Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(39)
"Normally yes, but Jake is a friend, so I'm going to do some training with them at his place. I'm hoping to find a new dog or two, as Molly hasn't been the only dog in the house for years, and I don't want her to get any ideas," I say.
"Well, if I hear about any possible dogs, I’ll let you know."
I head to the home of Mrs. Astor. She fosters dogs and always keeps an eye out for ones that she thinks might be a good fit for me. She has found me three good ones so far, including Allie.
Mrs. Astor's home is an old Victorian that looks like it hasn't aged a bit on the outside. On the inside, it's completely catered to the dogs she fosters. She's had up to ten at a time, but this time, there are only five that greet me.
"Paisley, dear." She hugs me, as if I might break if she squeezes too hard. "Come in. I want you to meet Reba."
I sit down on the couch, and Mrs. Astor calls over a golden retriever, whose fur has reddish highlights in it.
"Did you name her?" I ask, petting the dog.
"No, that's the name she came with, but it fits, I think. She’s house broken, follows the basic commands you told me to look for, and when the mail comes through the slot, she brings it to me."
"Well, sounds like she has the makings for a good service dog. Mind if I take her out back and run her through some tests?"
"Of course not, dear. You know the way. Can Molly stay here? I'd love for her to try the new dog cookies I baked."
"She'd love that."
Once I get Molly mixed in with Mrs. Astor's other dogs, Reba and I head out back.
Mrs. Astor was right, she knows all the basic commands any house-trained dog would, plus a few extra. She pays attention and isn't easily distracted.
"Would you like to come home with me and get some training to help your new owner?" I ask, as if she can understand me.
She cocks her head to the side and wags her tail. I give her a good rubdown, and then we go inside.
"I think she’s perfect," I say.
"Oh, I knew she would be. Such a good girl, Reba." She gives her a cookie.
I pull out my wallet to pay Mrs. Astor.
"No, no, dear. I'm just happy she’s going to a good home."
"I know, but we talked about this. Consider it a donation, so you can rescue a few more dogs. I can't have you shutting down. Where would I get the best dogs to train from?"
"Well, when you put it that way." She says hesitantly, taking the money from me.
When we get home, I take Reba out back and get her sitting pretty on the porch and take a photo for the website. I also decide to send it to Easton.
Me: Added a new member to the family today. This is Reba, and she starts training this weekend.
I attach the photo with the text.
Easton: I can't wait to meet her.
Me: I'm getting her settled, so I’ll be a little late, but I’m coming.
Easton: Okay. I can't wait to hear all about Reba.
I get Reba set up with food, a water bowl, and her own bed. One of my bedrooms is set up just for the dogs, and there are no people beds just dog beds. I put her in there and close the door since I'm not sure how she’ll take me being gone and being alone. This will be her first big test.
I then load up Molly and Atticus and head to Jake’s house. When I get there, he's sitting on the front porch, and even though he tries to hide it, I can tell he’s nervous. Atticus can too and heads right to him.
"Hey there, boy." He says, looking up and giving me a shy smile. "Let's go inside."
"Sorry I was late. I got a lead on another dog and went to check it out. She's perfect, so I was getting her settled, before I came over."
We chat for a minute about Reba, and I show him the photo. We’re sitting in the living room, and Atticus is in Jake’s lap. He's quiet for a minute.
"What wrong?" I ask.
"What if I mess him up? What if he hates living with me full-time? I wasn't allowed to have pets growing up. What if I forget to feed him?" He rapid fires questions at me.
"Oh, Jake. You’re going to be fine. I’ll still be coming by. Atticus loves you, and if you forget to feed him, he’ll tell you. He will literally pick up the bowl and bring it to you. That boy isn't going to miss a meal, so don't you worry. And I'm always a phone call away night or day, okay?"
"Okay." He says rather unconvincingly.
"Plus, you’ll be at Oakside what, three days a week? You’ll see me there. You’ll see so much of me you’ll be sick of me."
"Promise?" He asks with a smile.
"Promise. Now, let's go through some daily routines with him."
We go through the motions and get his food, water, and bed set up.
"Now remember, if you let him in bed with you once, it's a lifetime thing, and he’ll crawl in bed with you every night. When he's home, he doesn't need the vest, but when you leave the house, it's best to always have it on. It will keep people away, which for you, is a double benefit."
Jake doesn't like people crowding him, so if we can get people to give him space while he's out, then all the better.
"I have his paperwork in my wallet, and you on speed dial," he says.