Saving Dancer (Savage Brothers MC #2)(32)

I position myself at her opening and stretch over the top of her perfect body.

“Princess, you have the sweetest tasting * I’ve ever had.”

“Jacob…” she moans, her body moving restlessly and still quaking from her release.

I use my hand to slide my cock back and forth over her throbbing clit, teasing both of us.

“Eyes on me, Carrie.”

She slowly opens her eyes, the green color glows back at me. Her pupils are so dilated they could swallow a man in their depths.

“Untie me now, Jacob… please. Please, let me touch you.”


“Taste how sweet you are, Carrie,” I say to divert her, slamming my lips against hers and thrusting my tongue in her mouth. I rest my cock in between the lips of her * and just glide there gently while she kisses me back, her tongue fighting with mine.

“You taste good don’t you, Princess? Do you see why I need more and more? Soon, I’m going to spend hours, doing nothing but eating your * until you pass out from the pleasure.”

I pull back now, once again positioning my cock. I’m dying to be inside of her.

“Carrie. Eyes. Now,” I order.

She instantly opens them again and locks onto me.

“Don’t take them off of me, Princess. Not once. I want to see it all.”

She bites her lip nervously, but nods.

“It may hurt, but I promise I’ll make it feel good soon.”

She gives another slight nod. I don’t want to hurt her. To be honest I don’t know anything about taking a virgin. I figure I’ve given her enough pleasure to make up for the pain and this sure isn’t the end of it. I caved because I wasn’t going to let Bull claim her. With this taste of her I know it’s not going to stop—not now. Fuck, maybe never. I’ve not felt alive in so long and with Carrie I feel way more than just alive.

I take a breath and then brace myself on top of her and plunge inside. I feel a barrier, but she’s so slick and with just a small thrust I push through and suddenly I’m completely inside. It sounds stupid. It sounds ridiculous, but I’m home. I f*cking like being the only one to have been here.

Carrie cries out at the intrusion and those beautiful green eyes water. It takes all I have, but I hold myself still—letting her become accustomed to me.

“I’m in now, baby. Tell me when it starts to feel better.”

“It burns,” She confesses and one lone tear rolls down her cheek.

I lean down and kiss away the tear and then kiss down her neck making a path down to her breast. I capture a nipple between my teeth and worry it with my tongue. Teasing gently, but never stopping. I’m trying to get her back to the point I need her. I put all my weight on one arm while sliding my hand down between us. I tease her clit.

“Jacob…” She gasps and I can feel the moisture gathering around my cock and slide a little further in.

“That’s it, Care Bear, you feel so good baby. There’s never been anything better.”


“You’re f*cking amazing, Care. Amazing,” I praise.

“I need more,” She gasps her hips trying to move under my weight.”

“I got you baby, now comes the good part.”

I pull almost all the way out and then push back in. Slowly at first, but when she starts to follow my rhythm, I pick up speed.

“Fuck yeah. Lock your legs around me and hold on.”

I know she’s a virgin, I know the importance of what I just took from her. Yet, I can’t slow down. It is beyond me. I’m too far gone.

I have the presence of mind to manipulate her clit, bringing her to the edge again. I can feel my balls tighten and I know I’m going to blow.

“Come for me, Princess. One more time, let me feel you come all over my cock,” she moans as I pull up on her hip and sink down to my balls.

Fuck, it can’t get any better.

That’s my last sane thought as she calls out my name. It blends with my groans. Her walls ripple against my dick and takes every drop of cum I have to give her.

I was wrong, it can get better. It just did.

Chapter 17



I should probably think of something more profound, but I’m pretty sure my brain is mush. All I got is… wow. Jacob is lying beside me, one hand across my stomach. I feel the other against my side. His fingers moving up and down along my thigh. I’m trying to process everything. I don’t think I was prepared for sex, not sex this intense. It is everything and more than I thought it would be with Jacob. It was perfect. Except, it wasn’t, not really.

Now there is silence. All you can hear in the room is our breathing slowly coming back down to normal. There are no soft words of love. No laughter, no playing, none of that. Worse, there are no soft touches being exchanged, no holding each other close. None of the stuff I dreamed of is happening in the aftermath. Instead, I’m lying in a bed with Jacob’s hands on me, willing myself to be quiet because he’s not talking and I’m afraid of saying the wrong thing. I can’t touch him or hold him close or do the million and one things I want to do. Why? Because my hands are still tied. My lips feel dry, my throat feels raw…but then I did scream out that last time. When I can’t stand it any longer, I take a chance to shatter the silence.

Jordan Marie's Books