Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(144)

Wrapping his fingers around his bottle, he shook his head. “No, no I’m not.”

I frowned at seeing his normally jovial dark eyes looking so sad and soulful. Gently placing my hand on his arm, I peered around to look up into his face. “You want to talk about it?” Sniffing, he looked up at me. His eyes searched mine for a moment.

Scratching the hair along his jaw, he sighed. “Yeah, actually, I think I do.

Can I come over after your shift?”

I smiled, patting his arm. “Of course. I’ll see you there.” He nodded, his smile still sad, and I leaned over on a whim and kissed his cheek. His smile softened as he looked up at me and I grinned, happy that I could ease his heart, even just a little bit. Scuffing up his longer-than-I-was-used-to hair, I stood and left him to his drinking.

Jenny was frowning at me as I stepped up to her. “I saw that.” She raised an eyebrow. “Anything going on?”


Knowing that she meant if anything was going on between us in a more than friendly way, I dryly told her, “No, nothing like that is going on.” I frowned and looked back at Denny. “He’s sad, and I was trying to cheer him up.”

She looked over at where Denny was staring at his bottle. “Hmmm, yeah, he does seem sad.” Twisting to head over to him, she stopped and quietly added, “I know things are…strained, with you and Kellan, but don’t do anything…rash…by ‘cheering’ Denny up a little too well.” I gave her a wry smile. “I wasn’t going to, Jenny, but thank you for that.”

She smiled as she sucked on an apple lollipop. “No problem.” I shook my head at her as she bounced over to Denny and wrapped her arms around him. He gave her a small smile. It brightened a little when Jenny stuck a sucker in his palm. Wondering what was going on with my ex, wondering what was going on with my current, I finished off the rest of my shift in self contemplation.

The apartment was empty when I got back. A note from Anna said that she was spending the night at a friend’s house. I smiled at seeing it.

It was yet another sign that she was coming back to the bubbly personal-ity that I knew and loved. I also hoped that by “friend,” she meant a girl.

The last thing Anna needed right now was to drag another guy into the mix. Her life was complicated enough.

I was just setting my bag down when the door was knocked on. Sighing softly, I walked over and opened it. Denny’s glum face peered back at me. His dark eyes darker by the slight circling of exhaustion underneath them, he looked worn down.

Frowning, I motioned for him to come in. Dressed in his work clothes still, he loosened his tie after slinging his jacket over a kitchen chair. Running a hand back through his hair, he twisted to face me. “Thanks for letting me come by, Kiera…I didn’t know who else to talk to.” 406

His accent thickened as he spoke and I stepped up to him, tilting my head. “What’s going on, Denny?”

Shaking his head, he closed his eyes. “It’s nothing, really…nothing I should be worrying you about.”

Cupping his cheek, I made him look at me. “It’s bothering you, so you should talk to me about it. I’m your friend, Denny. Regardless of everything, I’m still your friend.”

Sighing, he gave me a one-sided grin. “Yeah…I know.” Glancing over to my ugly orange couch, he tilted his dark head. “Can we sit?” Exhaling slowly, I nodded. “You want something to drink?” He shook his head and started walking over to the couch, so I followed him. Once he sat, he leaned over his knees. My heart started surging a little as his posture and mannerisms reminded me of another conversation we’d had on a couch. A conversation that had been really hard, for him and for me.

Shaking back the awful memory of Denny asking me if I was happy being with him, I put my hand on his knee. “It’s okay…what is it?” He glanced up at me, his eyes sad. “It’s Abby…” My heart filled with lead as I considered all of the things that could have happened between them that would make him look so sad. Had she left him? Cheated on him? Did another woman betray him? Him, the most loving, wonderful man I’d probably ever met? It seemed ridiculous to me and my heart instantly hardened against this woman who’d caused his face such pain.

And yes, I didn’t miss the irony of feeling that way, considering I’d caused him the most pain of anyone.

“Oh, are you two…over?”

He gave me a quizzical look, then shook his head. “No, she just…had a problem with her work visa. She can’t make it over here yet. It’s going to be a few more weeks until they get everything straightened out.” He 407

sighed, looking down at his hands. “We’ve been apart for so long, I just wanted…” When he looked back at me, his eyes were moist. “I wanted to see her.”

My heart softened as I realized that she hadn’t hurt him, not intentionally. He just missed her. No, I was the only one that had caused him pain. Abby, she was everything he deserved to have. Putting my arm on his leg, I grabbed his hand. He looked down at our fingers, but didn’t make a move to disentangle us.

“I’m so sorry, Denny. I know how excited you were for her to see your new place.”

Closing his eyes, he nodded. “Yeah, she was supposed to be here this weekend. I was going to have everything ready…make her a great meal, fill the house with her favorite flowers, light all the candles…” He looked over at me, his face apologetic for describing his romantic intensions. It knotted my stomach, only fractionally, and I gave him a warm, encouraging smile. Slumping in sadness, he quietly added, “I just want her here.”

S.C. Stephens's Books