Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(54)

“I want to see her.” He looks around at me and my brothers. “She’s in intensive care. I’m sorry, but we only allow certain visiting hours on that floor.”

“Listen Doctor, I can appreciate rules, but that is my woman lying in there by herself. You told me the next forty-eight hours are critical and there is no way in hell that I am not going to be by her side every damn one of those hours. She’s my woman and no one will keep me from her. Are we clear?”

The doctor swallowed and his eyes moved over the men behind me and finally rested back on mine.

“I will not allow any disruption. The first commotion, I will have security escort you out and bar you from the premises.”

“Fair enough.” Like f*ck he would.

He nodded and reluctantly said with his back to me, “Follow me.”

She looks so weak lying in the bed. Her skin is pale and washed out. She blends in with the stark white of the hospital sheets. I sit in the chair beside her and immediately wrap my hand around hers.

I have always enjoyed the differences of our color when we are together. The deep contrast is like something we shared, polar opposites attracting and clinging tight. Tonight her color is way too pale. She’s still beautiful, but she is so cold to the touch.

I bring my hand up and shakily touch her hair. A nurse had obviously cleaned her hair and body. Even so, the horrible sight of her blood is engrained in my brain I still see it.

“I’m here Mama. I told you, you got me now. I’ll always be here for you. You just got to live up to your end of the deal woman and wake up. I need you Mama. I f*cking need you,” I whisper close to her ear.

“I need you, Mama.” I repeat that on and off willing her to listen to it. I need her to know it, because I know if she hears it, she will do whatever she has to do, to come back to me. Eventually, I lay my forehead down on our hands and just soak in being close to her.

Chapter 26


I feel so cold and it’s dark. I can’t seem to pull myself out. Did I fall into a hole? Everything just seems so hazy and I can’t grasp anything around me. I hear him though, off in the background, I hear Dragon telling me he needs me and I panic. What’s wrong? I doubt Dragon has ever admitted to anyone that he needed them. My lips feel so dry and I lick them to try and speak.

“Dragon?” I croak. I seriously croaked, I don’t know what’s wrong with my voice, but my whole body feels weird.

“Nicole?” Dragon speaks back in a voice I had never heard from him before.

“Need you too.” I try to tell him, because I can feel the darkness begin to pull me back under.

When I come back through, I manage to open my eyes this time. My head feels like it has been hit over and over by a sledge hammer, my body feels just as bad. I look around the dark room and see Dragon lying asleep in the chair beside my bed.


His body jerks awake instantly.

“Mama,” he said as his mouth comes down and he kisses my forehead gently.

“Thirsty…” I croak and he immediately reaches over to a table and gets me a drink from a glass there. It seems to take all my energy just to suck out of the straw.

“What happened?”

“Don’t you remember Mama?”

“No, but I feel like I’ve been ran over by a Mack Truck. Was I in an accident?”

His big hand comes down and caresses the side of my face. His eyes are so deep and intense that I can’t look away and there is moisture there too. I feel like I am missing something big here.

“Something like that but you’re going to be okay Mama and that’s all that matters.”

“You look tired.”

“Yeah well, when my woman gets shot I tend to not get any sleep.”

“Shot…oh God Dragon, Irish…”

“Shh…it’s all okay now Mama but when the police ask you questions, I need you to tell them that you don’t know who kidnapped you. That you have no idea who they are and you’ve never seen them before. Can you do that for me?”


“I’ll explain later, I promise.”


“She’s going to be okay, Mama. She’s already been released. She’s at the club where we can watch over her.”

“She’s released? How long? How long have I been here?” I asked, feeling unease move through me.

“A week.”

“A week?” I croak.

“You developed an infection and were in a coma for awhile, but you kept fighting and holding on. That’s all that matters. Jesus Mama, I’m so glad you’ve come back to me.”

I gave him a weak smile, feeling something close to happiness spread through me. He cared.

“Well! I see your fiancé has decided to wake up and join us Mr. West.”

An older nurse said walking into the room. I look over at Dragon and mouth, “Fiance?”

He grins big and that ‘close’ to happiness I felt earlier explodes beyond measure.

“We were beginning to wonder about you young lady.”

“Sorry.” I said tightening my hand around Dragon’s.

“Do you need anything?”

Jordan Marie's Books