Saving Dancer (Savage Brothers MC #2)(30)

“Let go, Carrie. Let it go for me. I want to hear you as you come all over my face.”

His words combined with the way he is working me, send me over the edge. I scream out his name in one long, broken cry.

My head goes back hard against the wall, but I barely notice it as my body quakes in release.

It feels as if all the bones in my body have melted. I can only moan and tremble while Jacob picks me up and carries me to the bed. He lays me down and I open my eyes to smile, there is so much I want to say to him. So many words come to mind. Three certain words are the ones I long to say.

I love you.

I can’t say that. I know I can’t. Luckily, all thought stops when Jacob pulls off the gray sweats he is wearing.

I have never seen a man naked before. Well okay, I’ve seen pictures, but as far as seeing a live, naked man standing in front of me? That has never happened. The fact that the man is Jacob, along with the fact that he is oh-my-god-holy-smokes-flat-out-gorgeous, fries what little brain receptors I have. All I would be able to do is babble some unintelligible words, so I bite my tongue to stop them.

I do reach out though, I can’t help it. Finally, I get to touch him, to feel him. My hands collide with the warm skin of his abdomen. I flex my fingers wanting to feel more…to dig in and never let go.

I don’t get the chance though because Jacob grabs my hands and pushes me back completely against the mattress.

“Princess, I told you, no touching.”

“Please Jacob, I want to feel you…”

“Not now, I need to concentrate on you. I know this is your first time and if you touch me, I won’t be able to make it good for you. Do you trust me?”

Make it good for me? Can it get any better than what we just shared? That has already blown every preconception I had of what an orgasm feels like. His dark brown eyes are right in front of mine. Until this moment, I thought I knew everything about Jacob, but his eyes are not brown. Well they are, they’re like a dark brown but they have these flecks of green and gold in them…Hazel…the most beautiful shade of Hazel I could ever imagine, so deep and drugging. I swallow at the darkness I see in them. I know, well I have always known that Jacob has demons that threatened to consume him, but now? Now, I can feel them radiating off of him and I want to fix him, I want to save him. I just don’t know how. So, even though I want to argue? Even though, I want to scream that it is my first time and because it is, I want to be able to wrap my arms around him and hold him to me? I don’t. I don’t do any of that. I nod yes.

He rummages until he finds a scarf I had in the clothes he dumped out. I try to get up again. I’m not sure why, to be honest. Jacob is naked, it’s a really good show and it just feels like I should be closer.

He doesn’t let me though. He pulls my hands above my head and wraps the scarf around my wrists. I should panic, but Jacob is on his knees beside me, he’s bent over wrapping my wrists up and his penis is jutted out in front of my face. I’ve never seen a penis this close up…umm…okay I’ve never seen a real live penis! More importantly, I’ve never seen Jacob’s penis!

My first instinct is to touch it. It’s large, thick and I guess I can’t judge, but beautiful. The head is glistening with moisture and I’m dying to run my thumb over it. My hands pull against the restraint of the scarves, but I get nowhere. He’s secured me to one of the metal spindles on the headboard.

“Jacob, I want to touch…it.”

“It?” He asks looking at me now that he has finished securing the scarf.

“Your…you know.”

Jacob laughs and it is a really good sound, but since it is me he is laughing at? Kind of embarrassing.

“Princess, I’m about to make you real familiar with my ‘you know’. I think the least you could do is say the word, don’t you?”

“I want to touch your…penis.”

He laughs again, but this time the look on his face is worth it. He reminds me of the old Jacob like this. His face relaxed, almost happy and the sound of his laughter is free and easy. This gift alone makes me forget my embarrassment. I don’t have time to dwell on it however. He moves to lay beside me, his hand rough and callused, moves down and rests against my stomach. His head tilts over me and his lips slide briefly against mine.

“I like having you completely at my mercy, Princess. You’re mine to do whatever I want,” he whispers against my lips and I can’t stop my tongue from reaching out to gently stroke his lips and taste him.

Chapter 16


Her tongue shyly slides between my lips and just that simple movement makes me feel like I’ve won a war. Which is completely false since I’m being a major dick. She wants to touch me and she deserves to. I’m not stupid. I know this will be Carrie’s first time and it should be special. I can’t let my guard down enough—not now. If she touches me the wrong way, or does something to remind me like she did before? I could accidentally hurt her and I can’t handle the thought of that, not again. So for both our sakes, I need to restrain her. I will just have to make sure I make up for it in other ways. She’s a virgin and completely innocent. Maybe she won’t notice that something is off—maybe I can make sure she doesn’t notice?

I take over the kiss, devouring her as I’ve wanted to do since the beginning. The taste of her is drugging. My tongue keeps plunging back in needing more. I feel her moan break free as I finally release her mouth, only to kiss down her neck. Her skin is salty-sweet and unlike anything I’ve had before.

Jordan Marie's Books