Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(48)

“Just do it Dani! Jesus we don’t have time to debate it.”

We take off running towards the hills and I just pray we can get away and to safety before Tiny finds us. While we’re running towards the hills, I hear the front screen door open and I know that’s not good.


Chapter 20


Okay my plan to hit the hills in hindsight wasn’t a very good one. Dani and I had been on the run now for a good hour and I wasn’t sure how long it would take a person to walk fifteen miles but I was pretty sure we had done it. We’re currently sitting on a log right now trying to catch our breath.

When we first started, I thought I heard Tiny chasing after us, but it has been silent since. I’m hoping the f*cker had died from his stab wound, but I’m not holding my breath. It seems my luck is not that great.

I’m freezing. Dani hadn’t been wearing a jacket and while she offered me her shirt, I figured I had more meat on my bones and could withstand the cold longer. I’m starting to think that was a f*cked up idea. I’m so cold and tired at this point I’m numb.

“Shit Nic, I’m sorry. It’s just Dragon went so crazy the other night with Skull and then I saw those photos. I was worried about you! You have to understand…”

Dani had been crying and I totally understood what she was saying, but I couldn’t lie and say I wasn’t pissed too.

“It’s okay Dani let’s just concentrate on getting out of this mess.” I say getting up to continue walking, leaving her to follow me.

“You’re still pissed.” She says as we start trudging through the briars and trees.

“You shouldn’t have tried to set me up. You didn’t even know that man! You put both of us in danger without even thinking!”

“He hasn’t been like that before today, I swear Nic.”

“Oh wow so he was like great for a whole freaking day or two and just turned psycho, nutty, crazy the last f*cking hour?” I bite back—okay I might be a little madder than first estimated.

“That’s not fair! You haven’t known Dragon that long either and it’s clear he’s a little unhinged. Did you not see those photos?”

“I did, but what I know that you don’t Dani is that Dragon is good to me and he’s a good man. There are things going on at his club. I don’t understand it and we haven’t talked about it, but I know there was a woman raped and beaten and she’s in bad shape. I trust Dragon enough to believe that whatever he did, there was a reason!”

“It still doesn’t make it right!” Dani argued.

“I heard the boys talking Dani, the woman was a sweet, innocent woman that they all thought a lot of. She was beaten unconscious and raped! I don’t care what you think is right. If that had been you, I would have wanted Dragon to get revenge too!”

“You’re freaking whacked. You’re so wrapped up in Dragon you can’t see that he’s not a good guy! You do not need to be mixed up in this shit Nic.”

“What is your problem?” I yell and turn on her. Another mistake! I should be letting her ass lead so she’d hit the briars first. She at least has a long sleeved shirt on!

“I’ll tell you what my problem is! You were supposed to sleep with him and have some fun! Not just agree to move into his club and become his personal bitch! You have no idea what you’re getting into with a man like him!”

It hits me then what is really wrong with Dani. I should have guessed it earlier but it just didn’t click into place. I take a deep breath.

“Dani, Dragon isn’t Michael.”

“Michael didn’t seem like Michael in the beginning Nic. You even have to admit that. Hell you liked him!”

“I did and you’re right. I know Michael f*cked you up in a big way. I get that Dani, but you’re reacting in all the wrong ways here. You have got to quit letting the past control your future. Michael is gone.”

“Some scars don’t heal,” she grumbles and pushes past me.

I sigh. There wasn’t much more I could say. Dani had every right to feel like she did.

“Dani, Dragon protects me. He’d never hurt me.”

“Save it Nic. I saw the look in his eyes. I’m all too familiar with that look and with the excuses women make.”

I let it go. It didn’t matter what I told her about Dragon, she wasn’t going to listen. Besides, I had bigger worries.

“Hold up, I know we’ve passed that damn rock before.” I say turning around to stare at the huge rock that looks like one we would have used like a big slide growing up.

“Fuck!” Dani growls and that about summed it up. “I told you going into the hills was a bad idea! Son of a bitch!”

So I could clearly mark down that Dani didn’t deal well with panic. Good to know, wish I had known that earlier!

“Calm down. We’ll just turn right and start going that way it’s heading towards the road. Surely we can get our bearings then.” I rationalize.

“I thought you said the road was too dangerous!”

“For God sakes, you’re not listening to me about anything else, why listen now?” I huff and push in front of her. I start walking to the right. She could follow or not at this point.

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