Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(46)

“Would it help if I told you Bull got his name because he was hung like one?” He joked turning into the house Dani and I had rented.

“I don’t think I’m supposed to know that kind of information about Bull. Oh my God, I’ll never be able to look at the man again now.”

Nailer laughed and we got out of the SUV. I had been dreading being in a car with someone I didn’t know, but Nailer made me laugh. So far I had to say with the exception of the bitch I had to put in her place? I liked all of Dragon’s ‘family’.

Dani’s car was in the driveway, so at least I wouldn’t have to wait around until she got home.

I opened the door and walked in still laughing with Nailer and because of that was completely unprepared for what happened next.

The smallest guy that Dani left with the other night came out from behind the door and used the butt of his gun to hit Nailer in the head. Nailer went down with a horrible thud. I scream and immediately the man wraps his beefy looking hand around my mouth and drags me further inside.

I try biting him, but he holds my head so tight, I can’t move enough to get away from him. I know there is fear in my eyes, you couldn’t really help it in this situation, but I’m still pissed as hell at myself for allowing it. I look over at Dani and she doesn’t appear alarmed. There’s something in her eyes, I wasn’t sure what it was exactly but she starts walking towards me.

“Calm down Nic. It’s not what you think. Tiny and me are trying to save you. Girl you just don’t know what that man you are with has done.”

I elbow the idiot holding me and Dani nods at him and he lets me go.

“Are you crazy?” I immediately go down on the floor to check on Nailer. He’s breathing, but definitely out cold with a knot the size of Texas on the back of his head.

“Nic I had to get you away from that club. You don’t know what they’re doing!” Dani said, reaching down to pull me away. I stubbornly refused to let her.

“Have you lost your freaking mind?”


“Dani! How the f*ck do you know anything is going on? You spent what? A couple nights with this * and decide everything he’s telling you is the f*cking truth?”

“He had pictures Nic. You should see what Dragon did to his own man! Here look at them! You can’t stay with him Nic, he’ll hurt you!”

I hear the panic in her voice so I try to count to ten and calm my temper. Then I take the camera she’s pushing at me. I click the review button on the back and scan through the photos captured on the little screen.

Okay my stomach knots up at what I see. Dragon is torturing some man lying in a …bathtub? The man is badly beaten. There’s one picture where it appears that Dragon was cutting off his fingers maybe? It’s hard to tell and the picture is obviously taken through a window and at a good distance away.

“Why do you have these pictures?” I ask Dani and the man I remembered Skull called Tiny the other night. He has a smug ass look on his face. I don’t like him. That thought rings clear over a myriad of emotions hammering through me at the moment. Dani looks at me like I have three heads.

“That’s all you have to say? Did you see what he was doing to that poor man?”

Good question, I guess. I mean I did see it, but I had also seen pictures at the club of the girl that had been beaten. I knew this was the club business Dragon had been handling. If this man had been the one who had done that to the girl, and if he had also been one of Dragon’s men like Dani insinuated it didn’t excuse him, but it sure as hell put a different light on the situation.

“I’m not discussing Dragon’s business with you Dani I’m asking why the f*ck these pictures were taken in the first place?”

“Tiny is in charge of following Dragon and his crew when they are in Skull’s city to make sure they don’t do shit LIKE THIS! Nic you can’t be so far gone over Dragon that you can’t see how wrong this is? Jesus.”

I act like I’m going through the pictures, but instead eject the memory card out the side and slide it into my pants pocket. Maybe I am a fool, but I believe in him and I’m not about to leave anything that might be used against him.

“Get the f*ck out of my house.” I yell when I finish, turning the camera off and tossing it across the room.

“Not going to happen bitch,” Tiny smugly says. It’s then I notice the look on his face. Yeah, I don’t like him was understating shit—like a lot.

“What do you want from me?” I ask with a disgusted snarl trying to figure out how in the hell to get out of this mess.

“To play with you sweet cheeks, maybe I’ll do you and your girl at the same time. Dani here likes to party. The more the merrier, right baby?”

God he makes my stomach turn. I watch Dani’s face as it goes white. Dani has some amazing qualities, but when it comes to men she’s worse than me. The thought of letting this man anywhere near me makes me gag.

“You touch me and Dragon will feed you your dick and balls on a silver platter.”

“Think you’re overestimating your appeal puta. Dragon’s known for liking lots of *, you’re just the flavor of the day.

You’re not my type so much, but I’ll f*ck your ass while you’re eating out your girl. Now enough of this shit. Strip before I decide your fat ass is more trouble than it’s worth.”

Jordan Marie's Books