Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(172)

She peeked up at me, then over at him. Her freckled cheeks flushed with color as Kellan bunched his brows. Shaking her head, she shrugged.

“I guess I wanted attention.” She looked down again. “I was pretty ignored in my high school, and being with you, gave me a certain amount of…clout…here.” Her sad eyes looked back up at him. “Sorry. That was pretty shallow of me.”

Kellan gave her a half smile and shook his head. “It doesn’t matter.” His eyes drifted down her belly, then over to me. “We’re not those people anymore, Candy.” He looked back at her. “Don’t worry about it.” I smiled that he finally remembered her name. Candy nodded, then, rubbing her stomach, walked away. I was curious over who the father was, but didn’t ask. Rumor had it that it was our ethics professor. Our married ethics professor. But, as I knew, rumors could be wrong. Then again, they could also be right.

Shaking off the drama that, for once, didn’t involve me, I clutched Kellan’s hand and went to find the one girl I did want to introduce him to.

Cheyenne was just coming out of the bathroom when she spotted me.

She squealed and gave me a huge hug, forcefully yanking me from Kellan.

“Kiera, can you believe it! We did it!” Her slight southern drawl thickened in her excitement. Then her pale eyes seemed to notice that I wasn’t alone. She eyed Kellan, then gave him a cute smile that made her eyes sparkle. “You must be the boyfriend?”

Kellan nodded and extended his hand. “Kellan.” Shaking his hand, she muttered to me, “Now I can see why you’re straight. I think he’d make any person reconsider their orientation.” Hearing her, Kellan raised an eyebrow. Then he got a devilish smile and locked gazes with me. I knew he’d figured it out then, that 487

Cheyenne had been the girl at school who’d kissed me. Rolling my eyes at the hopelessly attractive smile on his face, I shoved his shoulder back.

“Why don’t you go have a seat with my parents.” Grinning, Kellan looked between Cheyenne and me. “You sure? Are you…good…here?”

He chuckled a little, his lips curving seductively. Rolling my eyes again, I forcefully turned him around and made him walk away from us.

He looked back at us before disappearing around a corner—the grin there was decidedly inappropriate. Men.

Cheyenne laughed a little as she turned back to me. “Kellan seems…nice.”

I shook my head. “Nice…really isn’t the best word to describe him.” Amazing, hot, sexy, soulful, talented, deep, playful, moody, loving, and at times, considerate, yes…but nice? Well, okay, maybe it did suit him.

The actual ceremony was a blur to me. I was so energized and emotional, I only recalled bits and pieces. Seeing my family in the stands—my mom crying, my dad secretly wiping his eyes, Anna whistling around her fingers, and Denny and Kellan beaming at me as they sat side by side. I vaguely remembered the speeches and music. I recalled my name being announced and the ear-splitting noise from my cheering section. And then it was over and we were back in Kellan’s car, driving off to Pete’s.

My mom, dad, and Anna piled out of the car once Kellan parked it, eager to start on the celebration. I watched my sister hug Jenny and Kate in the parking lot, Cheyenne meeting up with them a couple of seconds later. Once my parents and my friends disappeared through the front doors, I unfastened my seat belt and prepared to join them.

“Coming?” I asked, cracking the car door.

Kellan hadn’t moved since stopping the car; his hands were still fixed on the steering wheel. His eyes glued to the image of the bar in his rear-view mirror, he muttered, “I’ll be there in a sec.” 488

Pale, he looked like he might start the car and drive off once I left.

Closing my door, I twisted back around to him. “Hey, you okay?” He reluctantly pulled his gaze from the mirror to look at me. Eyes wide, he whispered, “I don’t think I can do this, Kiera.” I put my hand on his cheek and held his gaze. “Yes, you can. You can do anything.” He shook his head and I pressed my lips to his. He didn’t kiss me back at first. Too scared or freaked out about facing his biological father, his lips were rigid against mine. Using everything he’d taught me over the years, I teased, licked and sucked his mouth into submission.

Within moments, he was kissing me back heartily, his earlier trepidation gone.

When he clutched my cheek and looked about ready to lay me down on his front seat, I pushed his chest away from me. Eyes burning into mine, he breathed raggedly. I bit my lip at the sight of this insanely erotic, yet deeply sensitive man. “Come on, people are waiting for us. Let’s go say hello.”

He shook his head a little as I opened my door. His eyes clearer, he frowned at me. “You turned me on…that’s cheating.” Laughing, I got out of the car. When he popped up on the other side of it, I shook my head. “When do I ever not turn you on?” Smiling at me acknowledging my attractiveness, he closed his door.

“Well, finally you understand the problem that has plagued me from day one.”

Holding my hand out to him, I waited for him to join me. “Yes, I do.” When our hands met up, I leaned over to nibble on his ear. “And I’ll fix your little problem later, I promise.”

He gave me a devilish grin as he pulled me towards the bar. “Let’s get this over with then.”

S.C. Stephens's Books