Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(142)

Maybe seeing my inner monologue in my eyes, Anna narrowed hers.

“I’m serious about this, Kiera. You can’t tell anyone.” Sighing, I shrugged. “I won’t…I promise.”

Feeling satisfied with that, she stood and left me alone in my room, my head swirling with the drama that seemed to gravitate towards me, like I was some pain-filled planet, pulling angst around me.

But my sister’s mood lightened some, the stress around the house easing as well. That next week I did meet with Cheyenne, inviting her over to work together on our projects. She was taking an advanced poetry class in her last quarter and I was taking an advanced expository writing class. It was tough, and in the middle of it, and my other classes, I was also working on getting three letters of recommendation and coming up with a critical-writing sample for my degree requirements.

Even though I enjoyed school, I was very tired, and ready for it to be over with, in a month and a half.

Equally swamped with her own workload, Cheyenne felt my pain.

Laughing, we joked about the poetry paper I’d turned in last quarter, that, really, barely classified as college-level material. Sitting across from me at my rickety card table, our books and papers spread between us, Cheyenne sighed and leaned back in her chair.

I started working on my paper when she spoke. “Hey, sorry about…kissing you last week, you know?”

Glancing up at her, a flush filling my cheeks, I shook my head. “Don’t worry about it.”


She bit her lip and looked down, getting back to work on her own stuff. “Yeah, well, thank you for not freaking out and refusing to ever talk to me again…that would have really sucked.” I laughed a little at her comment, then shook my head. “I’ve done so many impulsive things that I’ve regretted later…” I sighed. “I completely understand and I wouldn’t make you feel bad about it.”

“You? Impulsive?” She giggled a little. “Do tell.” Throwing a pencil at her, I frowned at her amused expression. It sort of reminded me of Kellan’s.

My sister bounded into the room a couple of seconds later, dressed in sweatpants and a baggy shirt. She wasn’t huge or anything yet, but she was trying to hide the slight bump she did have. I had no idea how she was going to explain it away to her work when she got bigger. Her plan for now was letting them all see her constantly eating, so she could blame any chubbiness on over-snacking. Yeah, that might work…for the first few months.

Sucking on a lollipop, that I knew was actually something she’d found at a store called a “Pregger Pop,” that supposedly helped with nausea, she widened her eyes at me. “You got kissed, Kiera? I’m so telling Kellan.”

I narrowed my eyes at her, silently telling her that she owed it to me to not say a word, and she flushed, quickly saying, “Or not.” Cheyenne started looking a little uncomfortable and I rolled my eyes at my sister, wishing she had just a little bit more tact. The poor girl felt bad enough as it was, she didn’t need Anna rubbing salt in the wound.

Looking properly chagrined, Anna put a hand on Cheyenne’s shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry about it…everybody kisses Kiera.” I smacked Anna’s arm but Cheyenne giggled and playfully responded with, “Yeah, well that’s because she’s so cute.” 400

The both of them started laughing as I shook my head. Was everybody’s favorite past time embarrassing me? Anna leaned over and kissed my head at seeing my expression. While I was happy that she was bouncing back some, I wasn’t thrilled that she was picking on me again.

She smiled down at me, then frowned a little. “Hey, it’s time to go to my…thing.”

She shrugged and I knew what she meant—her first doctor’s appointment. Inhaling deep, I nodded and started packing up my stuff. Cheyenne took the hint and started packing up hers, too. Walking us down to the parking lot, Cheyenne smiled at Kellan’s car as I opened it. “That car is hot…see you later, Kiera,” she drawled.

I laughed at her comment and nodded goodbye to her. Yeah, the car was pretty hot, and pretty fun to drive too. I’d never tell Kellan, but I’d taken more than a few long drives in it.

Anna got quieter on the ride over, playing with the zipper of her light jacket. I smiled over at her reassuringly, sort of reminded about how I’d looked and felt when she’d been driving me against my will to see Kellan, over a year ago. I’d been so nervous that night, the night we’d gotten back together, not sure if he’d want to see me, not sure if I’d be able to see him, but that had all worked out for the best, and I was sure this would too.

When we pulled up to the doctor’s office, Anna let out a long, un-steady exhale. I put my hand on her shoulder. “Hey, I’m right here, Anna.”

She smiled at me, nodding . “Alright, let’s do this.”

“Doing this” turned out to be a little boring. It mainly involved waiting and filling out paperwork. Anna seemed uncomfortable by all the other pregnant women in the lobby and focused on her issue of Cosmo instead. I looked around at all of the blossoming bellies and tried to picture my sister that way, or me even. Life was so chaotic right now, it was hard to imagine having a baby in the middle of it. Feeling sympathetic, I grabbed Anna’s hand while we waited.


S.C. Stephens's Books