Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(173)

Kellan tensed and held his breath as he stepped through the double doors. Only seeing the usual suspects, and not an older version of himself, he instantly relaxed. As the crowd assembled near the doors cheered 489

for me, my cheeks blossomed with heat. I held my head high, though, proud of my accomplishment, and accepted the praise from my friends, family and coworkers.

As it was a Saturday afternoon, the day crew was on shift. Troy smiled at Kellan as we walked past the bar, and Kellan smiled back. As long as the person who fancied him was respectful to me, Kellan was always cordial with them, even the guys. Hun and Sweetie, the gray-haired ancient waitresses that owed this place during daylight hours shuffled around, bringing everyone sodas and water. And Sal, Pete’s business partner and the daytime cook, stepped out with plates and plates of food. Everybody was celebrating.

I looked around the sea of familiar faces in the warm, familiar bar. The cream-colored walls were just as cheery as when I’d first stepped inside here. The oak floor just as worn. A few more bar signs dotted the walls and windows, but overall, it looked exactly the same. Although, the instruments that now held a place of honor on the darkened stage were a bright pink, a deep purple and an electric teal. One even had Hello Kitty stickers on it. But Jenny’s portrait of our boys was behind the feminine instruments, keeping the boys place in the bar, even if it was a smaller place now.

Friends and study mates came up to me, giving me warm, congratulatory hugs. I returned them and gave the graduates my own well wishes.

Cheyenne gave me a hug, followed by Meadow. The uniquely named woman was playing the bar later tonight with her band, but by the way she was holding Cheyenne’s hand, it was clear that she was here for her.

I grinned at the schoolmate, that had saved my butt on numerous occasions when it came to poetry, and her lyrical girlfriend. Meadow had hair the color of a deep sunset, and eyes as dark as Denny’s, but the small smile on her lips exactly matched Cheyenne’s, and I was thrilled that the sweet woman had found love after all.

As Kellan hopped up to the bar to get our table some drinks, Denny and Abby stepped through the doors. Kellan greeted them first, clapping Denny on the shoulder as he pointed back at me. Making sure my parents were comfortably seated, I jumped up to toss my arms around Denny.


He was all grins as I pulled away. “I did it, Denny!” Tilting his dark head, he gave me a lopsided grin. “Did you ever think you wouldn’t?”

My grin matching his, I nodded. “Yeah, there were times when school was just about the last thing on my mind.”

Denny and I both turned to look over at Kellan talking to Troy at the bar. Smirking, Denny twisted back to me. “Yeah, I know.” Just when I was feeling a bit of guilt seep into me, he laughed. “It’s a miracle you graduated.”

His humor cooling my feelings, I thumped him on the chest. “Quiet, you.”

Laughing at me, he slung his arms around Abby and kissed her head.

Then Abby gave me a brief hug and congratulated me. I shook my head at the warm…forgiving…pair and made room for them at the table with my parents. My mom looked between Denny, Kellan, and me with a very confused face. She must have pieced together what had really happened between the three of us, and was probably wondering how we could all still be friends. I wondered that too sometimes… I was very blessed.

As Kellan brought the table sodas, I tried to make sure my sister was as comfortable as could be. I even found a pillow in the back room for her to lean against, since bar chairs aren’t notorious for being comfortable.

Just as she was giggling and thanking me, the doors burst open with loud fanfare.

Jaw dropping, I spun to watch Griffin and the rest of the D-Bags step inside. I hadn’t realized that they’d come up with Kellan. I was touched that they’d come back, then I remembered that they had just as much reason to come up as Kellan did.

Evan’s eyes locked onto Jenny a split-second before she jumped into his arms and showered him with kisses. Matt shook his head at Evan 491

and looked back at Rachel walking through the door behind him. The Latin-Asian beauty tenderly grabbed the blond guitarist’s hand as they quietly screamed their affection in one, simple glance. All of the D-Bags’

hearts resided in Seattle. Even Griffin…if he ever stopped to think about it.

As it was, he was looking around the packed bar for someone…for Anna. She stiffened in her chair and her face went sheet white. She still hadn’t told him she was pregnant. She hadn’t told Matt or Evan either, and had made every person who saw her condition promise to not tell anyone who might tell Griffin. She’d made everyone promise that she could be the one to tell him, even though that terrified her.

And now…the time was upon her. He was here, she was here, and with her tight, clingy, outfit, even Griffin wouldn’t miss the fact that she was clearly expecting.

She stood up quicker than I’d seen her move in ages, since she liked to play up the helpless pregnant role. Breathing faster than normal, her eyes darted around the room, looking for an escape. Kellan walked up to greet his band mates as I grabbed Anna’s arms, holding her in place.

“Let me go, Kiera,” she snarled.

I shook my head. “No, you have to tell him, Anna. He has a right to know.”

She grit her jaw and glared at me, but it was too late for her to escape—Kellan was bringing the boys to the table. With my parents watching the exchange between Anna and me curiously, I let her go. She started shaking as Griffin approached her.

S.C. Stephens's Books