Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(42)
Paisley squeezes my hand, and I look up at her to find a tender look on her face. Not one of pity or heartbreak. I already promised myself to leave out the gory details, and I will, but I want her to know what happened; to know this dark part of me.
"Only tell me what you want, East." She says gently.
"I want to tell you everything.”
"Then, I want to hear it. Your battle is my battle, and we fight together."
I know those words will stick with me for a long time. They’re exactly what I need to hear, and I vow the moment I’m out of here, they’ll be my next tattoo.
"For a couple weeks, they left me alone with nothing more than water and two trays of food a day. Peanut butter sandwich for breakfast and some kind of soup at night. But the next time they came in, I was too weak to fight, and they knew it. It had been their plan all along." I say, pausing.
Wanting to hold her for the next part, I motion Allie to the floor, and then pull Paisley into my lap. I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her head.
"That's when they started to get mad. Each day they would come in and ask questions about things I didn't know. When I didn't give them any answers, they retaliated. It was different each day. Knives, burns, starvation. It was like they got off on my pain. So eventually, I shut down and didn't react, even to the pain. That pissed them off, and then they would leave me alone for days in a row. When I was finally rescued, they said I had been there just over a year."
Paisley shifts then, and wraps her arms around my neck, and her soft lips trail kisses along my jaw.
"I'm so glad you survived and are here with me today." She whispers against my ear, and despite the heavy conversation, my cock starts to stir.
"When I got to the hospital, I was just used to shutting everything out that I didn't know how to stop. I didn't want to feel everything that would come with turning my emotions back on. I didn't want to deal with the pain, and I didn’t want to remember. So, I sat at the window and enjoyed the sun on my face, because it reminded me, I wasn't there anymore. Then, Noah showed up at my door and barged his way in." I chuckle and kiss the top of her head.
"When he suggested I transfer here, I figured why not. At least, the food would be better, right? Then, you walked in, and I finally had a reason to get better; a reason to put this behind me. You seem to know just what I need, how far to push me, and when. Where everyone else was walking on eggshells, you weren't afraid to get mad at me. I hate you’re mad at me, sunshine, but that was the encouragement I needed for today."
She sighs, and then pulls me down for a kiss. Her lips dance across mine in a claiming kiss that I want more of. I lay her back on the couch, thankful the dogs aren't in the way. I brace myself over her and look in her luminous, brown eyes.
"Thank you for being the one I want to get better for," I tell her.
"Thank you for opening up to me."
"Always for you."
I use my body to pin her to the couch, and she wraps her legs around my hips, pulling me in closer. I want to bury myself deep inside her, and I can feel her pulsing beneath me, as I angle my hips and grind against her, causing her to gasp. Having her wrapped around me, I realize I’m in love with this girl and want to spend the rest of my life with her. Only right now isn't the time to tell her. Until I’ve proven myself and told her brother about us, I need to wait. I want her to know without a shadow of a doubt that I mean it, when I say it.
So, I swallow those words, grind against her again, and trail kisses down her neck.
"Easton." She gasps.
"Yeah, sunshine?" I ask, while kissing back up the other side of her neck and grind into her again. I’m addicted to the silky feel of her skin under my lips.
"That feels so good. Don’t stop."
"What does? This?" I grind my erect cock into her again.
Her hips buck under me, and she lets out a low mewling sound, telling me I hit the right spot. I pick up the rhythm, as I kiss her and make love to her mouth the way I wish I could to the rest of her.
Just a few of my thrusts, and she’s falling over the edge, but I swallow her screams of pleasure. Then, she's a limp rag doll in my arms, and knowing I was the one who did this to her, has me harder than I can ever remember being.
She trails a hand down my chest with a smile on her face.
"Your turn." She reaches for my cock.
I take her hand in mine.
"Nope, I got what I need. Knowing I can make you feel like this, is all I need today. Snuggle on the couch with me?"
Lying down on the couch, I pull her in front of me, wrapping myself around her waist and tugging her close. Molly and Allie lay on the floor in front of us at our feet.
Paisley takes control of the remote, and I settle in for a perfect afternoon. One of many more, if I play my cards right.
Chapter 28
Chapter 28
I’m loving this new take charge Easton that has emerged. He's more confident, and that confidence is growing more each day. Watching him come out of his shell, is amazing to watch.
Molly and I walk into the downstairs basement level, where Lexi's office is, and before we get to the door, Molly is already growling. A second later, Barbie steps out of Lexi's office all smiles. She smirks at me, and then heads upstairs.