Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(175)

But that wasn’t what stole my breath. It was that his looks were a spitting image of Kellan’s. Or rather, Kellan was a spitting image of him. The resemblance







brows…everything…right down to the midnight blue eyes.

I was staring at Kellan’s father, his natural father.

The man noticed me staring and nodded, lifting his hand in a small wave. I waved back, then noticed the two kids by his side. Well, one was a kid, the other was probably just a few years younger than me. The girl, Hailey, was Kellan’s sister. She had the same light brown hair and dark blue eyes that Kellan and his father had. Seeing her father wave at me, she waved, too. A grin broke out on her face when she noticed her half-brother. The grin was so similar to Kellan’s, I blinked.


Beside her was a young boy, maybe ten. Like the rest of Kellan’s family, he had light hair and blue eyes, although his were a more traditional pale blue. He was staring at Kellan’s back with a look of awe on his face.

I had a feeling he’d heard a lot about his older brother lately. He clearly already idolized him.

My eyes slowly swung to Kellan’s. He was in a conversation with Evan, most likely about making sure to keep a close eye on Griffin around his future child. Kellan hadn’t noticed his family yet. Feeling my eyes on him, he lifted his gaze to mine. Not able to change my shocked expression, I watched Kellan frown. Then he seemed to realize what I’d be so shocked about and his face paled.

He closed his eyes, willing himself not to turn around. I quickly worked my way around the people congratulating Griffin and Anna.

Making my way to him, I cupped his cheeks. “Kellan…it’s time.” He shook his head, his eyes still closed. “I can’t, Kiera.” Peeking his eyes open, he cringed. “Ask them to come back later…I just can’t right now.”

I shook my head, brushing my thumbs over his cheeks. “You can do this, Kellan…I know you can.”

He exhaled a shaky breath, then slowly started to turn his head. His breath was faster when he finally spotted the man who’d created him.

Taking a step back, he reached down and clenched my hand, hard. His whole body started to tremble as he stared over at the three people that had turned his life upside down. Kellan’s father lifted his hand, then let it fall when Kellan didn’t react.

Kellan snapped his head back to me. “I can’t…I can’t do this…please, let’s just go.” Turning to me, he grabbed my arms. “I’ll go anywhere you want to go. Let’s just sneak out the back and we can do anything you want to do…”

Inhaling a deep breath, I stared Kellan down. He stopped rambling about all of the places we could go and all of the things we could do, and stared back at me. When he was calmer, he whispered, “I’m scared…” 496

I nodded, tears in my eyes. “I know…but I’m here, and I’ll help you.

Besides, what’s the worst thing that could happen?” He swallowed and murmured something that sounded like, “I could care.” Closing his eyes, he nodded. He took a minute before facing his father. When he did, he seemed stronger. In fact, his strength seemed to grow with each step he took towards the man. I wasn’t sure if he was drawing the courage from me, but I hoped so, since he constantly gave me courage.

When he was almost toe to toe with the man, he stopped. Kellan’s father smiled; it was a sad one. “Hello, son,” he whispered.

Kellan stiffened, clenching my hand, and nodded but didn’t say anything. A tension built up as father and son stared at each other. Their appearance was so incredibly alike that I had to imagine every person in this bar now knew that the man who’d died in a car accident a few years ago, hadn’t genetically been related to Kellan. This man before him now…clearly was.

Just as I wondered how to get one of the two silently brooding men to speak, Hailey stepped forward. She sighed as she looked between her half-brother and her father, then put a hand on Kellan’s arm. Kellan looked down on her and his entire posture relaxed; I could feel the blood returning to my fingertips.

Putting her hand on her other brother’s shoulder, she introduced him to Kellan. “Kellan, this is Riley. Ry, this is our older brother…Kellan.” Riley, still dazed, extended his hand to Kellan. “Wow, I watched some of your shows online. You’re…really good. I just started playing the guitar, but I hope I’m as good as you some day.” He gave Kellan a charming, awkward smile, and Kellan laughed a little.

Reaching out to scruff his hair, he murmured, “Maybe I can teach you a thing or two one day.”

Watching Kellan start to bond with the family he’d never had, I felt the tears stinging my eyes and closing my throat. I choked it back as Kellan’s dad cleared his throat. It was obviously affecting him too.


Kellan timidly looked back up at him, and Hailey, seeing the beginning of a serious conversation, started leading Riley over to the pool tables. “Come on, Ry, let’s give them a minute.” I thought to do the same, but Kellan’s death grip returned when I tried to pull my hand away. Resting my other hand on his arm, I gave him what support I could as his father began to speak.

S.C. Stephens's Books