from Kellan. Frowning, I glanced over at the rude person who thought they ruled the hallway. Flaming red curls met my eye as Candy snidely glared back at me. Sighing, I rolled my eyes and reat-tached myself to Kellan. He didn’t let me, though. His eyes narrowing at her, he mumbled, “Stay here a second,” then strode over to where she was eyeing him with pleasantly curled lips.


Irritated, but curious too, I stopped where he’d asked and watched him approach her and her friends. Tina and Genevieve looked about ready to faint as he stepped up to them. I figured it was the closest they’d ever actually been to him. Kellan, however, looked about ready to rip somebody’s head off. Glaring at the trio, he finally rested his eyes on Candy. She backed up a step as his dark expression settled on her.

Grabbing her arm, he leaned into her face, whispering something heatedly. I didn’t know what he was saying, but Candy’s eyes widened.

Shaking her head, she started muttering something and pointed at Tina.

Tina put her hands in the air and started sputtering something too when Kellan’s glare swung around to her. Releasing Candy’s arm, Kellan said something to the three of them that had them quickly nodding and scur-rying off.

Straightening as they left, Kellan turned and faced me with a perfectly normal smile, like nothing odd had just happened. He walked back to me and grabbed my hand. He started pulling me towards the doors, whistling as he did. Raising an eyebrow at him, I waited for an explanation. When he didn’t give one, I cleared my throat. Looking down on me, he shrugged. “What?”

Pointing to the doors we were approaching, the window wet from the downpour he’d mentioned, I indicated where Candy had fled. “What was that all about?”

Smiling charmingly, he shrugged. “I just let them know that it wouldn’t be prudent for them to spread anymore lies about me, and suggested that they leave you alone.”

Grinning, he opened the door for me and moved aside so I could step through. Narrowing my eyes at him, I prepared to step past him into the downpour. They’d seemed pretty startled by whatever he’d said, so my mind was running over a list of threats that he could have used. I’d seen Kellan’s anger several times before and he could be intimidating when he wanted to be. I figured they really would leave me alone for the re-mainder of the school year.

Smiling, I leaned in and kissed him. “Did they happen to mention how they saw your tattoo?”


Rolling his eyes as he held the door open, he shook his head. “Tina saw me working out in the park near here. I got hot, I was shirtless.” Biting my lip, I glanced down his body. Yes, he was certainly hot. I supposed that explained the story. I watched his face for a minute, gauging the truth I saw in his eyes as he held my gaze steadfastly. I saw no deception there and smiled wider. Raising a corner of his lip, he indicated outside. “Are you gonna head out there, cuz this door’s getting heavy.”

Laughing, I kissed him lightly and then sucked in a quick breath, preparing to make a run for it. Halfway down the steps, I felt like a water-logged rat. Groaning, I dashed for the parking lot and wished I’d brought an umbrella.

Coming up behind me, Kellan smacked my bottom. “Hurry up, pokey, you’re getting soaked.” Laughing, he ran his fingers back through his hair. The mess slicked back in a way that reminded me of a less pleasant moment in the rain with Kellan. I pushed aside the memory and focused on his body twisting away from me and running hard.

Adjusting my bag, I yelled out, “No fair! You’re not carrying anything.”

He only looked back at me and chuckled. By the time I got to the lot, he was already in his car, feet propped up on my side of the seat and leaning his back against the driver’s side door with his eyes closed, like he’d fallen asleep waiting for me. I batted his shoes as I stood in the rain, but he ignored it, and continued to take up my spot. Cursing that I was still getting soaked, I crawled over his legs to lie on top of him. That got his attention.

His eyes opened with a wide smile. Twisting my body to shut the door, I unhooked my book bag and tossed it into the back seat. His arms came out for me, pulling my soaked body into his soaked body. Scooting down the seat, he laid his back against the cushion. He adjusted my legs so my hips were straddling his.

“There, that’s better,” he muttered, lifting his head up to kiss me.


Assaulted by more wet memories of him, I pulled back. His eyes were lustful as he stared at me, his breath heavier, and not just from the exertion of running all the way out here. My wet hair hung down around my face, the long strands dripping onto his clothes. The scent of him beneath me mixed with the smell of clean water, both of them stirring something within me.

Cupping his cheek, I stroked his rain-softened skin with my thumb.

Looking over his midnight blue eyes, the specks of water glistening in his hair, the full, partly opened lips, the strong jaw, I sighed. “You’re so attractive,” I whispered, my words oddly in tune to the pounding rain in the background. “You’re the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.” Feeling completely alone with him in here, even though it was the middle of the afternoon, I leaned down to kiss him. His soft lips melded with mine, tasting, searching. After a brief moment, he frowned and shook his head. “I may not always be.” Shrugging, one hand clenching and unclenching my hip while the other indicated his face, he added,

S.C. Stephens's Books