Saving Dancer (Savage Brothers MC #2)(31)

I kiss every inch of her I can reach, while using my hands to touch her, and praise her. Her skin is so smooth, so warm and soft that I could spend hours doing nothing but touching…worshipping her.

I slide one of my hands into that wet as f*ck *. When she had ridden my hand earlier, I nearly came in my damn pants. I watched her eyes the entire time and when I felt her cream slide out against my fingers it took all I had not to join her.

I let my fingers dance along her clit, petting it and slowly bringing her where I need her to be, her hips thrust out and she moans at my intrusion.

“Jacob, it’s…tender…”

“It’s f*cking perfect. You’re perfect. I can’t wait to be inside of you,” I answer bringing my lips to her ear. I use my other hand to play with her hair and hold her head as I continue torturing her clit.

“Oh god… I can’t stand it,” she gasps, her hips bucking wildly against my hand as she clamps down trying to ride. Her moves are out of rhythm and unpracticed and damn, it excites me.

I own this, no one else…just me.


No other bastard has got this from her. I’ll kill any motherf*cker who tries.

“It’s time for our first lesson, Princess,” I whisper close to her ear, before stretching over her to suck her nipple into my mouth. I suck so hard, I know my mark will be there in the morning. Hell, I’m going to mark her entire body, just because I f*cking can.

“Lesson?” She questions, her hips rocking faster. She’s bearing down so tight against my hand, I’m amazed with the force she’s using to ride.

“Carrie, you’re my woman, aren’t you?”


She answers immediately, no denying it, playing coy or bargaining—just straight out admitting it. I feel something inside of me lighten with her agreement.

“My woman doesn’t use the word penis.”


She screams out my name as I push two of my fingers inside of her. She’s so wet they slide in further than before and I can feel the barrier of her virginity.

I’ve f*cked a lot of women, but this is new ground to me. I hope like hell I can make it good for her. I promise myself that I won’t let her out of bed the whole day so I can make sure sex is something she wants…f*ck that, to make sure sex with me is something she craves. That’s my goal.

“Jacob, I’m going… I’m going to orgasm again.”

“You’re going to come, Carrie. Say it.”

Her head is thrown back against the mattress. That gorgeous hair is strung all over her pillow. Her eyes are closed, her lips swollen, wet and open and her body is moving to a pace I am setting. Magnificent.

“Say it, Carrie. Tell me you’re going to come. I want to hear that dirty little word from your lips.”

“I’m going to come…” She cries out, the word comes echoing out in the room.

I smile. I smile like a f*cking loon at her words.

“That’s good, Princess. You deserve a reward,” I say, biting along the corded muscle in her neck.

“I do?” She asks her voice soft and breathless.

“Yeah baby, you do. Do you want my cock?”

“I…Jacob…” She cries, as I push my thumb hard against her clit and f*ck her with my fingers, stretching her passage and curling them to get her ready. God, she’s so tight. She’s going to squeeze the hell out of my dick. I take my hand away from her * and sit up. She moans out her displeasure.

“What, baby?” I ask moving so I’m sitting in between her legs. I pull her legs further apart and push so her knees are bent close to her chest.

She’s exposed completely, her hungry * pulsating, so slick it’s glossy with her need. I thrust my fingers back in at the same time flattening my tongue out and licking that clit which is so engorged, I know she’s about to explode.

“I… oh…yes…that… Jacob, keep doing that.”

I smile. That doesn’t sound like a shy virgin at all. Breaking her in is going to be fun. She’s going to be a wildcat, I can feel it. The anticipation is almost as good as the taste of her on my tongue… almost.

“I can’t, Princess. I’m going to give you my cock. You want my big fat cock in this * don’t you? You want me inside of you, right?” I ask moving my tongue teasingly over her clit, lapping at it like it’s the last taste of my favorite ice cream.

“Yes…” She whimpers, clenching against my fingers which I’ve thrust back into her * and just leave there, refusing to move. She’s tightening up and trying to ride them, but can’t. I refuse to let her close her legs to get the traction she needs.

“Jacob please, stop torturing me!” She cries out.

“Aw baby, I’m sorry. I just love the taste of you so much I can’t seem to stop. You taste like f*cking nectar of the gods. I could eat out this sweet little * for days on end and never get enough,” I explain taking my fingers out, smiling at her disappointed moan.

“Oh… please, I need to…”

“Say it.”

“I need to come.”

“Good girl. Just for that, I’m going to be nice.”

I lift her ass, sliding a pillow under it. I slam my fingers back in her * curling them upward and f*ck her hard with them while eating out this sweet little cunt with all I’ve got. It doesn’t take long. She detonates, riding my face, bathing me with her sweet cum. I growl with hunger, because it’s not enough—not by a long shot. I want more. I’m going to have more.

Jordan Marie's Books