Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(52)

The man looks at Dani and curls his lips and then…shoots her. I scream and go to her, falling down as I try to catch her. He shot her in the leg, and while that’s a good place to get shot, if you had to get shot, there is instantly a lot of blood. I tear her shirt and try and stuff it at the wound, pushing it tight while the two men above us are laughing.

“A pity, Tiny spoke highly of you. I was going to add you to my stable. Can’t stand a mouth like that though. Of course if you survive I could cut your tongue out and still use you. Hmmm…” The pig seemed to truly be considering this.

“I’m going to meet up with the others. Take care of the whores and meet us at the docks.”

“Might be more powerful if Nicole here is a gift,” Irish suggests cryptically and I don’t know what this gift is, but I’m thinking it’s not good.

“True, but think how much fun it’ll be to deliver both. Just do your job and be quick about it.”

“You got it.”

With that, the other guy leaves out the way he came. Irish walks around in front of us and I want to kill him. He seems so calm, so detached while Dani lays here bleeding out. How could I have ever thought he was a good guy?

“Aw Nic girl don’t look at me like that. This is just business. You just picked the wrong dick to hang onto. I was actually planning on giving you a go, but I’m sick of Dragon’s leftovers. So you pretty much sealed your own fate.”

“I wouldn’t f*ck you if you were the last man on Earth.”

“Don’t make me prove you a liar girl. We both know I can. I’m tempted actually, but I don’t have the time and unlike Dragon, I like to enjoy my women.” He says walking closer to me.

He grabs my hair and pulls me away from Dani. She’s not talking at all; she passed out. At least I hope that is all. I feel the panic begin to overwhelm me. I try to strike out at him, hit him, claw him anything but he takes the butt of his gun and slams it into the side of my face.

He must not have done it full strength because it doesn’t knock me out, but I am literally seeing stars. I fall back to the ground looking up at Irish, or rather a couple of him. My vision is blurry and he swims in front of me. I register that he’s aiming his gun at me and I realize that it’s over. I’m half laying on Dani and she didn’t even move, so I figure I’ve already lost her. I close my eyes and picture Dragon’s face one more time. The way he looked before I fell asleep last night when he told me that I had him. I don’t know what comes after this world, but I pray whatever it is I’ll find Dragon in it.

“Nic baby! Mama, where are you?” I hear Dragon call out in the distance.

I want to speak up, but I can’t. I figure I’m dreaming, but I shake my head to try and figure out exactly what is going on.

“Fuck.” That came from Irish. He sounds panicked, so maybe I’m not dreaming.

Irish starts to back away towards the rock where Dani and I first hid. I try and steady myself and lurch up to stand, I sway dangerously almost falling back down, but at least my vision seems to be clearing a little.

“Dragon,” I call out or whisper, I can’t be sure, so I try again. “Dragon!” Shit, was that any louder?

I hear Dragon running towards us now. I look back at Irish and he’s still pointing the gun. I know instantly what he has planned.

Dragon just makes it into my vision before I run towards him, trying to shield him.

Chapter 24


My world stops, it f*cking stops. I see Nicole falling towards me, she’s covered in blood, she doesn’t have a shirt on, there are scratches all over her body and her face is swollen and red. She’s saying my name, but it’s garbled and I try to catch her before she falls. She’s in my arms, but before my heart can calm….

Two shots, two f*cking shots--the report of the gun rings out as if in slow motion. Bang…bang…and with each horrendous noise my woman’s body jerks. I scream out in agony because it feels as if my f*cking heart is being ripped from my chest.

I hear more gun shots but they are coming from behind me. My men are here, but I can’t feel relief.

I fall to the ground holding my woman. I look up to see my Irish. My FUCKING BROTHER holding the gun that just shot my woman. He’s on his knees now, bleeding himself, since one of Crush’s shots hit him in the arm. Bull has him down and slams his fist into the side of his head.

I look back at Nicole afraid to move. I can feel the blood at my hands where I’m holding her. I lean back to look at her face and her blue eyes are watching me. They’re dazed and dilated, but she’s staring at me with a smile. She has a f*cking smile on her lips.

I bring my hand up and shakily hold the side of her face. The blood instantly smears on her hair and I hate it. It looks wrong. An obscenity on the only beautiful thing I’ve ever known.

“I knew you’d come.” She whispers weakly and it’s all I can do to keep from screaming out at the pain gathering inside of me.

“I’m here Mama. You have to hold on for me.” I say petting her hair gently. I look over at Crush. “Get the ATV here NOW! Use the two-way and have Doc meet us at the bottom.”

“Dragon…I love you.”

“Mama, stop that shit. You’re going to be fine. Just hold on and I’ll have you fixed up in no time.”

Jordan Marie's Books