Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(57)

“That sounds a little bit like love to me.” She said so damned hopeful that another layer of ice that I used to keep wrapped around me falls away.

“Mama, how am I supposed to say I love you? I don’t know what that is. Hell mama, I crave you. I f*cking need you so bad I can’t breathe unless you’re close by. If that’s love then f*cking sign me up, I’m there as long as you’re with me. God baby girl… I need you with me,” I say closing my eyes trying to still the pain I feel that I might have hurt her.

I feel moisture drip down onto my chest and look down to see my woman wiping her eyes. Shit I made it worse.

“Mama, I’m sorry…”

“I love you so much Dragon, everything about you is perfect for me.”

I swallow down more words. I’m longing to open up to her, but I can’t. That’s not fair to my woman, but I need to regroup.

“Go to sleep Mama. It’s been a busy day for you. Me and the boys need to go take care of some things tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry Dragon. I know how much it hurts you and even if you don’t want to talk about it, I know what you’re doing.”

“Nicole, don’t ask me to change. The club has a code, my life has a code, I love you but if I let one f*cker get away with shit like this, then a mountain of…”

“I’m not asking for anything Dragon, I’m not stupid. I’m just asking that you don’t lie to me about things or keep them from me. This is who you are, and I’ve seen it up close even if you never meant for me too, and I’m still here.”

“I can’t always share what’s going on with you Nicole and that’s as much for your safety as anything else.”

“When I ask, you will tell me what you can.”

I swallow, wondering if this will bite me in the f*cking ass.

“I’ll try.”

“Good enough.”

“Are you done busting my balls now? Can we go to sleep?”

“Since you won’t give me cock, I guess we might as well.”

“God I had no idea what I was in for when I claimed you,” I said with a smile, kissing the top of her head.

“Night Sweetheart,” she whispers.

I lay there listening as her breathing evens out and she drifts to sleep.

Chapter 28


He’s killing me. It’s been four weeks since I’ve been out of the hospital and he still won’t have sex with me. I know he wants it, he’s denying himself as much as he is me. It’s driving me crazy. He won’t listen to reason, even when I had the doctor talk to him personally.

Still, tonight was the night. How did I know this? Because I had a surprise for him, I had Dani and Bull taking me out during the day while Dragon’s been away dealing with Irish. I hadn’t asked but I knew whatever was going on was extra hard on him.

I hated my scars, I hated they would be a reminder to Dragon of a betrayal by his brother. I hated that they made him feel like he let me down. So I decided to do something drastic. In the past two weeks I had got an outline going from the first gun shot wound that covered my entire right ass cheek, all along my incision and up my back wrapping around my arm. It was a gigantic Dragon tattoo and I loved it. I couldn’t wait to get it colored in. Today was the first appointment for the shading and I had also put a smaller tattoo on my neck which was a dragon’s wing that had the word mine woven into the scales. The dragon’s fire moved up my back over my left shoulder and ended with a plume of smoke on the top of my hand that said Property of Dragon on it. Now, I could have gone overboard and I was nervous as heck. I was also thankful that Dragon had been keeping late nights at the Shed. Though the reason why sucked, it had helped me keep my secret a secret.

Tonight was New Years, and because of everything that had been going on we had completely missed Christmas. So I had extra celebrating to do. Dragon doesn’t know it yet, but he will be giving me what I want.

The club is packed, some of the sister chapter from Ohio were in visiting. I’m wearing a dark red sweater dress that ends just above my knee. It has a turtle neck collar and covered every part of me. I had my black, high heel, f*ck me boots on and my hair was starting to go back to light blonde because I had stopped adding the chestnut. I looked hot. I know I did. I was bummed Dani wouldn’t be here tonight to see me in action, but she was spending New Years with her brother.

I watch Dragon from the bar. His eyes are on me. I grab my drink that Six slides over with a wink and take a drink, lifting the cherry out and sucking on it. It’s a lame flirt, and horribly obvious, but it’s working so I climb on the stool, allowing my dress to ride up my thigh.

“You’re playing with fire girl,” Crusher said laughing.

“I hope so.”

“Lucky Bastard doesn’t know what’s about to hit him does he?”

I look back over at Dragon and he’s watching us so closely I practically feel the heat from his gaze.

“I hope not.” I grin and we both laugh as I take another drink.

“Get the f*ck away from my woman.” Dragon barks, catching me off guard. Damn he moves fast.

I watch as Crush salutes me and walks off shaking his head.

“That was kind of rude.”

“He was trying to look at your ass. Pull your dress down woman.”

Jordan Marie's Books