Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(37)

"Will I see you tomorrow?"

"Molly and I’ll be there."

Chapter 24

Chapter 24


Molly wakes me up by licking my face. I groan and turn over to see it's almost ten a.m. When was the last time I slept this late?

I sit up, and my head starts pounding. I didn't think I had that much to drink last night, but I remember every dirty word Easton said and groan, because now, I'm turned on again just as much as I was last night.

Now that I know what he can do with just his voice, I can only imagine what it would be like in person, and that excites me even more. I want everything he said last night. I want the rough him that can't hold back.

I get out of bed, start the coffee, and pull out a pack of pop tarts, while I feed Molly and Atticus.

"I really should look at getting another dog or two to train. Atticus is going to be going with Jake full-time soon, and then it's just you and me, Molly," I say.

It's completely normal for me to have full conversations with Molly as if she understands every word I say. I think she does, even if I can't prove it.

I'm just starting to feel normal with one cup of coffee in me when there’s a loud knock on my door. Great, I'm still in my PJs, and I need another cup of coffee. At least, I’m in my sweats and t-shirt and not something more revealing.

Opening my door, I find my brother on the other side. He looks me over, before speaking.

"Can we talk?" He asks.

I nod and step aside to let him in. I'm suddenly wishing I had let Easton tell me about their conversation yesterday. What did my brother say, when Easton told him about us? At least, I'd have an idea of how this conversation is about to go.

"You okay? You look like you just woke up." He says, as we sit down in the living room.

"It's because I did. I had a date with a bottle of wine and slept, until Molly decided to kiss me awake." I wipe my face again, because I can still feel the slobber on it.

Lee chuckles and shakes his head. "So, I talked with Easton yesterday."

"How did that go?"

"It was tense. He told me a bit about why he was there, but didn't go into detail."

"He doesn't go into detail with anyone, not even Noah or his doctors. We all think it's what’s holding him back." I shrug.

"He sang your praises, though."

"What do you mean?"

"How you've been there for him and been a help to him. He even chewed me out about how I've been letting people treat you." He looks at the floor.

I smile, because of course, Easton would say something. He's very protective of those he cares about, always has been. Lee used to be that way, but something changed, while he was in college, and he lost that protective side.

"He say anything else about me?"


Disappointment hits me. He didn't tell Lee about us.

‘Be careful that he isn't using you as a crutch to get better.’

Brooke's words come back to me again. Maybe, I’m reading him all wrong. Last night, I was more than willing, and he's a guy, and what guy wouldn't take advantage, right? He said himself if he was a better guy, he would have hung up. Guess that was my warning.

My phone goes off, but I ignore it.

"Will you be going to see him again?" I ask.

"Yeah, we’re having lunch again next week. He also admitted to taking out the guy who attacked you."

"Yeah, I had brought Allie to him to take to his appointment and was waiting in his room, when Alec pushed his way in. Easton got there in time and made me promise to always bring Molly. He has Allie full-time now, so I’ll have Molly. For weeks, Molly had been trying to warn us about that guy, and we didn't listen."

"Dad told me what happened with Barbie when I went over there yesterday."

I tense up, waiting for whatever excuse he has lined up.

"I broke up with her. It hadn't been right for a while, and I just kept thinking things would work out. It was just easy."

"You mean, it was easy to get your dick wet." I snap.

"I'm not okay talking about this with you, but yes, basically.”

Mumbling under my breath I say, "So, I get put on the back burner yet again. Nothing new I should expect it by now."

I'm hurt still by Easton putting us on the back burner, so he could reconnect with Lee, and for all the years my parents have backed Lee with the priority to clean up his shit.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothing. I'm used to it by now.”

Lee studies me, and then asks, "Are you sure you’re okay?"

"I'm fantastic. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to salvage some of my day," I say, trying to keep my voice even.

He hesitates only a moment, before standing and turning to leave.

"If something was wrong, you'd tell me, right?"

"Oh yeah, because you have shown you care about me so much. You'd be the first I'd tell."

He cringes, "I'm going to fix this."

"I don't see how. I’ll see you at dinner next week." I close the door behind him.

Kaci Rose's Books