Saving Dancer (Savage Brothers MC #2)(29)

“I can’t wait to be inside of you, Princess. I’m going to f*ck you so hard that your * is shaped for my dick and my dick alone.”

I move my hands to his hips, trying to grab his shirt and pull it over his head. I want to feel his skin against mine.

“Keep your hands on my shoulders, Princess. Don’t move them.”

“I want to feel you…please Jacob take your shirt off,” I beg and make no mistake I am begging. Right now, I would do anything just to feel him…feel more of him.

Jacob groans but pulls back enough so that between the two of us we manage to pull his shirt off.

I can’t wait. I want to trace my fingers along the outline of his tats and follow that with my tongue. Jacob doesn’t let me though. I whimper out in disappointment as he grabs my hands and puts them over my head imprisoning them with one of his against the wall.

“Jacob, please…”

“Not on your life Princess, you touch me and this will be over. There’s only so much a man can take,” he responds and then I give up worrying about it because his lips are back on my breasts, sucking and worrying the nipple at the exact same time I feel his fingers moving over my clit.

Oh my god.

That’s the only thought I can have. No one has ever touched me before except well…me, and nothing I’ve ever done has felt this freaking good.

Jacob’s mouth comes up kissing and licking above my breast and along my collarbone, giving little nips with his teeth and driving me crazy. I push against his hand, wishing I was free so I could touch more of him. He won’t let go. I grieve the loss somewhere in the back of my mind. That’s all I can do, because I feel Jacob’s finger sliding against the lips of my * and then slowly move inside.

“Princess, you’re dripping for me. Do you want my cock, baby?”


I want to scream out, but I don’t. I’m a little afraid of what is to come, but that’s not it. I’ve dreamed of making love to Jacob forever, but as intense as this is, it is not like I imagined. It is not what I dreamed. I’m afraid to say that though, if I do he will stop and I don’t want that.

His finger pushes inside of me and I groan. It feels full and uncomfortable, but at the same time amazing. His thumb grazes my clit over and over, faster and faster and my hips begin to rock before I realize it.

“That’s it, Princess. Get out of that head of yours and just let your body feel,” He whispers as his tongue pushes into my ear and I feel yet another finger slide inside of me, stretching my passage.

I can’t stop a moan that breaks free. I am beyond full. I am stretched so much it’s almost painful.

“Shhh… I got you, Care Bear. I got you.”

I hear his voice and feel his breath against my face. I hear my old nickname and my body relaxes slowly, he lets go of my hands and I open my eyes that I didn’t remember closing.

He slides down to his knees and my vision is hazy because I’m so excited. Still, the sight of him on his knees in front of me, steals my breath. My hands move down to tease through his hair again, but he looks up at me and traps me with his eyes.

“Keep your hands flat against the wall, Carrie,” his order is quiet but full of demand.


“Do it.”

I swallow at the command in his voice, but flatten my hands against the wall and wait.

“Good girl. You want to be my good girl don’t you?”

I lick my lips, almost afraid of this new Jacob. I nod yes, because I’m not a fool. I want more. Heck at this point, I need more.

He smiles and that smile is full of cocky male and promises bad things. I apparently am a lover of bad things, because I feel myself getting even wetter and his fingers slide in a little further. How far can he go?

He uses one of his hands to open my * to him. Cool air hits my clit. It is in direct contrast to the heat that flushes and travels through my body as Jacob’s studies me.

“Damn Princess, you have the prettiest * I’ve ever seen. Look at all these pretty red curls trying to hide you from me. We’re going to have to shave that. Later though, right now I’m way too hungry for you.”

I bite my lip to keep from crying out as he flattens his tongue and licks my clit, pushing against it.

“Oh god…” Not very intelligent but all I can manage at this point. It only gets better when Jacob somehow captures my clit between his teeth and flicks his tongue back and forth. It’s similar to what he did to my breasts, only better… like a thousand times better.

All the while, he continues to move his fingers very gently back and forth inside of me. With each thrust his fingers sink further inside of me.

“Jacob, I think… I’m going…”

I’m gasping trying to figure out what I want to say, but unable to be coherent enough to put the words together.

He growls. He literally growls against my * and once again sucks my clit into his mouth, humming against it. His fingers pick up speed. Faster he slides in and out of me and I can hear the sound of him plunging through my wetness. His fingers become harder, relentless as they drive into me. My hips rock, following him with each withdrawal before he plunges back in. I’m riding his hand, trying to take in every touch, every feeling. I can feel a climax building, and I try to fight it off. I don’t want this to end.

Jordan Marie's Books