Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(50)

Chapter 22


“Fuck man there’s more going on than even our informant is telling us.” Crush says as we walk out the door. I try not to wince at the clanging of the doors, but I do just the same.

“I know.” We walk towards the visitor’s area where the lockers we were given to hold our personal items are located.

“So what the f*ck are we going to do? We need to get him out of this hell hole.”

“Call Eagle, tell him to speed this shit up. I don’t care what money is involved or who we need to pay.”

Crush didn’t respond, but there was nothing much to say. We waited while the guard behind the counter took our claim ticket. He pushed cell phones and billfolds across to us. We grab them and leave. I hated that I was so relieved to get out of there, leaving my brother in there to rot. Hell yeah Eagle needed to get on the ball.

Once we made it outside I put my shades back on and stop when I get on my bike. Shit, maybe I am * whipped, but all I know is I want to check in with my woman. That’s when I notice I have twenty missed calls from Irish and Nailer. Crusher got on his bike beside me, but he didn’t talk—maybe he could tell from my face shit was up.

“Yo what the f*ck is going on?” I say as soon as Irish picks up the phone.

“Dragon, man Nicole is missing.”

Holy f*ck, my heart hurts. With three words I knew more fear that I had ever felt in my life.

“Motherf*cker I left her in your care. You better be f*cking joking and let me say right now that f*cking shit ain’t funny and I’m going to personally pull your head out of your ass backwards…”

“Dragon her girl called and asked her to meet at their house. I made her take Nailer. Hell Dragon, Nailer said it was an ambush. He opened the door and some f*cker knocked him out cold. When he woke up your woman and her girl and whoever the hell hit him were gone but…. Shit man.”

“What damn it?” I felt a knot in my chest, fear total fear. What the hell was wrong with me?

“Fuck man…there was blood everywhere.”

I think my heart stopped. Whatever I felt in that moment went beyond fear.

“What about the cameras at the house?” I said trying to think. Anything the club owned we had cameras on them, but motherf*cker the cameras on that old house were ancient. Why the hell hadn’t I thought to change them sooner?”

“It looks like the girls got away into the hills. Some f*cker came out behind them, got in a car and left.”

“So, he didn’t follow them?” I asked trying to catch my breath.

“No, but we haven’t heard from Nic. The boys have been combing the hills and the main road.”

“Crush and I are about an hour out. Call the Ohio Chapter, tell them we won’t be there today. Then you put every f*cking man we have out searching and you find her. If she’s hurt I’m taking it out on your mother f*cking ass for letting her leave during lock down!”

I look at Crusher while I start up my bike.

“Home now,” I order not explaining the rest, I figure he got enough of the conversation that I didn’t need to clue him in. My f*cking palms are sweaty and my heart is beating out of my chest. I’m not a praying man. I figure God turned his back on me before I was born, it’s all I can explain for the way my life started. Right now though, I find myself praying and praying hard.

I need this woman. Last night cemented that to me, when she held me and told me she just wanted me? Fuck. No one had ever ripped me open like that before. They sure hadn’t claimed me and been proud of that shit. In my experience women wanted to f*ck the Prez because I was the Prez but that was about it. Nicole could care less about the club or my position in it. I still didn’t understand what it was between us, but after last night I know that this girl is it for me. I have to have her. I have to keep her, f*ck. She has to be safe. She has to be.

Hold on Mama, I’m coming.

I repeat that mantra in my head over and over, praying she can somehow hear me.

Chapter 23


Okay it sucks but I’m ready to admit it. I have no f*cking idea where we are. I thought we were heading towards the road, I really did, but we’ve been walking forever now and there’s no sign of a f*cking road. In fact the hill seems to be going up instead of down. Shouldn’t it go down if I’m getting close to the road? I fall down against a tree and Dani does something similar across from me. We don’t talk. Neither one of us are happy with each other at this point. We’re cold, we’re tired, and we’re scared. I refuse to list scared first, though truly the fear I feel inside is like this giant knot threatening to choke me at this point. Worse I’m horribly numb. The radio had said the high today would be forty but it feels like fifteen. I’m so frozen I don’t think I’ll ever get warm again. I close my eyes and picture Dragon. He probably doesn’t even know I’m missing. He was going to be gone all day. Dani and I had both been trying to use our cell phones but no signal. That’s the thing about living in the Appalachian Mountains, cell service sucked donkey balls. I would almost suck donkey balls to get out of this mess. Shit no, I’d make Dani do it. Bitch owed me, even if she didn’t admit it and surely that couldn’t be as bad as sleeping with that creep I had stabbed.

Jordan Marie's Books