Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(47)

“Tiny baby stop it you’re going to scare Nic. Besides, I told you I don’t party with other women,” Dani said. I could tell she was trying to distract him so I could get away, the panicked look in her eyes when she shot me a pleading glance told me so. I couldn’t leave her and Nailer here alone though. I move my body so I’m blocking Nailer’s torso, then use my hand to see if he had any kind of weapon on him I could use.

I might have thrown up in my mouth a little when Dani actually kisses the creep. Ugh, I would have to gargle twenty times a day for the rest of my life.

Still when she hikes her leg up on his hip and starts taking his shirt off, I figure I might have a shot of getting us out of this f*cked up mess, if Nailer just had something I could use…

Eureka! A knife, I would have much rather had a gun. Dragon should really talk to his men about carrying weapons at all times. I mean seriously, what kind of bad ass protector didn’t have a freaking gun???

I palm the knife and hide it behind my back. I’m trying to come up with a plan as I watch Dani practically mouth raping Tiny. Ugh, I’m suddenly glad I didn’t eat anything more than toast.

The only thing I can come up with kind of sucks. Stab yuck man, preferably in the balls for his comment about doing me and Dani, then running with my girl and getting the heck out of Dodge. The problem with this sucky ass plan was that it left Nailer unprotected. I hated it, but I figured he’d be running after me and Dani. Actually, I was hoping I’d leave him in bad enough shape he couldn’t do anything again. Yeah it was a sucky ass plan for sure.

Tiny pushes Dani away finally, but I could tell from the look in his eyes it was only so I could join in. I don’t know where bad Nicole had gone lately? But if she was here I’d totally let her take over and stab this bastard between the eyes.

“Come on over here puta. Let me see what you got.”

I push the knife down the back of my pants hanging the handle on the rim of my jeans. I send up a silent prayer that I don’t cut myself or the knife doesn’t fall and cut my sixty dollar lingerie set I’m wearing. My luck it will and then fall to the floor where it leaves me, f*cked and sadly that’s also in the literal sense.

Ewww, don’t want him after having Dragon.

Well hell there’s bad Nicole now but why did she sound so panicked and afraid?

Oh yeah because f*ck I am. I walk over a few steps shooting Dani a--I’m going to kill you later look. I almost feel guilty when I see the tears in her eyes. Dani is a beautiful person, but she doesn’t really think before she leaps. Me? I normally over think, but I’m not seeing that as a negative at the moment.

“Take off your shirt. I want to see the merchandise.”

God I don’t want too, but I need him to think I’m going to go along with this plan until I get close enough to do some damage.

Please God, let me do some damage.

I paste what I hope is a scared little girl face. Shit there is not a lot of acting required, I’m pretty damn scared. I lift my pink camouflage thermal shirt off and over my head throwing it on the floor. I loved that shirt and it was uber warm, but I vow that if I survive this, I’m never wearing that damn shirt again.

“Oh yeah look at those luscious tits. I’m definitely going to bury my cock in those f*ckers. I think you’re starting to grow on me puta.”

I want to kill him.

“I’ve never done anything like this…”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“That’s okay puta lucky for you I have.”

I get closer to him I feel Dani step back. I’m trying to shore up my courage and keep my hands from shaking. I’m only going to get one shot at this.

“Should I…take my bra off?” I ask and thank the lucky stars above that I wore a bra that clasps in the back today.

“Oh yeah, show ole’ Tiny what you got for him.”

He asked right? Deep breath…one…two…My hand goes back as if to unhook my bra, but instead I move it down to grasp the knife. Three…. I tighten my hand up around the knife, praying that it was as big and sharp as it seemed and in my panic I think of three places to stab. Balls are way too low and would take too long and I could miss. Eye, I could hit it but he might have time to block it and he sure is sure to be a lot stronger than me. So I go for the gut. It’s closer, I can reach it easier and he has less time to fight off the attack.

I scream as I stab him, I’m not sure it helps but it makes me feel better. The knife slices in and it takes some force but I manage to get it in deep. Blood spews forth and the sight of it going around my hand and out of the wound is horrible. I want to hold onto the knife, but my hand is so slick that I can’t. As the bastard falls back against the couch cussing and calling me names that would make a sailor blush, I yell at Dani to run. We take off with him cursing in the background. I don’t look back. I read somewhere that looking back is wrong, bad wrong. Besides that, in all of the scary movies the silly bitches that look back always get their throats slashed. We run towards the SUV that Nailer and I rode in. Fuck no f*cking keys!

“Tiny has mine!” Dani yells out panicking big time now, but I’m right there with her.

“We have to hit the hills. We’ll circle around and come back out on the main road by Dragon’s compound!”

“Nic! You know what the hills are like it’s impossible to follow a back road!”

Jordan Marie's Books