Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(37)

Walking past a folding card table, a wobbly contraption that my sister and I were calling a fancy dining table, even going so far as to classy it up with a thrift store tablecloth, I smiled at the present sitting on top of it. When I opened the front door, Kellan was leaning against the frame.

He smiled crookedly at me. I bit my lip as I absorbed his features, then stepped back so he could enter.

Stepping through, he murmured, “Mornin’.”

Attaching his lips to my neck, he swung me around and pulled my hips into his. Lightly closing the door behind him, I giggled quietly; my sister was still asleep. “Good morning, yourself.” Sighing, he slinked his arms around my waist. “I’m going to miss taking you to school every day,” he sighed. Shaking his head, he added,

“You’ll nearly be graduating by the time I’m back.” Stepping up my smile, even though my heart was breaking, I tilted my head at him and stroked his cheek. “At least you’ll be back in time for the ceremony. You can watch me walk down the aisle.” Smiling softly, he cinched me a little tighter. “I’d love to watch you walk down the aisle.”

My heart starting to race a little, I suddenly wondered just what aisle he was referring to. I opened my mouth, not sure what to say, but Kellan looked over his shoulder and noticed the bright red gift bag. His expression genuinely gleeful, he looked back to me. “What’s that?” Releasing him, I giggled again. “It’s for you. Sort of a going away present.”


Frowning, he shook his head at me. “I know money is tight for you.

You didn’t have to get me anything.”

Pressing myself against his back, I shoved his shoulders towards the table. “I got a good deal, it didn’t cost me much and it’s sort of a present for both of us.”

Slowly walking towards the gift, he turned his head back to me and grinned devilishly. “Is it handcuffs? Did you get the furry kind? Because those feel really nice against your—”

I smacked his back and turned his head away from me, so that he couldn’t see the blush spreading over my cheeks. “No!” I felt him chuckling as he picked up his gift, but my head was busy imagining him locked to my bed…naked. I guess that would be one way to keep him near me. Rolling my eyes, I contained a sigh. And of course he’d had enough experience with handcuffs that he had a style preference.

Still laughing a little, he pulled the tissues out of the bag. When he got to the actual present, he pulled it out and looked back at me, confused.

“What’s this?”

Now I laughed as I moved around to stand beside him. “Well, I know you’re a little behind on the times, but they call that a cell phone. It works just like your corded one…but you can walk around with it.” Leaning in, I whispered, “You can even use it outside.” Giving me a dry look, he shook his head. “I know what it is…what’s it for?”

Smiling, I pulled a matching one out of my jacket pocket slung over a nearby chair. “It’s so we can keep in touch while you’re gone. So you can always get a hold of me, and I can get a hold of you.” I shrugged, feeling my throat starting to close up. “So we can try and stay close…even though we’ll be really far apart.”

I watched his eyes search mine as he swallowed a few times, like his throat was closing up a little too. Nodding, he leaned in and kissed me.

“I love it, thank you.”


I closed my eyes as we kissed a few times, savoring every second that his skin was on mine. Pulling back from me, his breath a little heavier, his eyes slightly hooded, his gaze focused on my mouth. I got the distinct impression that if he didn’t have to take me to school in a few minutes, he would have swept me up and taken me to my bedroom.

And even though I knew school was important and I needed to focus on my final year, I wanted him to.

His eyes flashing up to mine, he gave me a breathtaking grin. “Can I sext you on it?”

I blinked at his question then felt my cheeks flame red hot again. Not giving him an answer, I smacked his shoulder and grabbed my jacket.

Just as he was chuckling, tucking his new phone away in his leather jacket pocket, I heard a bedroom door open. Kellan turned towards the sound, ready to greet Anna, but who stepped out of the door was not my sister. They also were not dressed.

Scratching his freely swinging man parts, Griffin yawned and squinted at us. “Dude, what are doing here so early?” I immediately looked away from the bare naked man. Kellan smirked and shook his head. “It’s ten thirty, Griffin.” I heard Griffin snort but didn’t look back at him. “I know, man, it’s f*cking earlier than shit.” Kellan looked down on me and rolled his eyes.

Anything before eleven was practically the crack of dawn for Griffin. I wanted to roll my eyes as well, but I heard Griffin coming closer to us. I froze. I seriously wanted to scream at him to get some clothes on.

Yawning again, Griffin lazily said, “Hey, Matt wanted me to tell you that if you miss another rehearsal, he’s tossing you from the band.” Kellan looked back up at Griffin and raised an eyebrow. “Really?” Laughing lightly, he shook his head. “Tell him I’ll be there.” Looking down at me again, Kellan shrugged. “I guess my head has been other places lately.”

S.C. Stephens's Books