Say You Love Me(60)

Chapter 20


I thought my heart was going to pop out of my stomach. That’s how fast it was racing. I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone and I wanted to pinch myself. Was I really and truly here with Cody and had he really just said that he loved me? This couldn’t be happening. This was all too surreal. Cody was not here, with me, in my living room, telling me he’d been lying to me. Things like this didn’t happen in real life. People didn’t all of a sudden love you. He didn’t all of a sudden love me. Prayers didn’t really come true. I didn’t understand. I must be dreaming. I must be dreaming. I pinched myself and it hurt and I knew then that this wasn’t a dream. My heart started racing then and I could feel life stirring back into my cold body. Was Cody really here making me a believer once again?

“I'm glad I met you as a little girl.” Cody said with a small smile on his face and I frowned.

“Why?” I gazed into his eyes that were staring at me openly with love and I swallowed hard.


“Because why?” I wanted to ask him if this was some sort of cruel joke, but I was scared of his answer.

“Because this way I know I'm your true love.”

“Cody! Is this a joke?” I looked at him in shock. Was that something romantic coming out of his mouth? And what did he know about true love? And did he think that I loved him? Oh God, did he know?

“Of course not.” He shook his head.

“How do you know you're my true love then?” I grinned at him, unable to stop myself. I didn’t care if he knew I loved him, if he loved me as well.

“Because you're mine.” He said simply and my heart froze.

“Say that again.” I whispered.

“Say what?” He grimaced, looking slightly embarrassed and I laughed at the expression on his face. So awkward and slightly worried. Maybe he wasn’t as sure about my feelings as he was letting on.

“You know.”

“I know nothing.”


“That's my name.”

‘I'm your true love?”

“I said it.”

“You don't believe in true love though, you’ve told me that several times.”

“I believe in you.” He said simply, his eyes shining brightly and I felt like the sun had come out in my living room, such was the light shining through my heart and soul.

“Thank you.” I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly and I felt his fingers grasping mine. I looked over at his face and he had a small smile on his face.

“Don't go expecting me to send any sappy poetry or lines from books though.” He laughed.

“You’d love it.” I grinned, though; I knew I would love it as well.

“Ugh, never.”

“What is life without love?” I asked him softly, giddy with happiness.

“Life.” He said and I looked over at him and glared. “What?” He said, with a bigger smile. “Life without love is still life.”

“I can't believe that we're soul mates sometimes.” I shook my head. “You're so cynical.”

“So you think we’re soul mates.” He started grinning at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

“I think that’s been obvious.” I laughed. “I haven’t really hidden it that well, have I?” I gazed at him tenderly, hardly believing that this moment was happening.

“Say it.” He said, looking into my eyes deeply.

“Say what?” I teased him.

“You know.” He said, his eyes beguiling, begging me to put him out of his misery, “Say it.” He said again, almost begging.

“Say what?” I said again, teasing him, needing him to know it meant a lot to me. As much as it meant to him.

“Say you love me.” He said, gripping my hands as he waited.

“I love you Cody Walker.” I said sweetly and simply, kissing his lips softly. “I love you with all my heart. I always have and I always will.”

The End

J. S. Cooper's Books