Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(171)

And just last week…she bought a crib. I helped her put it up in my old room and she cried when it was completed. I had faith that her bravery would extend to keeping the baby…and someday telling Griffin about it.

And Kellan was brave. Not for recording an album in L.A. No, I don’t think that even fazed him. Kellan was brave, because he was coming to Pete’s with me, to celebrate with our friends at a party in my honor…and his dad was going to be there. I’d already gotten a confirming text from him when he’d landed in Seattle. Kellan didn’t look like it, as he smiled charmingly at me, but he was freaking out.

And Kellan was also brave…because he was letting my parents stay with us.

From across the hall, I heard my father’s heavy steps as he walked over to stand beside Anna. Resting a hand on her shoulder, he looked in-to the room and frowned at the provocative dress I was holding to my body. Then he forced the frown into a small smile. “Very beautiful, sweetheart. Your mother and I are very proud of you…even if you’re graduating here in Washington and not at our Alma Mater.” Dad sighed at my schooling choice, and Anna rested her head on his shoulder. He rubbed her arm and held her tight. The surprise pregnancy had been a shock to my parents—Anna had told me that Dad had cried—but they had, of course, immediately turned into the loving, supportive people I knew them to be. They’d even offered Anna free room and board if she wanted to move back to Ohio. She’d refused, though, deciding to stay here. Maybe that was because of Griffin, maybe me, or maybe Anna finally felt…home.


“Thank you, Daddy.”

They were all staring at me now, and I felt heat start to creep into my cheeks. Then I laughed the embarrassment away. “Can I…change now?” I asked my dad and sister.

Anna giggled and backed away, pulling on Dad’s arm. “Come on, Dad, let’s go get something to eat…I’m starving.” Dad frowned and resisted Anna’s pull. He looked over at Kellan, still comfortably lying on our bed. “Kellan, son, you want to give me a hand with…something?” Dad asked awkwardly.

I shook my head, seeing right through Dad’s painful attempt to get Kellan out of the room so I could change in private. Poor guy. He was still struggling with his baby girl being all grown up. He had to realize, since Kellan and I shared this bedroom, that Kellan had seen me naked before. Hell, Kellan had tied me to his headboard and stroked a feather over every bare inch of skin on me before…not that my dad needed to know that.

Grinning at my dad, Kellan stood up. “Sure, no problem.” He paused to kiss my head before leaving and I whispered a thank you for humoring my father. Maybe Dad realized the respect Kellan was showing him, for he clapped him on the shoulder as they left the room together. Then Dad started talking about baseball with him and I couldn’t contain my smile. Dad was making an effort to bond with Kellan. That meant a lot to me.

Kellan drove us to school when I was ready to go. I smoothed my tight dress over my thighs, played with the guitar shaped necklace around my neck, then twisted the promise ring on my finger. I couldn’t stop moving. Nervous, excited energy was pouring through my body. When I started the cycle of movement over again, Kellan grabbed my hand, calming me with his silent support. It worked, too.

Once there, my mother started bawling. It made me sniffle, watching the older version of my sister and I cry, but I managed to keep it all 485

together as I hugged her. Dad shuffled her off, and Anna gave me a swift hug. The baby kicked right as our stomachs connected and I stared down at it.

“Did you feel that?”

Anna laughed at my question and rubbed her side. “The little gym-nast? Yeah, I feel that constantly.” Contently smiling, she shook her perfect head of dark brown hair. “I’m just grateful that she’s moved away from my bladder.”

Kellan chuckled at Anna, slinging an arm around my waist. Anna gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then wobbled off after Mom and Dad.

As always, Kellan stayed by my side, and walked me to where I needed to go. My eyes on the expanse of thigh my dress was showing, I leaned into his side. “I love how you take care of me,” I told him.

Looking down at me, he cocked an eyebrow. “You don’t think I’m…clingy? Always needing to be near you?” I laughed and looked up at him. “No…I think you got that part just right.”

He gave me a crooked grin, then glancing up, stopped me. Wondering why, I glanced up too. A springy redhead that had given me no end of grief over my time here was standing a few feet in front of us. Candy.

Kellan’s…ex. She had her back to us as she talked with a small group of friends, her two spies included. I considered just going around the woman, but she started turning in our direction and I blinked in surprise.

Her belly was swollen with life, and she was much larger than my sister.

She really was pregnant.

Kellan raised an eyebrow at seeing her condition, but didn’t comment on it. When Candy noticed us watching her, she did a double take. I sighed when she disengaged herself from her friends and started heading our way. So much for closing out the school year with never seeing her again. Oh well. Maybe we could finally get that introduction that we’ve never, ever had.


Kellan watched her impassively as she approached us. Candy lowered her eyes and looked a little glum. Before I could say anything to her, she started speaking to me. “Hey, I just wanted to apologize…for all the crap I used to give to you about Kellan.”

S.C. Stephens's Books