Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(56)

“Totally! Why sex can speed up the healing process by over one hundred and twenty per cent.”

“I see you’ve been doing your research.”

“I totally have.”

“Too bad.”

“It is?” She asks confused.

I lean in close to whisper in her ear, “Yeah Mama, because I’m not giving you my cock until I’m sure you’re completely healed.”

“You suck.”

“I thought you liked it when I sucked on you,” I said, kissing the back of her neck.

“Hey there’s an idea.”

“What’s that Mama?” I ask holding her and just breathing in her scent.

She turns to the side and looks at me and right away I can see I’m in trouble.

“I could suck you off and let you cum down my throat. That way even if I can’t cum, I can still taste you.”

Fuck. She’s trying to kill me, or make me cum in my jeans—hell maybe both.

“Not going to happen Mama. I’m not getting off until I can make sure you do too.”

“Meanie,” she said sticking her bottom lip out in a pout.

“Now what are you drinking?” I’m trying to will my raging hard on back under control. It’s going to be a long month. I haven’t told Nicole, but even though the Doctor said she could have sexual relations after two weeks, I’m not going to touch her for at least a month. I will not put her life in jeopardy. It already bothers me that because of my failure to protect her she’s walking around with only one kidney. If something were to happen to it…to her…

“Crush said it was a drink made especially for me,” she said proudly finishing it off with a smack of the lips.

“And why is that Mama?” I ask intrigued now.

“It’s called, Dragon’s Balls!” She says with a sparkle in those damn blue eyes. I look up at Crush and Six who are laughing their asses off, obviously knowing she’s told me. I flip them off and then shift her gently so I pick her up and start walking back to our room.

“Did I mention that you have a tendency to pick me up and carry me a lot?”

“I seem to recall that.”

“Just checking,” she says resting her head on my shoulder.

I stand her in front of our bed and go back and lock our door.

“God I’m glad you’re home.”

“What has happened to my gruff Dragon?” She asks watching as I begin undressing her.

I unbutton her shirt first, my eyes holding hers.

“You saved him,” I said pulling the shirt from her arms and tossing it on the floor.

“I think he saved me.”

“He was the idiot who let you get hurt.” I say honestly and wait while she kicks her shoes off and I do the same.

“He came and saved me,” she argued. I pull her jogging pants and underwear down gently knowing she’s still sore from the emergency surgery.

I turn her around and kiss her back while I unhook her bra. Once I have it unhooked I lean down and kiss the scar from her surgery which is longer than it would have been normally because of the damage. Then I kiss the bullet wound off to the side of the incision. Finally I kiss the bullet wound on her thigh.

“Is it ugly Dragon?” She asks her voice trembling. I gently lay her on the bed and then climb in beside her, pulling the covers up over us.

She holds me close, her head on my chest and this might be the first time I’ve breathed easily since she was hurt.

“It’s beautiful Mama. Everything about you is beautiful to me.”

“It’s a horrendous scar, both are Dragon, there’s no way it can be beautiful.”

“It is to me. It’s proof to me that somehow despite everything you’ve found a way to love my f*cked up ass.”

“I love everything about you.”

“I’ve got scars, inside and out Mama does it make you care about me less?”

“No way!”

“You heard the kind of filth I was born into, the kind of person I am. How I even got my damn name. Does that change the way you feel about me?”

“No. I love your name. I’ve been to Detroit you know. Do you know what I’ve always found amazing?”

“What’s that Mama?” I ask my hands finding her hair again and swirling it around my fingers.

“People only see the broken sad parts of Detroit, but if you look closer? If you take the time to investigate and see everything that it has to offer, the truth is that it is an amazing and beautiful city. So I think the name fits you perfectly.”

Fuck. She’s done it again. I have so many emotions welling up inside of me that I’m not sure I’ll be able to choke them back down.

“Do you love me Dragon?” She asks and she sounds so insecure, but hell I don’t know how to answer that.

“I don’t know what love is Nicole.”

“Oh,” she says so quietly into the empty room. I can hear the disappointment in her voice and it makes me feel like shit. I don’t want to lie, but I honestly don’t know what that shit is.

“Fuck baby. Don’t you get it? Have you seen how a stone breaks and shatters with the ring of a sledge hammer? Pieces just bust in so many different size chunks you’ll never get them back together? I’m like a goddamned tombstone that has been broken into so many f*cking pieces that some turn to dust. I’ve never been scared in my life, but you scare me. You break me woman, you f*cking break me apart. I failed to keep you safe and I can’t let that shit happen again. So I ask myself how the f*ck do I keep you safe when you leave me so damned defenseless.”

Jordan Marie's Books