Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(44)

Once we both get seated on the couch, I decide to get right to the point.

"Now, care to explain what exactly just happened here?"

She sighs, "That was Leeland's girlfriend, well, ex-girlfriend. They broke up after she went off on me at my parents’ house. She was pissed she wasn't allowed to come to visit you, when Leeland did, but the amount of anger she had, I don't know. It was like I was missing something."

There’s too much space between us, so I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into my lap.

"Keep going," I say.

"Lexi and Noah said she could be looking to attach herself to an ex-military guy from here for a steady paycheck, and the benefits of being on a veteran’s arm, but my gut says it's more than that. This seems... almost personal."

"That's my gut feeling, too," I tell her.

"Lexi knows about her, but I never used her name, or else she would have put two and two together, and this never would have happened."

"No, don't go there. She would have found a way, no matter what. This was not your fault." I can't have her blaming herself for this.

A few minutes of silence pass, as we snuggle into each other, before she speaks again.

"Are you sure you’re up for dinner at Lexi and Noah's?"

"I think so, but there’s only one way to find out, right?" I say, just as there’s a knock on the door.

"Come in," I call out, and the man that was here earlier with Atticus steps in.

Paisley tries to scoot off my lap, but I hold her tighter, and she laughs. "Easton, this is Jake. Jake, this is my Easton. Sit down and join us." She gestures towards a chair.

My heart is racing, and I wonder if he can tell I'm barely keeping it together. It has nothing to do with a stranger in the room, but with Paisley calling me hers.

"Hey, Atticus." I smile at him, and he looks up at Jake.

"Go on, boy." Atticus runs over to me, licking my hands in hello, and then greets Molly and Allie, before returning to Jake's side.

"Paisley tells me you’re doing security here?"

"Yeah, Noah made it very clear he's holding the lead position for you, but yeah, I'm volunteering. It’s Paisley's idea. She thinks I need social skills."

"You have social skills,” Paisley says. “You just need to get out of the house and out of your head. Plus, Atticus already knows everyone here. Though, this was a hell of a first day on the job."

"Yeah, it was. Guess there won't ever be a dull moment here, huh?"

"From what Lexi tells me, no there won't be," Paisley says.

I watch Jake, and he’s watching me, even though he's talking to Paisley. I like that his eyes aren't on her. He's making it clear to me he isn't interested in her like that, and I respect that.

"How's Atticus for you?" I ask.

"He's good. Still nerve racking to have him full-time and be responsible for him, but now, I couldn't imagine not having him. How is Allie doing for you?"

"Pretty much the same. I'm glad Paisley pushed her on me, but it's still a bit nerve racking, knowing she depends on me. Though, after a day like today, I plan to spoil her rotten."

"I believe it," Paisley says, leaning down to pet Allie.

"Well, I better get back out there and meet everyone. I'd like to sit down and talk again." Jake says, standing up.

"Yeah, stop by anytime.”

He nods and closes the door behind him.

"So, we have about three hours, before we have to be at Lexi and Noah's. What would you like to do?" Paisley asks.

"Hold you.”

"We can snuggle on the couch and watch TV."

"Sounds perfect."

We lay down on the couch, her in my arms, and the dogs on the floor in front of us. It's simple and perfect. Those three hours fly, because before I know it, we’re ready to go to Lexi and Noah's.

"Do you want to walk or drive over?" Paisley asks.

"Let's walk. I think it will do the dogs good.”

"I agree."

We walk hand-in-hand. I thought the further I got from Oakside, the harder it would be, but it's not. With Paisley beside me, and the dogs walking with us, it doesn't bother me at all.

There’s a walking trail through the tree line on the side of Oakside, and as we break through the trees, I can see a white colonial style home with bright colored flowers out front.

Lexi and Noah greet us on the front porch and pay more attention to the dogs than to us.

"This is normal every time I'm here. It's like I'm just the person that brings the one they’re really visiting with." Paisley says with a smile on her face.

"Oh, hush. I think we’ll eat on the sun porch." Lexi says, leading us inside.

We follow her inside to a beautiful, rustic home with barn doors and white and gray paint. The sun porch is in complete contrast with its cement floors, waist to ceiling windows, and bright pink, orange, and yellow pillows and decorations.

"This must be your room," I say.

"Yep. Noah has a man cave upstairs, though he hardly uses it. He's always in here with me."

"I'm wherever you are," Noah says, not missing a beat.

Kaci Rose's Books