Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(177)

were trying to sell the couple on the idea of getting married. Griffin was giving them a blank expression, and I figured his mind was more on what he could do to Anna’s body once he got her home. I was immediately grateful that I no longer lived with Anna.

Denny came up to me as I approached the group. Titling his head at Kellan, he asked, “Everything alright? What was that about?” Looking over at the father and son, I smiled. “Everything’s great, really great.”

When I looked back to Denny, he was frowning, staring at Gavin like he was trying to place him. I could tell the minute he did. His dark eyes wider, he snapped his head back to me. “Is that man…? Is he…related to Kellan?”

I nodded, biting my lip. “That’s his dad, his real dad.” Denny closed his eyes as years of understanding seemed to flood his features. “God…that explains…a lot.” Opening his eyes, he bunched his brows, concerned. “Is Kellan…alright?”

I smiled that Denny still cared about Kellan, too. “Yeah, I think he’ll be just fine.”

Looping my arm through Denny’s I looked around at all of the people in my life—Evan and Jenny cuddling together on a chair, Matt and Rachel talking quietly in a corner, Anna and Griffin giggling while my parents mentioned that it was never too late to give abstinence a try. Rita had just walked in and sheepishly waved her hand to me in a polite greeting. Kate was showing Abby a text message she’d gotten from Justin, who’d apparently taken a fancy to Kate when he’d been up here visiting. Kellan’s siblings were laughing, playing pool together as their long-lost brother caught up with his dad. And Kellan…was actually laughing as he clinked his beer bottle against his dad’s.

“I think we’ll all be fine, Denny,” I said, smiling up at the first love of my life that had somehow morphed into the best friend of my life.


Smiling down at me, Denny nodded and gave me my favorite goofy grin. “I think you might be right.”

When the evening started winding down, people slowly filtering out of the bar for more private conclusions to their nights, Kellan and I slow danced together near the edge of the stage. Poetic Bliss had just wrapped up their set and the vibrant girls were loitering around the stage, chatting with their growing fan base. Kellan and I ignored them all and continued dancing to a non-existent beat.

His arms wrapped around my waist, Kellan smiled as he stared down at me. His dad had left some time ago, but they were meeting for breakfast in the morning. It warmed my heart that Kellan was giving him a chance. Everyone deserved at least one chance.

Tilting his shaggy head, Kellan gave me a crooked smile. “So, graduate…what’s next?”

I inhaled deep and smiled. “Anything…everything.” Leaning down, he pressed his lips to mine. I cherished the warmth and love that I felt in the connection. His hand reached up to curl around my neck, as he deepened the moment between us. I felt the familiar fire start to burn in me, more intense than ever before, strengthened by the trust and commitment we were forging daily.

Separating our lips, Kellan rested his head against mine. “I have to go back soon, to finish the album.”

I sighed and stroked his cheek. “I know,” I whispered.

“And after that…will be another tour…to promote the album.” He lifted the edge of his lip in a sad smile.

I kissed the corner of his mouth, making his smile widen. “It will be okay…we’ll find a way to stay close, just like we have the past few weeks.”

Kellan nodded, his face subdued as he thought about how often we would be apart from each other. He hated being separated as much as I 502

did, and for the same reasons I did—we missed each other. While Denny might be my best friend, Kellan was my soul mate, and being apart was…painful.

We silently danced together while people moved around our lightly swaying bodies. Over Kellan’s shoulder, I watched Evan and Jenny walking out the doors arm in arm, Matt and Rachel close behind them.

Anna and Griffin had left not too long after their reunion. What they were doing now, I didn’t want to think about. The only couple still here was Denny and Abby. They were laughing at the bar together, looking perfectly content in their own little world.

Sighing, I rested my head against Kellan’s chest, thankful that at least I had tonight with him. Kissing my head, he whispered in my hair, “Come with me.”

Pulling back, I scrunched my brows. “What? Go with you…where?” I looked at the front doors, thinking maybe he was ready to go home.

Hopefully, by the time we got there, my parents would be asleep. They’d left several hours ago, so the chances were good. The chances were also good that my dad, ever over-protective, was waiting up for me to come home.

Kellan chuckled and shook his head. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, he murmured, “So cute…” Peeking up at his amused eyes, I frowned. He smiled even wider. “Come on tour with me. Hell, come to L.A. with me.”

Blinking, I shook my head. “But, my… ” I paused, realizing that the tether that had kept me in Seattle was suddenly gone. I didn’t have to stay here. Sure, I didn’t want to abandon my sister here, but if I wanted to take extended visits somewhere…I could.

Seeing me start to realize that, Kellan wrapped his arms around my waist. “You’re done with school now. You can do whatever you want.” I frowned. “Shouldn’t I have higher aspirations than being a groupie?” 503

S.C. Stephens's Books