Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(43)

I'm frozen, standing in shock, thinking there is no way I just saw what I think I did.

"Paisley." Lexi is snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Was that Barbie?" I ask still stunned.

"Yes, she said you recommended her to volunteer here. Nice girl."

Crap, this is what I get for not using names with Lexi and just calling Barbie Leeland's girlfriend all the time. I’m in panic mode.

"No, no, no. Lexi, I didn't recommend her. She can't work here."

"Shit." She’s leading me to a chair in her office, so I can sit down.

"Go get Noah." I hear her tell someone behind me.

Molly has her head in my lap, nudging my hands, but no matter how hard I try, I can't get them to move.

"That's my brother's girlfriend," I say still in shock. "What the hell is she doing here? I'm missing something, Lexi. I swear I am. Why is she so hell bent on this place?”

"A lot of women see these guys for a steady paycheck with the VA benefits."

"Everything they can get for being on the arm of a military man," Noah says.

Noah's ex was with him for just that reason. I remember them telling me that.

"She can't be here, Lexi. She was so dead set on... Oh, shit. Easton!"

I'm running up the stairs through the lobby with Molly right at my side, and Lexi and Noah are behind me. I get to Easton's room, and just like I fear, there’s Barbie, and she isn't listening.

"I said get out," Easton is saying through gritted teeth. His fists clenched at his side.

Barbie has an arm wrapped around his arm and a smug, self-satisfied smile on her face.

"Oh, come on. Leeland told me all about you, big guy."

Molly is growling, and Allie is too, but it doesn't seem to faze Barbie. It's almost like she wants them to attack her, which Allie is getting ready, too.

I shout, "Allie, down! Molly, Stay." Thankfully, both dogs listen.

Sadly, my rage doesn't listen to my own advice, because it's me who lunges at her, and before I know it, I have a grip on her hair, and I'm whipping her away from Easton and flinging her to the ground.

"Paisley, don't." Easton wraps his arms around me from behind.

"I knew there was something going on with you two," she sneers. "Wait until Leeland finds out."

"So, your whole plan was to expose us and drive a wedge between my family? This stunt isn't going to win him back." I raise my voice, and both Allie and Molly get between me and Barbie, facing her ready to lunge if needed. This time I’ll let them.

"We will see about that." She straightens her clothes.

Then I laugh, because this is all so ridiculous. "You don't get it. You were never the girl he was going to marry. You were the girl to get Mom off his back and to get his dick wet. Look at you. You’re going to be someone's trophy wife; not in a real relationship."

"You bitch!" She screams and takes a step towards me, but Molly and Allie are right there, baring their teeth and growling.

Barbie looks at them, and then at me.

I shrug, "I'm not stopping them this time, so chose your next move carefully." She looks back at the dogs, then back to me, but it's Lexi's voice that fills the room.

"We won't be needing you here in any way or capacity. Jake here will be escorting you off the property, and it's in your best interest not to step foot on it again." Lexi says harshly just as Jake comes in with Atticus.

"Oh, great! Another one of your mutts. Of course, they’re going to defend you," Barbie sneers.

"Yes, we protect our own here," Noah says not missing a beat.

"Are you going to go willingly, or will I have to forcefully remove you?" Jake says in a cold voice.

"I'm going." She heads towards the door.

"Hey, Jake. Come back by, when you're done," I say.

He nods, and he and Barbie head out the door. Once out of sight, Easton lets go of me, and the tension in the room disappears.

"I didn't know," Lexi says.

"I know, and it's my fault for not using names, when I talked about her."

"We were going to invite you two over for dinner tonight. If you’re up for it," Noah says.

"That's up to Easton." I turn to face him. "We’re having dinner together either way, whether it's here or there. What do you want to do?"

"What time?"

"Six okay?" Lexi says.

"We’ll be there."

Lexi and Noah leave, but his nurse Kaitlyn peeks her head in. "Hey, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Yeah, I'm okay."

She nods and closes the door behind her. Easton takes my hand and sits me down on the couch.

"Now care to explain what exactly just happened here?"



I don't like seeing Paisley upset. Even growing up, she didn't get upset often, as she was very much a go with the flow and relaxed type. So, to see her get so mad today, I know there’s something going on.

At the same time, seeing her defend me. Fuck, if I don’t want to throw her on the bed and thank her with multiple orgasms. That’s still the plan, but first, I need to find out what's going on in that beautiful head of hers.

Kaci Rose's Books